The Warmest Romance-Chapter 1472

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Chapter 1472

With that, she immediately took back her eyes to avoid looking at him, and then turned away in a hurry.

Yu Yimo stands in the same place, looking at the closed door, frowning and saying nothing.

Today's Ruan poetry is abnormal. What did she do when she went out? 𝑓𝓇𝑒𝑒𝚠e𝘣𝓷𝘰ѵe𝑙.com

With doubts in his heart, Yu Yimo frowned, got up and went to the balcony, looking into the distance.

He wanted to stand for a while and then go back to his room, but before long, Ruan Shishi's door was pushed open, and she came out with a light step and carefully closed the door.

Sensen and Sasha had been playing all day. At this time, they were exhausted and had a good sleep. But at this time, Ruan Shishi didn't feel like going to sleep. Her complicated mind kept her awake and upset.

In fact, she was very worried about Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu. On the way back just now, she tried to call them several times, because she was afraid that she could not help crying, so she kept trying.

Her parents are being watched now. She doesn't know how much Yu Gubei has achieved. She is afraid that Ziji will show something strange in front of her parents, and she is also afraid of frightening them. So she doesn't contact them at all. Seeing all kinds of small videos sent by Ms. Liu, she knows that they are safe for the time being.

But in the future? She has to betray Yu Yimo in order to get their safety. It's more likely that even if she does what Yu Gu tells her, he will not let her and her parents go, but endlessly blackmail her.

Ruan Shishi is more and more afraid, and her mind becomes a mess. She bites her teeth. As soon as she comes out of the room, she looks up and sees Yu Yimo standing on the balcony looking back at her.

She gasped, went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer.

Yu Yimo over there saw her taking the wine, and his eyes flashed a little surprised. The next second he saw Ruan Shishi looking up at him, gesturing to him for the beer in his hand, "do you want it?"

Yu Yimo pursed his lips and whispered, "give me a bottle."

Ruan Shishi took another bottle, closed the fridge, and walked this way.

On the balcony, there is a small round table and two small reclining chairs. It's cool. It's very pleasant to sit here at night to enjoy the moon and drink. Ruan Shishi handed him a bottle, then sat down and drank silently.

Yu Yimo turned to look at her, then took a sip from the wine bottle and asked in a low voice, "is there something bothering you?"

Ruan Shishi was silent for a moment, but didn't answer. After a long time, he said, "Yu Yimo, strange to say, I always feel that after meeting you, my life has become more complicated and dangerous."

Her tone seems to be chatting casually, and she doesn't mean to blame, but she feels uncomfortable when she listens to it.

Indeed, because of his reasons, she experienced many things that she had never experienced before, and also met many dangers. So he only wanted to give her a peaceful and stable living atmosphere. He would rather go through all the darkness himself, so that she and her family could only see the light.

Both of them were silent and did not speak. After a while, Yu Yimo turned his head and looked at her and said softly, "Lord Luo has been arrested."

Hearing this familiar and strange name, Ruan Shishi subconsciously turned his head, looked at him and asked, "he Got caught? "

Yu Yimo nodded without hesitation, "caught."