The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 396 - 343: An Expected Turn of Unexpected Events

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Chapter 396: Chapter 343: An Expected Turn of Unexpected Events

Translator: 549690339

Pei Xuanjing merely glanced at the two men sparring, then continued forward.

“Amitabha, please halt, dear patron.” Master Zhiyuan stepped forth to block Pei Xuanjing’s path.

As a half-step heavenly being from the Brahman Gate, he couldn’t help but harbor a killing intent toward Pei Xuanjing.

The initial decision to hinder Pei Xuanjing’s journey was made by Master Zhiyuan himself. He never expected that his actions would result in the death of his four comrades, and therefore, attributed all the misfortunes to Pei Xuanjing. 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

Pei Xuanjing wore an indifferent expression on his face. His sharp Yin spirit sensed the monk’s murderous intent crystal clear, and understood its root cause.

However, Pei Xuanjing did not feel guilty at all. After all, anyone challenging him must be prepared for despair and death. It was but a case of reaping what one had sown.

He, silent and cold, merely stared at the old monk, seemingly uninterested in uttering a word.

Daoist Yin stepped forth, swinging his horsetail whisk to unleash countless silver threads. Like a giant net, they aimed at Master Zhiyuan. “Old monk, it’s me you should be dealing with!”

“Master Yin, I did not expect you to get involved in this!” Master Zhiyuan watched the silver threads closing in and sighed in resignation with a bitter smile.

“Ha, you monks are incorrigibly treacherous, you should have all been exterminated long ago.” The killing intent was apparent in Daoist Yin’s eyes.

The enmity between the Zong Sheng Temple, or the former Louguan Tao, and the Brahman Gate ran deep. The two major sects of the Taoist school often clashed in the past, causing countless casualties on both sides.

In fact, one of Daoist Yin’s own mentors was killed by the Brahman Gate. Therefore, when Louguan Tao grew more powerful, they suppressed the Brahman Gate the hardest, leading to the death of countless members of the Brahman Gate.

They even instigated Emperor Gaozu to annihilate the Buddhists. If the emperor had not been reluctant to see the Taoist school monopolize the realm, the losses of the Brahman Gate might have been even more devastating.

“It seems Master Yin has fallen into the Demonic Way!” exclaimed the noble monk, Master Zhiyuan. “Today, this old monk will attempt to purge you of your demonic nature and guide you back to your original self.”

The conclusion of his sentence was as booming as a striking bell, deafening to the ears that it echoed all around, shocking everyone around, as if a thunderclap had occurred right next to them.

The secret technique of the Brahman Gate, the Lion’s Roar.

Pei Xuanjing continued moving forward, immediately drawing the attacks of celestial human-ranked experts from the Demonic Cult and the Brahman Gate who wanted to halt his advance.

However, such people couldn’t pose any obstacle to Pei Xuanjing. Their attempts to obstruct him were like mantises trying to stop a chariot. No one could counter even a single move from Pei Xuanjing.

Quickly dispatching with just a few strokes of his palm, a number of celestial human rankers were sent flying. He was not even using his full strength. A casual blow from him was more than these people could handle. Those with superior abilities could still hold on to their lives after one hit, while those with inferior abilities were killed on the spot.

The saying ‘Kill one man every ten steps, without leaving a trace within a thousand miles’ was truly justified here.

With his robe fluttering despite the absence of wind, Pei Xuanjing continued to stride forward, leaving someone beaten and dispatched with every step. He didn’t even spare these unworthy opponents a glance, simply continuing forward.

But just as he approached the Palace of Myriad Images, another monk appeared in his path.

“Amitabha, I greet you, Sword Saint. Might you have been slightly too ruthless?”

“Oh, really?” Pei Xuanjing halted, his gaze sweeping over the surrounding people, a cold sneer on his lips. “They simply brought death upon themselves.”

He looked curiously at his opponent, asking, “I am curious to know your name, master. Since when did the Brahman Gate produce another half-step heavenly being?”

Yes, it was unexpected but true – the Brahman Gate had not one, but two half-step heavenly beings.

The monk now standing in his path was also a half-step heavenly being, and his power was by no means weak, for Pei Xuanjing could sense a slightly dangerous aura emanating from him.

“I am Master Huiming,” the monk replied, his eyes full of compassion. “Life is precious…”

“Why bother with such hypocrisy?” Pei Xuanjing scoffed. “If you were truly as compassionate as you claim to be, why did you leave your sanctuary in the first place?”

The current situation was largely due to the efforts of the Brahman Gate. In order to overturn the situation, they even cooperated with the Demonic Cult. Now, thinking that life was precious was nothing but a joke.

“Amitabha. Martial Generation Li Xing’s fortunes are sealed as they were decreed by the Heavenly Mandate. The Empress Dowager is the incarnation of Vairocana, the Buddha of Dharma embodiment. I am merely following the will of Heaven and if…”

“Hypocrisy!” Pei Xuanjing’s voice dripped with disdain. He coldly said, “I am not in the mood for such nonsense. You have two choices: either step aside and let me in, or die by my sword before I enter.”

Master Huiming was stunned, his eyes filled with surprise.

Even though he had heard of the domineering nature of the Sword Saint, he was still taken aback when faced with his haughtiness. His disregard even for a fellow practitioner who had also nearly reached the heavenly realm triggered a flicker of anger in Master Huiming.


As Master Huiming’s anger began to rise, Pei Xuanjing made his decisive move.

“If you’re so eager to die, I’ll oblige you.”

Pei Xuanjing said coldly, acting decisively.

He had no time to waste with this monk. Now that Ye Daoyuan and Daoist Yin had each taken an opponent, Huiming’s unexpected appearance had thrown their plans into disarray. Things couldn’t be allowed to drag on any longer.

The Empress Dowager had been in seclusion for quite a while now, and no one knew when she might emerge. If she did, it would indeed be a miscalculation.

Pei Xuanjing was seeking a confrontation with a peak half-step heavenly being, not a fully-realized one. The latter would be a situation of complete suppression, entirely meaningless for him.

Moreover, if their clash affected the Empress Dowager’s cultivation, causing her to emerge forcefully, it wouldn’t be an ideal situation either. Even an unascended dowager capable of unleashing only part of her strength would not be a scenario they wanted to face.

Therefore, the current strategy was to swiftly deal with one opponent to break the impasse.

Primordial Qi circulated within Pei Xuanjing’s body; his skin, muscles, and bones pulsed rhythmically, producing a long, calming breath. A grand and surging momentum rose skyward; his five fingers curled into a palm and swung downwards.

The Giant Spirit Surpasses Mountains.

Carrying an infinite, supreme and unyielding Gang wind, he strode forward with every step accompanied by a gust of wind, his aura was as imposing as a mountain.

The heavy, massive palm carried an endless wind, a force that could turn heaven and earth upside down.

Facing Pei Xuanjing’s bold attack, Master Huiming naturally fought back. He intoned a Buddhist chant, his palm radiating with golden light. His fingers turned into a large, golden seal as he fiercely blocked the attack.

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