The Way of a Demon Lord-Chapter 116: Aurlith

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The sky above got cloudier and cloudier since the start of the journey from Damcus. The cottony and dark clouds above blocked the little light the evening sun was trying to gift.

Winds were howling, blowing off dust and leaves, and other lost things everywhere. But it barely did anything to the old man sitting at the front of the royal coach, or the mighty magical beasts pulling it.

The old man looked up at the day, but dark sky. "It's going to be a downpour." He muttered. And he was right.

Moments later, the clouds bursted, deluging the earth with heavy rainfall.


Rain drummed against the wooden roof of the carriage and blurred the window.

But Adrian, who was sitting in the carriage with his eyes closed, was not bothered in the slightest. If anything, the rainfall had a soothing effect on him.

He opened his eyes and looked at the window. Water heavily sliding through the solid glass and occasional flashes were all he could see.

Yet, a smile formed on his face. He rested against his comfy seat again, looked up and closed his eyes. The smile had yet to run away from his face. "How long has it been since we last met?" He muttered. "Decades? Or maybe even more." He sighed.



The carriage kept pushing on through the wet and muddy road, through the uneven winds. They affected the speed of the wheeling coach, but not by much.

The front window opened. The sound of pattering rain got clearer. But Adrian's eyes were still closed.

"Young sir." The old man's voice entered his ears.

But he remained quite.

"The rain will delay our trip to Aurlith. There is a town just ahead. Should we make a stop for the night?"

"Depends." He said, his eyes had yet to open.

"On what?" The old man frowned.

Adrian finally opened his eyes as he looked into those of the old man's. "How beautiful is the mayor's daughter?"


"Wife works too."


The next day.

Noon. The day was clear; at least it was not raining for now. Clouds were still lingering in the sky, readying themselves for another round of downfall.


*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

Horses trotted through the drenched road, pulling an extravagant and Royal carriage behind. The other carriages and caravans gave it way to speed through. A single glance at the insignia on the carriage was enough to give birth to immense fear and admiration.

Who in the Confederation did not know of the magnificence of the Royal family of Nemphis? Who in Ervilia would fail to recognise their winged insignia?

Just like the occupants of the road, the guards at the gate did not dare to stop it. Soon, the carriage entered into the massive city. The splashing footsteps of the galloping horses completely died down.

The city of Aurlith, the capital of Aurgoth, had the best sewerage system in all of the Confederation. None who entered the city would be able to tell if it had really rained heavily last night.

But it was not the drainage system that made Aurlith one of the most prosperous cities in all of Ervilia. It was just a small factor.

The roads were wide, rows of carriages could pass at the same time without any fear of congestion. The plots near the roads were perfectly planned. There were lampposts bordering the road, awaiting to be lit by fire circlers once the sun drowned into the horizon.

The buildings were taller with more floors than other cities of the Confederation, the architectures were exquisite.

While slowly tooling along the spacious road, Adrian had already spotted a few green parks to his left and right. What looked like wood and water circlers were taking care of the gardens while children ran and played around.

The passers-by walking on the clean pavements were neatly clothed. There were no signs of any poverty around. Why would there be?

Those who came to this city of dreams came here to make it big, not to beg on the footpaths.

The Royal carriage passed by a dozen or so coaches- some lavish, some plain. Whatever the case, it was clear that the city housed a lot of carriages- way more than other major cities, let alone the smaller ones.

Moreover, the sights were only getting better and better as the carriage drove further. The floors of the buildings increased, the architecture got even more enhanced, the parks and gardens looked even more beautiful due to exotic trees, the people wore better garments, the number of carriages increased etc.

Every revolution of the wheels took them one revolution closer to the grand palace at the centre. Closer to the palace, everything was majestic. The buildings, the lampposts, the carriages and even the parks gave a golden hue.

And that was completely normal because of the fact that they were either plated, or even made with gold. Even the trees planted either had golden leaves, golden trunk, golden fruit or all of them.

But there were barely anyone walking on the gold tiled pavements. That was also typical considering the fact that everyone living in this neighbourhood had the net worth to buy their own carriages- ones played with gold and jewels at that.

Nevertheless, all of those vehicles fell short before the emerald coach of the Royal family of Nemphis.

Soon, the carriage reached the great palace gates of the Royal family of Aurgoth. Guards plated with golden armour, beautiful maids wearing extravagant golden jewellery rushed forth from inside.

The armoured soldiers, just like what happened at Northguard, arranged themselves in two rows, creating an exquisite pathway. But that was just the beginning.

The maids brought forth a red carpet with golden borders and rolled it all the way from the glittering entrance of the castle to the emerald door of the carriage.

The wreathed door opened. Adrian stepped out. His black shoes made their marks on the red carpet. He scanned through the exterior of the castle. It was plated with pure gold; metal magic ensured that it remains shiny all year long.

He finally looked at the entrance, and smiled. He muttered under his breath.

"Will I be able to get out alive?"