The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme-Chapter 377 - 365: Afraid of Being Infected

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Chapter 377: Chapter 365: Afraid of Being Infected

This chapter is actually 364, the content is correct, but I accidentally wrote the wrong title. Since the author can’t change the title, so…just bear with it, I apologize.

“I don’t like hearing that, what are you implying, are you looking down on me?” Shen Quan pouted, “Let me tell you, I just went through this situation yesterday.”

“But it’s just uncomfortable at the moment, once it’s past, it will be all right.”

“You, just think about other things, you will slowly forget…”

“Really, bro, listen to me, I’m not wrong.”

As Shen Quan was chattering on and on, Zhang Lin became a little curious, “What happened yesterday? When did you have a girl in mind? Who is she? Tell me about it.”

“It’s a long story…”

Shen Quan sighed heavily, then after a long silence, he said, “It was a refreshing autumn day yesterday, I was patrolling the streets in the afternoon, and I felt thirsty when I passed by the tea house, so I asked for a bowl of tea.”

“While enjoying the tea at the entrance, I noticed a girl about fifteen or sixteen standing at the door of the rouge shop across from the tea house. She was very beautiful, I was attracted to her at once…”

“Then what happened?” Zhang Lin became more interested.

“Then I got to thinking, what’s this girl’s full name, where does she live, how many people are there in her family, does she have any siblings. If I were to marry her, she would undoubtedly be a good wife and mother, and if we have a boy and a girl later on, it would be best if the boy is the elder brother and the girl is the younger sister. After raising the kids and marrying them off, the girl and I will grow old together, enjoying tea in the courtyard, watching our grandchildren run around…”

“Wait…”, Zhang Lin raised his eyebrows, “You’ve planned all the way to where you two will be buried?”

“Exactly!” Shen Quan said, “I’ve already picked out a spot in my family’s ancestral tomb, I’m just waiting to purchase a coffin when I die.”

Well, that’s really the case.

“What happened next?” Zhang Lin continued to ask.

“After looking at the girl for a while, she waited for someone. I’m not sure if it was her mother or someone else, but she left without even glancing at me…”

Shen Quan sighed again, “All my dreams and expectations fell flat. My heartfelt adoration was ruthlessly rejected. Tell me, isn’t my situation a bit worse than yours?”

That’s not a tragedy, that’s foolery.

Zhang Lin grumbled, moving slightly away, fearful of being “infected” by Shen Quan’s foolishness.

“Auntie, you haven’t had dinner yet, have you?”

Mrs. Wang had just entered Mrs. Wen’s courtyard, she showed her the items wrapped in a cloche within the small basket, “I just made some vegetable buns at home, knowing that you like them a lot, so I brought some for you to taste.”

“I brought a lot of them, Mrs. Han and Daya, both of you please have some as well.”

Mrs. Wang was all smiles, very courteous.

Mrs. Wen glanced at her, her tone neither cold nor warm, “Just put them there.” freēwēbηovel.c૦m

“These buns are best served with garlic sauce, you didn’t think this through properly. Only brought the buns, but forget about the garlic sauce.”

“Oh, I forgot about that.” Mrs. Wang laughed, “I’ll go back and make some, with more sesame oil, it will taste better.”

“Never mind, don’t bother, the garlic sauce you made probably wouldn’t have tasted good. Let Daya make some later.” Mrs. Wen spread the last handful of corn grits on the ground, watched the chickens scramble for it, clapped her hands, “Okay, you can leave now.”

Mrs. Wang wanted to say something else, but seeing Mrs. Wen hurrying her to leave, she didn’t speak out and agreed, picked up the small basket and left.

Mrs. Han, who had just brought some garlic bulbs out of the kitchen to peel, saw Mrs. Wen’s stern face and laughed, “I think Mrs. Wang was being pretty nice to you, but you didn’t seem very pleased. Did she upset you before?”

“There are numerous transgressions.” Mrs. Wen made a face, “I can’t be bothered to argue with her. If we really started arguing, I’m afraid we wouldn’t finish even if we talked all night.”

“Don’t be fooled by her current courtesy, who knows what she might be saying behind my back after she leaves.”

Being polite to your face and potentially saying mean things about you behind your back…

Mrs. Han blinked, “What does Mrs. Wang want from you that she’s being so obsequious?”

“What else could it be for?” Mrs. Wen grumbled, “Isn’t it all about Wencheng?”

“This Mrs. Wang is indeed shallow-minded, and her methods are not proper, she’s such a snob. In the past, she couldn’t wait to trample people into the mud. Now she sees someone impressive with talent, who can make money, she wants to attach herself to them.”

With Mrs. Wen speaking up to this point, Mrs. Han understood what was going on and couldn’t help but laugh. She teased Mrs. Wen, “Aren’t you also occupied with this matter? You probably were worrying that Mrs. Wang wouldn’t agree before. Now that Mrs. Wang is so willing, why aren’t you happy?”

Why wouldn’t she be happy? That goes without saying.

Mrs. Wen’s mouth was curled so high.

Knowing what kind of person Mrs. Wang is, if she deliberately plans to do something, it definitely can’t be anything good. Even if she really wants to pair Zhuang Wencheng with Zhuang Qingning at this moment, she still felt as if she was plotting against Zhuang Qingning.

Handing her such an mother-in-law, how much trouble would she have to face?

Mrs. Wen liked Zhuang Wencheng and always considered his interests in every aspect. However, thinking that Zhuang Qingning could suffer a loss, and it might even be a silent loss, she felt uneasy.

Suddenly, the words Zhuang Yutian warned her earlier came to Mrs. Wen’s mind.

She lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, not speaking a word.

Seeing Mrs. Wen’s silence, Mrs. Han thought more carefully about the situation and sort of understood the general idea. She laughed and said, “All right, stop overthinking it. Things like this are destined by the heavens, no matter who worries or tries to prevent it, it’s useless.”

“If there’s lack of fate, no matter how hard you try to bring them together, it won’t happen. If there is fate, even if there’re a mountain of knives or a sea of flames ahead, people would still be willing to tread through.”

“Just stop thinking too much, hurry up, wash your hands and get ready for dinner.”

“Daya, hurry up and mash this garlic, eat it with the vegetable buns.” Mrs. Han called Zhou Daya.

Zhou Daya was just delightedly examining the basin she had put on the rack. Hearing Mrs. Han’s call, she quickly responded and hurried to the kitchen to get busy.

Th𝓮 most uptodate nov𝑒ls are publish𝒆d on ƒreewebηoveℓ.com.

With the dawn just breaking, Zhuang Qingning got up and began her busy day.

Washing, cleaning the courtyard, making breakfast.

Zhuang Qingsui followed suit, first helping Maoqiu clean up the cat litter, then pulling out some wheat straw to prepare as kindling for the fire.

The sisters were busy together. Soon, egg congee, scallion pancakes, pickles, and cold mixed asparagus strips were served on the table.

Giving Maoqiu a boiled egg yolk and some dried little fish, the two girls and the cat enjoyed a nutritious and delicious breakfast.