The Scarlet Paladin-Chapter 46: Barnyard Bash
Chapter 46: Barnyard Bash
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Catching the rat by surprise and hitting its critical spot, Claire was able to down the rat instantly. She abandoned her sword for now as she turned to face the three remaining rats. One was screeching while on its back, while the other two were looking at her. Their pelts were burning off as their skin started to melt. Claire had to pull her collar up not to gag on the smell.
She readied her shield and hit the closest one with it, stunning it, as the other was hit by Elsie's fireball. That rat fell as the fire consumed it. Claire backed up to the rat she killed previously as the stunned rat recovered. She grasped her sword and used her foot to pull it from the rat. She was able to pull it as the rat ran towards her. She met the rat's attack with her shield before stabbing into its chest. She knocked it to the side as it let out one last screech before dying.
She spun around to check the hole only to see two rats jammed up against Ana's ward. She held out her sword, signaling to Ana that she was ready, as the barrier fell. She readied herself as two more rats charged her. She dodged the faster one before using her defensive strike on the slower one. She heard a fireball hit behind her as she stunned the second rat. She pressed the advantage and started stabbing into the rat's chest and neck.
She was hit from behind by the first rat, but was able to roll and recover from its tail attack. She felt Ana's healing spell surround her as she faced the first rat. It was on fire but still standing. Claire still had a few seconds of cooldown as the rat pounced on her. She met it with her shield as it crashed into her. They tumbled into each other as she started stabbing with her sword.
She pushed its motionless body off her as its blood coated her armor. She looked back to the hole again and none of the rats were there. She immediately retreated back to her party members as their safety was the most important. She made it to the twins without spotting any more rats. They had defeated six so far, meaning nine were left outside the barn. She looked to Jasmine's hiding spot and found her observing outside.
"What are they doing?" She asked.
"Circling the barn and cutting off the exits. We'll be ambushed if we use either of the doors." Jasmine replied. Claire thought about what to do as Jasmine continued. "They didn't leave any by the hole though."
She bit her lip as she started to form a plan. They were spread out now so if they could isolate them in pairs or trios, it'd be easier to take out. She turned to Elsie and Ana and began to relay her idea. "We're leaving the barn, the hole is closest to the back entrance so we can take the rats there. Stay close to the hole and watch your backs."
Both twins nodded as all three moved to the hole in the wall. Elsie had an idea for her mine as Claire crawled through. She went out right after Claire and helped Ana as all three scanned their surroundings. No rats on this side of the barn.
"Okay, stay here and I'll bring them over." Claire said before moving. She had her back to the wall as she shifted towards the back of the barn. She made it to the corner and peaked to find three rats by the back door. She held up three fingers and then readied herself. She glanced back to make sure her mages weren't in trouble, finding them both ready. She took her sword hilt and hit the face of her shield creating a clang sound that caught the rats' attention.
All three scurried to chase Claire as she backed up to give Elsie a clear line of sight. As the rats rounded the corner, a wall of fire appeared setting them ablaze. Claire hit the first one with her defensive strike, slamming it into the other two. All three were pushed back into the firewall as Claire was nearly set on fire as well. She backed off after feeling the singing heat of Elsie's spell.
Their screeching would attract other rats so they had to be fast. Claire stabbed the first rat in the chest before the one farthest from her was killed by Elsie's fireball. The last remaining rat tried to retreat, but Ana's ward trapped it. Claire was able to kill it with one final stab before she hurried to her mages.
"Get behind me." She commanded the twins as she pressed them against the wall. She had them behind her as she looked left and right, looking for any movement. She didn't have to wait long as a rat rounded the corner from the front entrance. It ran towards the three before hitting Elsie's trap. It exploded in fire as it let out a gargled screech. Claire had to commend Elsie as that trap covered their blind spot when they focused on the back entrance.
Five more, they were either on the opposite side of the barn or by either of the entrances. Claire thought of what to do, but she was beaten to it. "We should retreat." Ana whispered to her.
Elsie nodded before adding, "We don't know where they are now. Let's regroup as they come towards the hole."
Claire nodded as she covered for the twins' retreat. She crawled back inside the barn herself as all three grouped up at the twins' original spot. They were a bit tired and had used at least half of their mana so far, but they could take care of the remaining rats. Claire looked to Jasmine again as she relayed intel.
"They're grouping up outside the hole again. Our intel was right, five remaining rats." Jasmine said. Claire nodded as she decided her next move.
"I'll use my taunt to get them inside, Elsie wait for the fifth one before using your firewall. Ana, cover me while I corral them." Claire commanded as the two nodded. She moved back towards the room with the hole before taking a deep breath and using her war cry. She heard a chorus of screeching as the rats scrambled to crawl through the hole. Her taunt had worked on them.
