The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 222: Psycho

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Chapter 222: Psycho

“Young master, you should see this.” Margret suddenly nudged Victor who was resting his head on her lap.

He opened his eyes and looked at her. They were still in the car, heading toward the hotel, he must have dozed off. Well, that’s to be expected, he had to injure his soul again in order to subdue Alpha.

“What?” He asked, ignoring Paul who was driving the car, acting as if he was not listening. And Hana who was glaring at him and Margret.

“It’s all over the news! A nuclear explosion in the capital. Isn’t that where Lily and the girl went? I hope they are ok.” Margret said,

“Oh…” Victor opened his eyes wide and sat up. He leaned over Margret and looked at the news broadcast playing on her phone. It showed a big mushroom cloud on a faraway mountain. This must have been captured from the city

“ Our reporter has just been informed that the explosion had happened in the royal lands belonging to the Wiren family… It appears that what exploded was crown prince Troy’s private mansion….” The hot reporter said as she wiggled her body, “We will await further info…”

Victor opened his mouth wide, then quickly took his phone and looked at Lily’s massage again. This was the minor complication she mentioned? This was a f*cking huge trouble. Why the hell did she use that explosion array? Didn’t he warn her that it can only be used in emergencies? And why the hell was the explosion this big? It was as if it was fueled by 10 tons of Gems… Oh… Victor seemed to realize something. But he would have to wait for Lily’s return to make sure. No matter what, that girl needed some sense spanked into her again.

“Young master, is everything ok?” Margret asked as she saw his discolored face,

“Yah… Lily is in the city, she is fine… “ He said, he couldn’t say anymore as Paul was listening... And he didn't want anyone to know he was behind this huge mess.

“Ah, that’s good.” Margret sighed in relief.

Victor sighed then suddenly squinted his eyes… Two strands of deadly fate threads were slowly strangling him. A weak one from the front, and another other from the back… that one appeared to be very troublesome. Not only did it appear stronger and blacker than the other one. It was directed at his ass.

Fate would mean a nearly inevitable destiny, who would be strong enough to endanger his ass?

He looked to the back, there were three black cars following them… That thread was from the front one.

“Paul you idiot. Didn’t you notice that we were getting followed,” Victor scolded, making Paul jerk and look in the mirror… He didn’t notice them. He was busy peeking at Margret, and Hana who was forced to sit alone because of her curse.

“I will call for support.” Paul said nervously, he had never faced something like this before. Only idiots would dare to attack a car with the Von Weise insignia.

“Yes, Unfortunately they won't be here in time. Just keep moving for another… Let’s see….. Do you see that bridge? It is probably booby-trapped. Stop at that road sign right before it.” Victor said, squinting his eyes as he began to activate his disguise skill as he whispered some different orders in Margret’s blushing ear.

“Ah… But…” Paul didn’t know what to say.

“Don't argue! After stopping, leave the car and start cursing loudly… This is an order.” Victor said, making Paul frown, but said nothing. Damn it… That bastard young master wants him dead, but, as a low-ranking family member, he couldn’t refuse.

After stopping the car, Paul walked out, looked around at the black cars that stopped a few meters behind them, then started cursing nervously.

“Don’t Hide! You fell into our trap… Hahahaha.” He suddenly heard himself saying, “Men surround those idiots and kill them.” The voice impersonating him said again,

Suddenly a group of masked young men headed by a masked bearded old man jumped out of the forest at the same time when a group of burly men stepped down from the black SUVs in the back. They froze, cautiously looking at each other with Paul in the middle.

The standstill didn’t last, as someone fired a bullet, killing one of the masked young men. causing his friends to scream in anger and start firing fireballs at the startled burly men killing two of them.

Paul watched as all of this happened in seconds, as all hell broke loose as they began to fire at each other. The burly men hid behind their cars as the marked men began throwing talismans that froze bullets in midair making them advance easily… This would have been an easy win, if not for an evil grenade that was thrown from somewhere consuming the talisman's energy and making a few other masked men fall under the bullets again.

