The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 529 - 477: A Martial Artist with a Million Masters?

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Chapter 529: Chapter 477: A Martial Artist with a Million Masters?

There are just five thousand martial artists within the Shenxiao Sect. However, since the Shenxiao Sect was only recently revived, the number of martial artists within the Sect is the least compared to the other powers within the Taoist School, and even fewer than the Chunyang Sect, which has the least disciples.

If one were to estimate the total number of Third-Grade false master educators within the entire Taoist Alliance, then the number of false masters would likely exceed one hundred thousand. Considering this data, along with the other big alliances, different forces around the world, and the number within the Great Ming Divine Dynasty, as well as the independent practitioners in the world, wouldn’t the number of false masters reach several millions?

Xin Quanyang laughed bitterly and said, “I’m afraid the Sect Leader (True Person) doesn’t realize that these people are just the disciples of the Shenxiao Sect. If we count the other forces who are affiliated and submit to us, the number would have already exceeded ten thousand.”

Nearly twenty years have passed since the revival of Heaven and Earth, and even without intentionally expanding, the Shenxiao Sect has seen an increase in the number of disciples and martial artists.

So the five thousand false masters are nothing compared to an alliance of heretics, which has expanded rapidly in these years, and now has almost more than one hundred thousand false masters.

After the revival of Heaven and Earth, the martial artist’s cultivation became simpler. Along with the transmission of martial classics, anyone who does not have blocked meridians by birth and is willing to practice diligently can essentially get ranked and become a real martial artist.

As long as one has a bit of talent, even without the necessary resources, they can reach the Seventh Grade Realm through cultivation using the rich Essence Qi of Heaven and Earth. Once they reach this step and have some luck, stepping into the middle three realms is not particularly challenging.

One can say, only when a fourth-grade martial artist is promoted to the third grade, and steps into the upper three realms, is the cultivation of martial artists considered a major hurdle, which stops countless martial artists.

This is also why Deng Zhong and others believe that if Pei Xuanjing could solve the problem of the false master’s cultivation, he would receive the support of countless martial artists around the world.

Nowadays, this martial arts world is no longer the non-revived world of decades ago. The lower three realms are everywhere, the middle three realms are as common as dogs, only the upper three realms can show off a bit, and only the martial artists who have stepped into the spirit realm can truly be considered as strong.

Hearing Xin Quanyang’s statements, Pei Xuanjing couldn’t help but sigh at the passing of time.

Recalling when he first made his debut, a third-grade martial artist, even a false master, could be quickly acknowledged as a suppressive figure within any faction. A second-class martial artist could control the region, and a first-grade martial artist could cause shocks in the world.

“Hehe, it seems like I have neglected these matters for too long and have overlooked some things,” Pei Xuanjing regained his normal expression and remarked.

Hearing all this, Pei Xuanjing predicted that in the near future, as the Essence Qi of Heaven and Earth continued to recover, there would likely be more and more martial artists. Until the Essence Qi was completely restored, the prosperous cultivation scene during the Tang Dynasty might reappear.

At that time, the return of the Tianhuang Realm powers will indeed create a situation where those who have stepped into the seventh level of Spirit Realm and the Sixth Level training dominate everything. If we do not break through to the Spirit Realm at that time, our status would be no different from ordinary people who currently cannot cultivate.

But isn’t this the prosperous world that Pei Xuanjing was looking forward to?

Only this magnificent and grand world can support more strong men. The collision and exchange of wisdom sparks between countless strong men will give Pei Xuanjing more inspiration and the opportunity to become immortal.

He asked Xin Quanyang, “How many Third-Class masters are there in the Sect?”

After thinking for a moment, Xin Quanyang said, “About a thousand.”

About six thousand Third-Class martial artists, five thousand false masters who have not condensed martial art truth, and only one thousand martial artists who have comprehended martial art truth.

A ratio of one to five, showing the difficulty for a Fourth-Grade martial artist to comprehend the martial truth and break through to the third grade.

This ratio only considers the successful ones, not those who failed to break through. If those people were added as well, the ratio would likely be lower.

Even with the current power of the Shenxiao Sect, they cannot guarantee that all martial artists will comprehend the martial truth when breaking through to the third grade, which is why there are so many false masters within the Shenxiao Sect today.

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This is an unavoidable occurrence. After the revival of Heaven and Earth, although the road is open, making the martial artist’s breakthrough much simpler, it also means they have less practice and less polishing.

“What is the success rate of Fourth-Grade martial artists breaking through to Third-Grade – including false masters?” Pei Xuanjing asked again.

Xin Quanyang honestly replied, “Only about one out of ten successfully breaks through. This is the scenario where our Sect has advice from seniors. For ordinary independent practitioners, perhaps not even one out of twenty can successfully advance.”

Pei Xuanjing nodded and had a rough idea. He said, “Ask all the false masters in our Sect within Tiandu to prepare, and come to the Taoist Temple together early tomorrow morning. There is something I need them to do.”

“Yes!” Xin Quanyang nodded, recalling some recent news. It seemed that the Sect Leader (True Person) had been investigating how to make Third-Grade false masters cultivate in the same manner as masters who comprehended martial truth. He probably had some ideas.

Though he thought as much, Xin Quanyang did not ask any questions.

After all, even though he blindly admired Pei Xuanjing, believing that the Sect Leader (True Person) could easily resolve everything, Xin Quanyang didn’t think that this problem, which has frustrated countless martial artists for thousands of years, could be solved so quickly.

He sincerely walked away and sent someone to contact and inform those false master fighters who were currently stationed in Tiandu.

Those fighters, upon hearing that they were summoned by the Sect Leader (True Person), became unexpectedly excited and happy. Of course, they wouldn’t wish to miss out on an opportunity to be close to the Sect Leader (True Person).

Even not just them, even the first-class and second-class martial artists of the Shenxiao Sect in Tiandu heard the news and wanted to join in the excitement.

It was a pity for the Spirit Realm martial artists because, at the moment, the land outside the border was being explored. With the undefeated powerhouse, Pei Xuanjing at Tiandu, there was no need for them to stay there.

Therefore, except for Deng Zhong, the rest of the Spirit Realm powerhouses were either exploring the land outside the border or staying at Shenxiao Mountain, missing out on this opportunity.

The next day, early in the morning when the day was just dawning, all the Third-Class martial artists belonging to Shenxiao Sect in Tiandu gathered in a battleground used for practice within the Taoist Temple.

Although there was still some time before the time mentioned by Xin Quanyang, no one was foolish enough to arrive just at that time. Everyone came ahead of time, just to grab a place closer to the front.