The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 235: Another Crazy Reporter

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Chapter 235: Another Crazy Reporter

When Hana woke up and went downstairs the next morning, she was surprised by the tense atmosphere at the breakfast table. Did something happen after she went to sleep early last night?

Victor, who was usually energetic, had a pale face and was limping as walked down then sat down in his chair with the help of Hilda. She couldn’t help noticing the strange suit he was wearing though, it was made from some very high material, and it was purple… who wears a purple suit?

She decided to ignore him for now, looking at the girls who were very cheerful yesterday. They were sitting in a very strange way around the table while glaring daggers at that sissy guy, Alex… He seemed to be sitting on pins and needles while sipping his soup with tears in his eyes. That soup for some strange reason had a very unique shade of purple. And Hana didn't need to use her skills as an alchemist, to realize that this thing was probably not edible.

The little girls, Lara and El, had dark circles around their eyes as if they didn’t sleep well, and the girls Margret and Monica had strangely satisfied smiles on their faces, it was as if they ….. No, she can’t think about such dirty things.

Only that purple-haired girl whom she didn’t meet yesterday seemed strangely refreshed as if she had a very satisfying sleep. She seemed a little shy as she gave Victor an apologizing simple.

“Victor… Sorry about yesterday….” She said,

“It’s ok… I have learned my lesson. Next time we will use a rope.” He said,

Lara, who was eating her favorite fruit-flavored cereals, looked up in a questioning look, “For what?” she wanted to ask, but chose to remain silent as she noticed El chuckling. She decided to ask her on the way to school.

Aria blushed a little, not refuting him… She wouldn’t mind trying new things. “I wanted to talk to you about something else…” She said changing the subject.

“What? You must know that I am still new to this field. We have to start slow!” Victor exclaimed, making her glare at him. There were kids in the room!

“It’s not about that!” She scolded him, “It’s about the new movie you wrote… The filming will start in a few days. Do you want to visit the set?” She asked,

“Oh… Find a time when Mira is there… I plan to…” Victor was interrupted by a sudden shout.

“Young master, big trouble.” Hilda hurried into the dining room in distress.

“What’s wrong?” Victor asked, acting as if he didn’t already know.

“Down the mountain, at the mansion’s gate, there is a crowd of reporters! They are asking for an interview with you about young m… That bastard’s Nick’s death.” She quickly corrected herself,

“Oh… I expected them to come, but this was quick…” He said, pondering that someone was pushing them against him. But who? It was definitely not from the family as Alfred would have warned him.

“Young master… The chicks at the gate are already keeping them out. Should I order them to scare them a little?” She asked. She didn’t have any experience dealing with such problems.

“That would only make things worse!” Aria interjected, “You should talk to the family.” She told Victor.

“No need, let them wait, for now, I will talk to them when I leave the mansion,” Victor said. If those idiots didn’t come to him, he would have had to bring them one way or another.

“You are going to school looking like this?” Aria asked, eyeing his very purple suit.

“No, I will be taking Alex and Margret to Newlure City… I might spend a couple of days there.” He said,

“You are going to propose?” She asked,


“Looking like this?” She repeated,

“This is just my travel suit, I have other suits on me.” He said,

“Young master, can I go with you?” Theta asked.

“You have better things to do!” Hilda scolded her, “The bathrooms will not scrub themselves clean… Now come on girls… finish your food and go get ready. You have a lot of cleaning to do.” She explained, making the girls look at each other with depressed eyes.

“You heard her…” Victor said, “I can’t take any little girls with me today. But don’t worry, I am planning a seaside vacation for all of you.” He explained, making the disappointed girls cheer up again.

“Young master, you just mentioned that you will be taking Margret with you… Isn’t she a girl?” Mana who was refilling Victor’s dish objected,

“I said, little girls! Margret is a big girl,” He said, making Margret chuckle and the twins puff their cheeks with a light blush. They knew quite well what he meant… It was his fault that they were still little girls!

“She is going there on business anyway,” Victor said, appeasing them, then continued his meal after a sigh.

Down the mountain, in front of the massive gate, 5 news wagons and more than 20 journalists were gathered in anticipation, arguing with the Chicks every now and then.

According to their data, The young man who lived here was Victor von Weise, the criminal whose name appears in the recent Jane Armstrong report, accusing him of killing his brother due to a struggle in the family over illegal trades. After that, he walked out of the police station unscattered after silencing all the witnesses and bribing all the cops!

The Von Weise family denied the accusations, stating that the dead brother Nick was in fact killed by mistake. The man who blew up his car was named Jacob Rice, he was aiming to kill Victor who was beginning to investigate the corruption in Horizons Media company.

As for the bullshit about Players and supernatural powers, no one believed that delusional sh*t. All the news outlets had found that the journalist Jane Armstrong had a mental breakdown and was now on the run after killing a nurse at a mental hospital… She was delusional as most of the documents she leaked turned out to be fabricated news.

And this should have been the end of this matter!

However, This morning, someone leaked on the internet about the young master who appeared on the red carpet and stole the limelight with his sexy maids at Tetraquad’s city annual auction. He was none other than the one and only Victor von Weise. According to the internet leak, that young master is a pervert who deals in drugs. The reporter had a Video that was shot in some back alley, it was of Victor shooting a drug dealer with a silencer gun in the head after arguing with him. After that, he coldly searched the body before leaving.

