The Way of a Demon Lord-Chapter 110: Farewell *

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Two months passed since what was termed the most dramatic 'Selection' since the establishment of the Kingdom.

The Coronation was scheduled to happen a month later on the night of full moon.

The bright year began with rains, and storms, and thunder. It was forecasted by the wind and water circlers working at the Royal observatory that the situation more or less remain the same throughout the year.

But the people of the country, or the Confederation were not surprised whatsoever. Years like this would come every decade. It was sort of a foreshadowing of the real calamity that was to come a couple of years later.

The commoners would grow special crops that could live in these adverse conditions throughout the year. Though it would be less profitable than the other bright years, at least the harvests would surpass that of any of the frigid years

Midnight. Clouds barricaded the little light shone by the moon from reaching the earth below.


A flash of lightning somewhat illuminated a dark room for a moment.

A demonically handsome youth was lying on the bed. A young lady with average looks but extraordinary demeanour was sitting beside him.

The young man was relaxing with his eyes closed. On the other hand, the young woman's face was stained by dry tears. Sorrow was written all over her face. She would heave out a sigh every few seconds.

"Young master, I-"

"No excuses. It's obligatory." Adrian answered casually with his eyes closed.


"What did I just say? No excuses."

"Who will take care of you?"

"What?" He smirked with his eyes still closed. "Do you think I can't take care of myself?"


"…" Adrian opened his eyes and looked at his maid, who was staring at him with teary eyes. He had nothing to retort with.

"You are too lazy."


"Too lazy to bathe yourself."


"Too lazy to dress yourself."


"Heck! You never even undress yourself before sex." Isabella began to let everything out.

"Hold it. Hold it right there." He could not take it anymore. "I guess you are right." He sighed. "I have to look for a new maid then."

"Young master!" She took a pillow and threw it at him with all her might. "You are already thinking of replacing me *sniff*."

"Come here." He turned his whole body towards her and opened his arms.

*Sniff* She cleared her face before lying right beside him. She made sure to press all of her body against his.

He wrapped her in a warm cuddle.

"Who are you?" He asked, his warm breath brushed through the skin of her face.

"Isabella Hunt. Your maid."

"What are you?"

"A demon."

"What's your goal?"

"To keep growing stronger and stronger so that I can serve you till the end." Her answer was direct, her eyes were determined.

"Can you grow stronger if you always stay by my side, under my protection?"

"I…" She could not say anything any further.

"See? Even you know it." He tightened the arms around her. "What do you want?" He looked straight into her eyes.


"Do you want to stay with me for now? Or forever?"

'Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever.' The same word kept ringing inside her head, pulling her into a trance.

"Isabella." His call woke her up from her daze

"Of course, forever!" She did not even need a moment to answer.

"To do that, what do you need to do?" He asked.

"To level up. To get stronger." A fire was set in her heart.

"Can you get stronger if you always hide behind me?"

"No." She shook her head.

"So, will you leave?" A lightning flash revealed his serious face.


There was no reply. Tears again began to stream down her eyes- again.

"Silly girl." He sighed. "It's just for a few months."

"*Sniff*… I will leave."

"Good girl." He smiled. "Now, get up."

A smile formed on her face amidst the tears. She knew what he meant.

She got up a little higher on the bed, bringing her breasts in front of his face. She took down the shoulder straps and lowered her maid outfit, bringing her fair mounds out. She had already stopped wearing bras since the Hunt.

Adrian enveloped one of her already hardened nipple with his mouth and began to suckle on it. He began to knead the other breast with his hand.

"Mmh…" Isabella had a bright smile on her face as she caressed his hair.

She had one big regret, and that was not being able to produce milk. Human milk was considered a delicacy in the noble houses of Ervilia. And that made milk maids one of the highest levels of maids.

She had asked her 'customer' Instructor Alesha if there was potions that let one to produce milk. Alesha said there was, but it was rare due to its expensive production cost and impracticality. And she did not have the recipe. Isabella had to give up. She was not familiar with the black markets.

The other way was the natural way- to conceive a child. As much as she would love to take Adrian's child, as the one who knew Adrian the most- she knew that she was not worthy.

As for taking another man's child? That was out of the question.

Once the session was over, Adrian went to sleep. But Isabella- she did not. She kept staring at his handsome countenance, burning it into her memory- for the umpteenth time.

The next night. It was as cloudy as the previous night. But there were no flashes of thunder or the sound of rain. Only the gentle wind was present, rustling the leaves in the palace garden.

Both Adrian and Isabella were standing at the centre of the garden, staring at each other. The surroundings was empty; he had already made arrangements with the guards.

Adrian had the same carefree and casual look on his face. And as for his maid, her eyes had turned dry from a whole day of crying.

"It's time." He said.

"Punish me however you want." Isabella moved forward and gave a soft kiss on his lips. Adrian let her do what she wanted.

After a few seconds, she moved back. She smiled at him one last time before turning away. Adrian faced the heavy backpack she had on. She ran away using her <Ghost> essence to the fullest- not turning back one more time.

Adrian followed her with his demonic eyes until she was out of their range.
