The Way of a Demon Lord-Chapter 112: Journey

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No more privilege tiers. Regular updates will continue from tomorrow. Mass release will take place if we can reach 75 Golden tickets or 500 privilege chapter unlocks(at both cases). Enjoy!


*Crunch* *Crunch*

The rolling wheels of a carriage went over the dry fallen leaves on an earthen road. Hundreds of more awaited on the road that went westwards through the Shalborn forest; they awaited to be crushed- either by the strong steps of the magical horses, or the gyrating wheels of the extravagant carriage pulled by them.

The carriage was emerald green in colour, garnished with green wreaths made from exotic shrubbery, embedded with glittering greenish jewels. On both sides of the carriage and the flag that waved along with the wind, magnificent insignias were painted.

At the centre of the insignia, there was a tree- standing majestic and tall. It's top looked akin to a crown. On both sides of the beautiful tree, two Griffins were showing their utmost respect by throwing both of their front claws up in the air. Their oversized wings were so big that it looked as if the insignia itself had wings- two on each side.

It was none other than the insignia of the Greatwoods family, the Royal family of the Kingdom of Nemphis. Inside, sat Adrian Darkheart, the Royal Advisor to her Majesty, Queen Evelyn Greatwoods.

His female 'companion' this time-


"Tsk." Adrian clicked his tongue for the umpteenth time. It was morning when he took off from the Royal palace. And now, it was evening. Night was soon approaching and it would definitely be sleepless.

When he was 'assigned' to do this task- which would be his first official one after assuming his post- he easily accepted. Because what he was assigned with was already in his agenda. He would have done it with or without the Royal decree.

But when he requested a 'companion', it was rejected. Every female Royal officials, be it an envoy or a guardian, were occupied with their own tasks. Heck! They could not even spare a maid for him; those thrifty royal bastards.

The only one he got was the old coachman who just watched over the magical beasts galloping through the dry road of the storm-hit forest.

'Should I just defect?' He thought. But soon, he shook his head. "The end result will be the same anyway." He muttered.

Rosalyn would not be able to reach him in time; she was in Darkshore after all. And Isabella-

He sighed.

The sun slowly fell down from the sky. What replaced it was the moon. But it's presence hardly mattered; the stubborn clouds would not let it to illuminate the world below.

The small window at the front of opened. "Young sir." The coachman's grumpy voice belied his gentle demeanour. "We should camp here. Bandits lurk at no man's land ahead."

"Don't stop. I don't want another womanle… ahem… sleepless night." Adrian said.


"And since when was the vice commander of the Royal Guardians afraid of mere bandits?"

The old man's face flinched, but he forced a smile on his face nonetheless. "You are jesting, young sir. I am just an weak old man."

"Yes. Yes. Whatever." He waved his hand. "Just don't stop. Keep driving."

"As you wish."

The old man turned back ahead and heaved out a long sigh. 'Looks like his Excellency did not select him as the Royal advisor on a whim.'

The next day. Afternoon.

The Royal carriage finally stopped after forty hours of journey. Higher level circlers could survive longer without food, water or sleep.

Adrian might have been sleepless like the 'coachman', but hungry- he was not.

Adrian brought whole royal meals along with a stove like magical equipment for heating the dishes. He ate through the entire night as if it were a substitute to sleeping.

Adrian opened the curtains and looked through the windows.

There was a humongous gate made of hard metal, impenetrable by the strongest of spells. What's holding the gate was a wall which looked as if were made from stone, but in reality- it was made of a special type of alloy, a secret recipe of the Royal family of Northguard. It was even stronger than stones or other precious metals. But unverified rumours had it that the raw materials of this alloy was cheap and common.

Anyone would easily believe the rumours if they were to witness the gigantic size of the walls. It stood steady at a height of a hundred feet, unassailable by the highest of jumpers, or even the low fliers.

The carriage itself was parked on a bridge. Under it was a moat of sort. It was so deep that calling it an abyss would not be an exaggeration. If not for the wooden bridge they were upon, the city would have been unreachable, since the gate before them was the only way of entrance and exit of the city.

Soon, the carriage before their own was allowed to get into the city. The giant gate opened a bit, giving way for it to enter. Now, it was their turn. But the ones guarding did not dare to stop the carriage flying the colours of the Royal family of Nemphis.

The gate opened wide- to its full capacity, showing respect to the representative from Mighty Nemphis.

Soon, they were on the streets of the mighty capital of the Northguard Kingdom, the Highfort- the second most fortified city on Ervilia, first in the Confederation.

Unlike the busy capital of the kingdom of Nemphis, the streets here were quite empty. But it was of no surprise since the Highfort was different from all other capitals in the continent. It was not meant to be a place to live in, to prosper. It was meant to be a place that could stand until the end, a place to defend.

Hence, most of the residents here were soldiers. And their advanced rationing system made it so that they did not need any sort of marketplace. Such places would serve as hindrance during wartime.

The families of the soldiers gathered at the centre of the city, surrounding the Royal Castle of Northguard.

The carriage stopped again, but this time- at its final destination- in front of the strong castle gates.

"Young sir." The old man said as he looked at the fortified castle to his right. "We've arrived."

Adrian also looked towards the castle through the window. "Northguard, O Northguard- will you be a friend?"

An evil smile creeped out across his face.

"Or a new chapter in the history books?"