The Way of a Demon Lord-Chapter 98: Selection (7)

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Everyone took in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm themselves as much as possible. There were exceptions of course- like the Academy, the Lochtear house and the Ironcross family. They cared little of the victor of this selection.

The most nervous were the Bradleys, the 'traitorous' Silva house and the red haired Crimsons. They had put too much stakes onto the Crown Prince. The Crimson family even used their highly talented daughter, who could have been the next Crimson Duchess, as a tool. Whether the grand plan they had been working on for decades would come to fruition or shatter depended on the High King's very decision.

Not only them, everyone else in the left segment of the hall were nervous, fidgeting their body parts- trying to calm themselves as mush as possible. The case was the same for the rightmost segment. They might be numerous, but 'only' the Lochtear family was their core support.

The father-daughter duo from the Rumins family were the quietest of them all. They did not move any parts of their body by a millimetre, they did not dare to. The ones sitting with them at the very same table were legendary figures- even to them. The Lochtear house was a factory that mass produced war heroes. Along with the magnificent 'support' of the Greatwoods family, they were rendered invincible, both against the Imperial military or the wild stampedes.

Up on the balcony, both the sibling had their hands formed into a fist. Their hearts were beating fast- faster than ever before. Maria had her hands clasped together, praying for her 'sister's' victory.

Adrian, Isabella and Sirius were sitting such that they were the incarnation of serenity- of inner peace. Adrian was the only attendee in the entire palace to have a smile on his face.

The High King opened his mouth. In the pin drop silent atmosphere, magic circles were not needed.

"The next ruler of our beloved Nemphis will be…"

The fast racing hearts of everyone suddenly slowed down, almost to the point of stopping completely. None even dared to breathe.

"Queen Evelyn Greatwoods!"


Utter silence.

He began to repeat. "The new ruler of our-"

*Clamour* *Clap* *Whistle*

The crowd on the princess's side jumped off their seats- yelled, clapped and whistled in excitement and exhilaration. The neutral part clapped. There were smiles on the representatives of the Academy. Rastia was relaxed from the very beginning; after all, the princess 'sacrificed' to him.

The prince's side was as silent as before. Only sighs of defeat could be heard. The ones from the Crimson, Bradley and Silva houses were trembling. Their faces distorted to the point of where they could not be recognised anymore.




They hid their loud curses under the clamour of their rightmost counterparts.

At the Royal table, both of the opposing siblings forgot their Royal teachings.


The prince slammed his fist on the table with bloodshot eyes.

"Fuck!" His curse resounded in the ears of everyone.

On the other hand, the princess did not give a damn to the atmosphere she was in and hugged the one on her left tightly, tears escaping her eyes.

Adrian did not resist at all. The bright smile on his face would even force angels to fall from the sky. He toiled for two whole years- planning, seducing, fighting, travelling and even torturing himself. The victory was well deserved and he had all the rights to celebrate.

Everyone except Maria on his side had a smile their faces. Maria was in a daze- Adrian's smile made fed drool.

"Evelyn! Maria!" The queen's authoritative but charming voice brought both of the cousins to their sense.

Evelyn realised what she was doing- that too in front of the whole crowd. She abruptly let go of him and sat upright. She looked down her, her cheeks all red. But she could not get rid of the the wide smile she had on her face. She was going to be the Queen!

Maria shook her head, trying to get rid of the scene which was slowly burning itself into her mind. She saw her aunt pointing at her own chin just below the side of her lips.

Her face flinched in panic. She wiped the drool off her face with her hand. Almost all the blood in her body rushed to her cheeks as she faced down just like her cousin. There was a slight smile on her face nevertheless- her prayers were answered.

The high queen and the high king who had just down also had smiles on their faces. They wanted Evelyn to win. And with the Lochtears showing complete support and the robust Academy leaning towards her, he had all the excuses he needed to declare the victor. The Rumins and the majority of lower nobles only added to the case.

The prince stood up in rage and left the scene. His father, who would be the king for only a few more days, followed.

Many who witnessed the entire scene up there were amused. But many were heartbroken by the princess's hug to that handsome youth. Their pipe dreams of becoming the king one day were shattered. Everyone knew of his identity. With that background, and even more extraordinary looks- it was impossible to compete against him.

No matter how disappointed and angry the three houses from the Prince's faction were, barring the Ironcrosses of course, none dared to leave until the event came to an end. They were in the presence of the Royal family, the Academy and the Lochtear house after all.

An hour passed, the selection- was over. Princess Evelyn Greatwoods, the third princess of the prestigious Royal Family, would be coronated a few months later.

Everyone was leaving one by one. Soon, only the Academy, the Lochtear house and the Royal Family itself remained.

The Academy walked up the staircase, they had the authority to.

"Congratulations, Evelyn!" Rastia wished. The others followed.

Evelyn stood up seat and got out. "Thank you for your support." She bowed.

"The country will now be in your capable hands. But you can always ask for us when you need it."

"Sure, I will keep it in mind."

"We will take our leave then." The bowed one last time to the high king, high queen and the queen before leaving.

"Have a safe trip." The princess wished them farewell.

After the Academy, came the trio from the Lochtear family. This time, it was Sirius who stood up. He stood beside his father.

The princess was on her way to bow, but the Duke did not even give her a glance before looking at Adrian. She was just a puny princess- beneath his notice. Even if she would become the Queen, it would hardly make a difference. Only if she could become the high queen or go beyond that, she would be worth of respect.

Neither did Adrian stood up, nor did he even bother to give a look.

"Don't disappoint me, young man." He gave a bow towards the old folks and took one last glance of his sister before leaving. Sirius nodded at Adrian before following the Duke.

"Darling." He said, not intending to hide anything from everyone present.

"Yes?" Evelyn blushed.

Her mother, on the other hand, frowned. But the smile on her grandparents' faces got wider.

"Let me borrow a Griffin."

"Why?" She squinted. She was already having a sense of foreboding.

"Now that I've won…" An evil smile formed on his face as he licked his lips.

"I need to celebrate."