Paul quickly wanted to return to the bulletproof car, but to his surprise, it was no longer there. It had disappeared without anyone noticing. Leaving him in the open, he quickly ducked to the ground avoiding a bullet that passed by his ear… Damn it!

He began to curse at Victor… But he couldn’t even continue because out of nowhere, something pulled on his leg and began to drag him down into the dirt. He tried to resist, but a sudden feeling of electrical shock made him scream as all of his power was drained… He looked everywhere for help, but no one cared as his stiff body sank into the ground…. Despite holding his breath, he swallowed some dirt, causing him to start suffocating. He was thinking that this was his end, but he was wrong. A moment later he was pulled out of the ground like a fish out of water, he was hanging upside down and could see that he was pulled by a string attached to his leg… He was in the forest, near the battle, and he could hear their shouts and someone ordering them to stop.

He didn’t care, as his paralyzed body was thrown to the ground by a very normal-looking thin man who was licking his lips while putting away a very strange-looking fishing pole.

“Look what we fished today…. Young master Victor right? I always wanted to try a fresh young master.” The young man said as checked Paul's ass. “Wait… You are not Victor!” He said with a frown… “Well, I have got to work with what I have got… Mommy always warned me not to waste food.” The young man said as he started to chuckle.

Paul wanted to talk but couldn’t… He was still paralyzed. He could only look with horror as the man took out a dagger and began to professionally cut Paul's clothes… As if he had done this a hundred, no, a thousand times.

“Don’t worry, it will be painful at first, then you will grow to like it… ” He said as he began to take off his own clothes… He kept the knife though… Paul who was now peeled like a banana was looking at it with fear.

“Oh, don’t worry about this, it will be your best friend very soon.” He said, “You see, Mommy made me swear not to do it with men anymore before she died, so I have to make sure that you are no longer one…. “

“Stop! All parties stand down!” The elder screamed as he used a talisman, causing a flash of light to blind everyone causing his disciples as well the other side to stop fighting. He coughed slightly as the flare light dimmed.

There was someone screaming to kill the enemy. Both sides suddenly realized that it was none of them as the voice abruptly stopped.

They looked around, but other than the light smoke that filled the area, there was no other soul. Where did that voice come from?

“You don't work for that young master, don’t you! This is a trap” The elder yelled at the other side using a mind-transmitting talisman again, he was not a fool…How else can a few mortal gangsters kill 6 of his semi-player disciples?

He was screaming for a few minutes now, Ordering his disciples to make a defensive formation so that the bullets would not affect them. But strangely enough none of his disciples listened, they kept moving randomly like headless chickens. Someone was manipulating sounds, so he had to use this very expensive talisman to stop the fight.

On the other side, the gangsters who were hiding behind the burnt cars began to look at each other… Only 4 were left from their 17 men's team. Even that sick bastard Po was nowhere to be found.

“We…” One of them began to talk, but his voice vanished… What the hell was going on here? He panicked… First, he thought that those fireballs thrown by the other side were some kind of a new weapon… Now he was sure that some really strange things were happening here.

“I…” He didn’t continue as a very pretty red-haired girl suddenly walked out of the forest, she was obviously hurt.

“Help me…” She said, “They want to kill me… “

They frowned, then got enchanted. Someone fired his gun again… All of them began to fight again, even the elder whose eyes turned red, he easily crushed his disciple’s head a moment later. only one idea remained in his mind now, “Help the pretty girl.”

“I told you it is effective,” Margret told Victor as she leaned on the car that only moved a few feets from where Paul parked it, but no one seemed to notice it.

“Strange indeed…” Victor said, “This stuff is like a nuclear weapon.” He added looking at the corpses.

Hana was looking at it with shock too, what the hell was this? Why did those men start killing each other like wide dogs? She saw five young men work together to take down that old one disregarding their safety.

In the beginning, she could understand Victor’s strategy. He was using a voice-canceling talisman while making some illusional voices to command the men to fire at each other.

She expected him to start attacking by himself after that elder stopped the fight, but strangely enough, he only threw some kind of a gas bomb, then let Margret do a little twirl around before returning. That’s it!

What the hell happened? Was it the gas? She really wanted to know. Her intuition as an Alchemist began to take hold of her.