The Reporters were getting a little annoyed when the mansion gates opened and a luxurious car drove out and then stopped as ten Chicks surrounded it, keeping the reporters away.

The shaded backseat window slowly lowered as a dashing young master looked at the reporters.

“What’s going on here?” He asked in an arrogant voice.

“You master, those reporters want to interview you!” One of the Chicks replied as he struck his baton on his palm, “If they are disturbing your rest, we can teach them a lesson.”

“Oh… There is no need. This young master has nothing to hide… What do you want?” He asked one of the reporters, a young female who had a cute hair bun. She seemed to be fresh out of college. This was her once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“Young master, I am Gloria Flick from the evening news,” She quickly took the chance, “I am here to ask you about the recent report about the drug dealer you shot a few weeks ago.” She asked using her microphone.

“What drug dealer?” Victor asked,

“I have the recording on my phone, it’s all over the internet. It is said that you paid the police to stay out of this,” she said waving her phone. She didn’t fear that Victor might harm her as many reporters were pointing their cameras at her at this moment.

“Let her come closer,” Victor said, making the chicks allow her to pass after shooting her a threatening look.

Gloria smirked as she hurried to the car approaching Victor’s window while opening her phone and playing a certain recording. She secretly peeked inside the car as she turned the phone for Victor to watch… Inside there was a red-haired girl in a business suit… Isn’t this one the maid who was with him on the red carpet? Maybe not. This one was sitting there like a businesswoman. She must be his secretary.

Victor watched the recording with a frown, this movie was when he shot that assassin who was posing as a drug dealer in the head. The recording was taken from a street camera and should have been removed by the family agents. Whoever leaked it must be the one who hired that assassin… He could also spot the idiot who was peeping on him on that day. He could be seen standing in shock behind a corner. (The recording is about the events of chapter 92.)

“We also have a statement from a witness!” The reporter who did her homework said, flipping to the next movie while secretly adjusting her angle so that her cameraman who was being kept at bay by the chicks could get a good shot… The hidden camera in her shirt was recording too!

Victor watched the next Video, it was about that idiot.


It was none other than Abe, Margret’s cousin who was with him that day bartering him over Margret’s price.

““Do you know why he killed him?”” the reporter asked, it was the same, Gloria. She must have hurried to get this recording before coming to meet Victor.

““Yes, that man is evil. He scammed my cousin Margret into taking a big debt then demanded that she become his maid after failing to pay… The poor girl must be suffering right now.”” he said, causing his poor cousin Margret to push her head next to Victor’s and watch the video too.

““Didn’t you call the police?”” Gloria’s voice asked,

““I did! But those bastards did nothing… Please help me save my cousin!”” he said, as tears and snot dripped from his nose.

““We will try our best,”” She said,

““He took her against her will! The poor girl begged him to spare her!”” Abe cried like he was not the one who sold her and then used the money to go to a brothel.

““We will definitely save her! ”” she said,

““I hope you do! Now, can you pay me?”” Abe asked a moment later, whipping his snot, he didn’t appear sad at all!

Watching Victor frown at that time, Gloria, who was smug a moment ago panicked and wanted to quickly stop the recording, but somehow the phone that was in her hand was now in his. She quickly tried to snatch it back.

Unfortunately for her, she failed to grab it as Victor retreated inside the car while pushing Gloria out with his other hand. Margret quickly closed the window while watching the video play.

““I will pay you later, I have to check your statement first.”” Gloria’s voice could be heard in the video.

““That’s not what we agreed on! You promised $3,000 and a kiss!”” Abe complained, making Gloria, who was trying hard to open the door from outside, blush. She didn’t have time to edit this out as she hurried here.

““What if you were lying?”” her voice said, ““And I only said I will consider the kiss!””

““Damn you b*tch... This will.....””

Victor chuckled as the Video stopped abruptly. This female reporter was not bad after all. She was just too smart for her own good.

Taking the opportunity as Gloria kept knocking on the window, he swiftly began to flip through the phone, totally ignoring the pleas of the desperate reporter outside, who kept shouting angrily.

“Give it back!” she demanded as he cared.

“This is violating my privacy!” she complained like that meant anything to him.

For the first time in Gloria’s career, she was faced with the hard truth that she was still a rookie who didn’t know how to act when faced with shameless young masters.

The other reporters couldn’t get close and help because the chicks were threatening them with electric tasers that were aimed low, ready for their butts.

They were envious of Gloria at first, but soon, they started using their cameras and jotting notes down as they watched her attack the car like a wild animal… Even if they didn’t get the story they wished for, a report about another crazy female reporter was sure to put food on their tables tonight!

Victor at this time was enjoying a feastful collection of some very erotic photos on the phone. This reporter had some very unique hobbies. Maybe he should give her a role in one of his new movies.

It took him another 10 minutes to roll the window down and give the now haggard Gloria her phone back.

“I took some things from it, just in case,” he said, threatening her.

“You bastard! You asshole!” she cursed, grabbing her phone, checking its content, then turned to leave.

“Just like that? Don’t you want my statement?” Victor asked, “Did you show me all that for free?” he added, making her freeze and turn around to look at his smug face.

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