She stood with her shield readied as rats funneled into the room, a fireball flew past her and hit the first rat to pass through. It was set on fire and nearly killed, giving enough time for two more to enter. The three charged at Claire as she steeled herself. She waited until the first rat was in the air before she hit it with a defensive strike. It landed on the second rat and tumbled into the third. All three were stopped momentarily as the fourth one entered. Claire took this time to stab the weakened rat, killing it.
She quickly backed up as the fourth pounced at her. It hit Ana's ward and bounced off. Finally, the fifth entered through the hole. Claire backed up slowly as Ana's ward fell, the rats were more cautious now as they approached. It worked perfectly as their movements were slower. She passed backwards through the door of the room and signaled to Elsie. A wall of fire erupted right in front of her all the way to the hole. All four rats' pelts were set ablaze as they began to panic.
The four rats thrashed and charged at Claire. Ana's ward was on cooldown so she needed to block all four herself. She readied her shield as the first rat jumped to her. She smashed its head with her shield and braced for the second one. She rolled the second one off her shoulder and flung it behind her. She heard a fireball hit it before its screeching turned to a gargle. The third one charged right as her defensive strike came off cooldown, she used it and stunned it. That left the first and fourth rat. They both jumped at Claire as she blocked the first and stabbed at the fourth.
She tumbled onto her back as both rats hit her. She felt the fourth one's blood run down her sword and felt no resistance when she moved it. The first rat, however, was clawing at her shield and exposed armor. Her right arm was pinned under the fourth rat, so she had to improvise. She released both her shield and sword before tucking her arms into her chest. She used her arms to push up against her shield, using it to push the first rat off her. It worked as she rolled out from under the fourth and readied her fists.
The first rat's head was hit by a fire ball leaving one final rat, the third one. It fully recovered and lept towards Claire. Thankfully, Jasmine taught her unarmed combat as well. She caught the rat under its mouth, redirecting its bite before she used her other hand to grab its underbelly. She shifted her weight and arms with its momentum before slamming it to the ground. She unsheathed Jasmine's gift from her belt and met the rat on the ground. She stabbed its chest multiple times before it stopped moving entirely.
Out of breath and covered in blood, she stood triumphant. She didn't notice her wounds yet as the adrenaline was still pumping. She retrieved her shield from the first rat before turning the fourth rat over for her sword. She glowed a radiant yellow as Ana healed her scratch wounds. Thankfully, the scratches didn't damage any of her metal armor, just some of the leather.
She returned to her mages with a smile on her face. Jasmine jumped down from the second floor and joined the three. "You girls smell horrible." Jasmine said, pinching her nose. "But good job, didn't even need me to step in. Claire, nice work taking command and improvising a plan. Elsie, good job not hitting Claire. And Ana, good job plugging up any holes."
Claire felt her heart flutter at Jasmine's compliment. She shifted in her stance as Elsie grumbled to herself. Ana hugged her sister before whispering encouragements in her ear. All three felt satisfied in their first true victory in combat.
"Now, did any of you level up?" Jasmine asked.
All three checked their sheets and nodded, Claire found a new skill called parry that stunned the enemy. She smiled as she thought of how best to use it. Ana gained a taunting totem and Elsie was shocked to find a lightning spell instead of a new fire spell. Usually mages specialize in one element until they reach the teens, but Elsie got one on her third level up. Both twins looked at each other's sheets, both were close to another level up as well.
"Yeah, Ana and I are almost level 4 now too." Elsie spoke for them. She hugged her sister before Claire responded.
"I'm just under halfway to five, got a new parrying skill, should be handy to control enemies." She smiled at Jasmine as she nodded.
"Alright, let's get cleaned up and get to bed. Won't need a watch tonight, but let's take it easy." She said before turning to leave.
Level: 4
HP: 20/22
Mana: 11/11
Exp: 40
New skill: Parry: Use your sword or shield to parry your enemy's strike causing them to lose their balance. Cooldown 15s.
Strength: 9 Magic: 1
Dexterity: 8 Resistance: 10
Constitution: 6 Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 6 Divinity: 7
Defense: 12
Level: 3
HP: 14/11
Mana: 21/21
Exp: 80
New Skill: Lightning Strike: Strike an enemy with the power of lightning, shocking and stunning the target. Damage done based on magic stat. Cooldown 15s
Strength: 2 Magic: 10
Dexterity: 2 Resistance: 9
Constitution: 4 Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 8 Divinity: 3
Defense: 6
White Mage, Bestowed Lover: Aid your lover in combat and defend her with your magic.
Level: 3
HP: 17/14
Mana: 18/18
Exp: 78
New Skill: Weak Totem: Create a totem of pure light that attracts targets. Health of the totem is ⅓ your defense stat. Cooldown 200s
Strength: 2 Magic: 3
Dexterity: 2 Resistance: 10
Constitution: 4 Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 4 Divinity: 11
Defense: 9