The rise of the pervert primordial-Chapter 84 Eric’s Interference

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The same girl that that presented the "clack star iron", went up the scenario with a white jade large case, she opened it to show the content to the public, inside of there was a long-refined sword with a white handle and a blue gem engraved on it, the blade of the sword was long and narrowed towards the end of it.

The old man Wieland presented the item.

"This sword is called "Winter Blossom", we haven't been able to appraise its rank but we can guarantee that is in the worst-case scenario a weapon of the low sky grade, the starting price is of 80,000 spirit stones and each offer should go up by 10,000 spirit stones at least".

As soon as the old man Kraft finished speaking the bids started to flow in.


"110,000" …

The bids kept coming until the price reached 190,000 spirit stones when Kray decided to step in.

"250,000", the crowd became noisier, the only ones bidding for the sword were already the big families but even they didn't augment the bid for more than 20,000 spirit stones at once, so it was clear to everyone that the Rein family was especially interested on it.

Aster was about to place his bid when a familiar voice echoed on the auction house.

"Hahaha, you want to get such a good weapon for this price dream on, "280,000".

The people started to discuss between each other until one member of the Rein family said in a loud voice.

"God damn Asher savages…".

Kray felt a vein popping in his neck, "that crazy brat from the Asher's is messing with me again".

That's right, the one bidding against Kray a moment ago was the guy Aster met on the weapon store, Eric Asher.

Aster was amused by the situation, knowing Eric he didn't even want to get the sword and was only bidding to see Kray Rein getting annoyed.

Kray gritted his teeth.


But unfortunately for him Eric still wanted to made him suffer.

"330,000", let's see how much do you want that sword hahaha".

The elder Kurt who was next to Kray, radiated some killing intent, "just wait Asher family, one day you will wish to not have gotten in our way".

Needless to say, but Kray was also angry, first some spendthrift won the black star iron he has set his eyes on and now the Asher family was messing with him, he decided to use his personal savings just to put the Asher's in their place.

"Very well… Asher family I will remember this, "400,000" let's see who brought more funds to bid today".

This time Eric waited a bit before bidding again.

"I'm so scared hahaha, "430,000".

Kray already lost his cool so he was leaded by the nose until the bid reached the incredible amount of "580,000" spirit stones, the people was stuck to their seats that amount of money was more than one year of income even for the biggest families.

Eric finally decided to end his play.

"Since the Rein young master seems so interested in this sword I will magnanimously step aside and let him have it, there is no need to thank me".


The Asher family members on the public laughed so loud the floor trembled a bit until Wieland asked them to calm down before things could get out of hand.

Kray's heart was bleeding, he paid almost double the estimated price of the sword, "at least I won the sword…".

Or so he believed until he heard something that made him almost vomit blood.

"That was a nice show, 600,000", Aster placed his bid.

Kray finally couldn't keep it together, he stood up from his seat and shouted.

"That friend on the room number 1, are you sure you want to compete with my Rein family?".

Aster smiled, "I got you", he thought before replying.

,m "I don't care to what family you belong, if you don't have enough money to bid then… scram!!!".

Kray was lost, in all his life even when he faced the heirs of the other three families no one has ever told him to scram, he turned to see the elder Kurt who also had a murderous expression on his face.

"Elder… can you lend me some spirit stones? I will ask father to refund them once we get the sword".

The elder nodded, "of course young master, but I only have 200,000 spirit stones with me right now, with a higher cultivation one could of course earn more working for a family but the usage of them also augmented since they were needed to cultivate faster from the earth origin realm and above.

"Thanks, elder", with renovated confidence Kray returned to the game.

"620,000", let's see how much can you last again my Rein family, you vulgar bumpkin".

Aster smiled while he shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I don't want to make a show of myself, "750,000".

Kray felt his legs trembling on his mind he was sure that the other guy would not go above 650,000 spirit stones since the price was already ridiculous but he was wrong.

The elder Kurt also felt his lungs almost exploding from anger, in the Azure sky planet he was the one that represented the Rein family, a respected cultivator on the stellar constellation realm but now some unknown no name was insulting his young master in his face".

"Young master… do it", Kray nodded 750,00 was quite a specific number so it was probably all what the other guy had left and since he could still bid one more time, then the winner should be him.

"I Kray Rein applaud your tenacity but I have very special plans for that sword so I can't let you win it".

"800,000", the Rein people started celebrating as if they had achieved something incredible while Kray sat back on the couch to enjoy his victory, a few moments passed and there was no response from the room number one so Wieland thought that maybe the boy decided that a sword with a damaged spirit gem wasn't worth all the trouble until the unmistakable sound of someone laughing broke the moment.

Aster clapped his hands before saying.

"That was such a good speech, unfortunately I can assure you that my reason to want that sword is far better than yours, "900,000".

This time even the crowd was remained silent while Wieland internally sighed, "he was playing with the Reins from the very beginning", he thought.

A whole minute passed and there was no answer coming from the room number three so the old man Kraft decided to wrap things up.

"The winner is the esteemed guest of the room number 1; I thank everyone for attending our auction and I hope to see you next time".

While some people started leaving all the cultivators that belonged to the Rein family didn't move from their seats, they took out their communicating talismans and started sending messages.

Wieland left the scenario, normally the ones that won the bid have to go to the backstage to pay for their items but this time he personally rushed to the room number one to hand the items himself.

Back on Aster's room Alice was still laughing as if there was no tomorrow.

"Hahaha, that idiot really thought he had already won, I wish I could see his expression right now".

Even Lilia seemed amused by the situation, "just like that old man from the Rein's the son is also a clown, right darlinggg ??".

Aster agreed with his mother, "yes, but he is irrelevant, now I have a good gift to give Aria on her father's birthday, that is going to be quite a fun ride hahaha".

*Knock knock*

"And there it is, quite fast if you ask me" thought Aster while he stood up to open the door.

Wieland entered the room but this time he respectfully bowed his head towards Lilia before taking out three boxes of different sizes from his spatial ring before placing them on the table.

"The items you requested; esteemed customer please check them out".

Aster opened the boxes and inside of them there was a red jade pendant, a black piece of metal ore and finally a beautifully designed sword, he nodded after confirming they were the real deal and handed Wieland a spatial ring. 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

"Here is the payment", Wieland received the ring before scanning the content with his spirit sense and turning to leave.

"The amount is the correct, it was a pleasure doing business with you, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave, please come back again".

Once the old man left Aster smiled before helping both of his ladies to get up the couch.

"We have two options, we can directly transport to the castle or we can leave that Kray guy a parting gift to commemorate out first time meeting, you decide ladies".

Alice shrugged, "he has been pestering Aria for a long time, I vote to teach him a lesson".

Lilia also nodded, "humph I hate guys like him, back on my teen years I was also bothered by a lot of idiots so I understand what that little girl has gone through".

Aster smiled, "I obey, let's get some interests in Aria's name".

Although Wieland left in a hurry to prepare, no one could have prevented what was about to happen in Ghaleria, which will make the locals to believe in legends but that is a story for another time.