“I will tell you later,” Victor said as he watched her eyes involuntarily look at him for answers.

“Who do those two groups belong to?” Margret asked curiously as she looked at the bodies. She got used to it after staying with Victor this long… That's what Victor presumed.

“The masked ones belong to the Flying Myth sect, they wanted to steal our treasures from the auction,” Victor said as he took off the storage ring from the elder’s finger. “This one was the same idiot who threatened me at the auction.” He added,

“And the others?” She asked as Victor stood up.

“I have no idea.” He said, “We will have to search their corpses for clues. Sorry, Margret, you will have to do that with Hana, as I will have to go get Paul back.” He said, making Margret gasp.

“Right, Paul! When did he leave?” She asked as she looked around.

“A while ago. That bastard probably got what he deserved… ” Victor said as he left the frowning Margret and headed into the forest.

He was looking for a good excuse to get rid of Paul before leaving Tetraquad city, and this was the perfect chance... It was he who caused Mira to die in his previous life after all, and Victor knew how to hold a grudge.

After walking for about 100 feet, Victor could easily see what was happening there.

; ;


CLASS: Psycho


Strength: 37 ( x10 When targeting a player you like)

Intelligence: 25 ( /10 When targeting a player you like)

Agility: 34 ( x10 When targeting a player you like)

Luck: 14

Charm: 17

Order: 10


Parasitic Regeneration, A

Pain Control, A

Perfect Cut, A

Knife Arts, B

Paralyzing touch, B

Disguise, F


Ethereal Fishing pole, S

Blood Sucking Dagger, D






Victor froze in his place like a bird that encountered a cat… WTF! What did "a player you like" mean?

No wonder his fate warning skill activated, this guy was dangerous, super dangerous.

He swallowed hard as he looked at the busy young man and then at Paul, who didn’t look like a human being anymore… Victor felt like he was going to throw up but firmly controlled himself, not knowing if he should retreat or kill this bastard first… But he was a scion… NO!

This one, despite having an S fate, had no destiny and no Scion word next to his fate. Victor always presumed that all those with S destinies were Scions, but it seemed that this was not the case.

Maybe this guy was the type that the world didn’t care about. It didn't want to recruit him either.

Maybe villains in novels are like this. Strong enough to hurt normal people, but weak against the protagonists. He pondered.

After considering many things, Victor decided to kill him. If this guy were to go after him someday, he would be in deep trouble. His girls would be in deep danger as well.

Victor slowly approached Poe again despite feeling nauseous in his stomach.

He could feel many fate threads that began to appear around him wanting to stop him… It was as if every cell in his body wanted him to leave there. As many excuses began to flood his mind. These were the fates protecting this maniac. Those with S fates are really scary.

Victor ignored everything as he approached silently, then ducked as the maniac stood up and cut the air behind him.

“Strange….” Poe said with a frown as he stepped forward, but didn't continue as he finally noticed the spear impaling him to the ground… “When….?” He didn’t continue to think as he collapsed to the ground with a headless body.

Victor sighed in relief as he looked at Poe's dead body, then at Paul who didn’t look good at all… He would never look good after this. Fortunately for him, his eyes had long turned white, and he had long lost consciousness because of the pain… Hopefully, he had also lost his mind.

Victor really wanted to feel sorry for him, but remembering the looks of Mira’s mangled body after Rex finished with her back then, he didn’t… He swore to make Rex feel the same someday.

Victor took a deep breath, taking control back of his thoughts. His injured soul was making him a little unstable. Maybe he should stop cutting part of it.

After checking the surroundings, he used a handkerchief to take the fishing pole that was thrown to the side… The knife would have to remain here for the investigators.

“This is going to be messy,” Victor said as he took his phone and called Kai. He didn’t want to pick up this mess from the ground. He didn’t even want to come near it.

“Kai… I had an accident here, my driver Paul was heavily injured. Send an ambulance and a family team to my location.” Victor said, “Oh… And make sure that there are no females on the team. I don’t want any girl to have nightmares for the rest of her life.” He added.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by (f)reew𝒆b(n)