The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 302: Boyfriend!

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Chapter 302: Boyfriend!

Alice cursed at her scheming brother for the seventh time as she walked inside the ladies' room to fix her makeup.

She had been wandering aimlessly in the hotel for the last 15 minutes not knowing what to do…


“Like hell that would happen!”

Alice frowned as she heard whispers… Two girls were talking inside one cubicle.

“I know! I couldn’t tell them that I liked girls… They would truly flip!” one girl said, making Alice frown as she was about to leave.

“So… What to do?”

“I found this guy… an actor… I told him to act as my boyfriend for a while… Just so the rumors would go away…” Alice froze as she squinted her eyes.

“Did they buy it?”

“Totally… But now I need money to pay him… Can you give me some…”

“Ok ok… But you have to try that with me…”


“AHHHH… Stop touching me….”

“You just said butt…”

“No, I didn't….”

“You did…”



“Stop! What if there is someone outside?”

“Let them hear…”

Alice silently cursed then walked out in disgust. What's wrong with this world?

“What should I do…” she wondered, and that’s when she heard it. The sound of a girl screaming like a bitch!



“Stop here you piece of shit!” Lulu cursed, “Don’t even think of escaping after touching me like this!”

“Fuck!” Yulian cursed… Of all the bitches he knew, he had to bump into this one. “ I only bumped into you by mistake!” he complained.

“Stop lying… You were obviously stalking me! Like I would believe you ever again!” Lulu said hatefully.

“Not a chance! It’s your fault for blocking the corridor!” Yulian cursed, “You are still the whore you were back then! Do you know that?”

“FUCK YOU bastard!” she pointed at him and cursed.

“Lulu, do you know this guy?” a woman who was standing behind Lulu asked as she held her.

“Yeah! I met him at a gathering… My friend wanted me to date him.” Lulu said, “Thankfully, unlike that bitch Margret I have standards!” she said.

“What do you mean, Sis?” a young man, who seemed to be her brother, asked.

“At first, we met at a karaoke bar… He dared to boast that he was a millionaire. And I almost believed him, but he turned out to be a conman!” she spat at him, “He is poor! Dirt poor! He got to school on a scholarship, but he didn’t have the bus fare, so he slept secretly in class after school and ate from the canteen’s leftovers!” Lulu said with disgust.

“What?” the woman who seemed to be Lulu’s mother asked in disgust as she stepped away as if Yulian might contaminate her with her poorness.

“Look at his suit, it is ripped from the inside, I bet he found it in the garbage and then sneaked inside here to eat!”

“I have an invitation!” he said coldly.

“Where is it?”

“It is here….” Yulian hesitated then reached for his pocket, taking out the silver invitation. He knew if he refused to show it, this bitch would start screaming and attract unwanted attention.

“Look! Even his invitation is fake!” Lulu said, taking out a golden invitation…

“This is also an invitation…” Yulian said with a frown, he was not sure. But the guards outside did let him in after all.

“You can lie all you want in prison! SECURITY!” Lulu yelled, making Yulian sigh.

“SECURITY!” her mother also began to yell as if she was competing with her daughter in being shameless.

“What’s wrong here?” a burly bald man in a security uniform quickly appeared. He had a CHICK 11 tattoo on his knuckles.

“This guy has a fake invitation! He is a known beggar, I am sure he is here to make trouble!”

The burly man frowned and then looked at Yulian.

“Sir… Can I see your invitation?”

“Ahh… “ Yulian sighed then took out the silver invitation card. He didn’t want to leave before seeing Lily, who didn't appear yet. Could she really be one of the brides?

“Sir… This is a company-issued invitation… I need you to show me your company card…”

“Oh… right… “ Yulian said as he searched his pockets. “I … I lost it…”

“I see… Sir, we will sort it out, you will have to come with me for a moment…”


“This way please…”

“Suit him right… Kick his ass… He must have stolen that invitation!” Lulu screamed.

“Poor bastard, how dare he sneak into such a grand occasion? He must know his position!”

“Totally! Not like us!”

“STOP!” A firm voice said, making the security guard who was grabbing Yulian stop and look back as a very domineering young woman with purple hair walked out of the lady’s room.

“This man is my boyfriend!” she said then looked at Yulian who was completely, totally, absolutely, and 110% smitten. This girl was so his type! He couldn't even lift his eyes from her.

“Why are you stunned like that?” she asked him angrily. Her angry look was hot!

“Ah…totally… yah… I do….” he said.

“Do what?” she frowned and asked.

“I…” he didn’t continue as he was interrupted.

“Security, take her with him! She must be his accomplice! Poor people have no place here!” Lulu’s mother screamed. She liked showing her imaginary power.

“Yeah, look at her dress! It doesn’t have any brand logo! Definitely a fake!”

The boy said nothing, he was just entranced.

The burly man looked at the purple-haired girl and then swallowed as if he was waiting for her to step on his head.

“Kick the troublemakers out!” she said coldly.

“Understood, lady Alice!” The burly man said and flicked his finger, making 9 other burly men appear out of nowhere then drag the stunned snobbish woman and her two children out. It was as if they had been doing this all day!

“Wait what…. I have an invitation… I…...”

They tried to yell and resist, but a quick strike to the back of their heads made them collapse to the ground, life status unknown!

Yulian just watched in surprise. This girl seemed to be a big shot.

“Now… I don’t care who you are and how you ended up here!” the girl, Alice, turned to look at Yulian inspecting him from head to toe. “... Why don’t we do this… As for now, you will be my boyfriend!” she said with a smile as if she had just got a great idea.

“Ah…” Yulian didn’t know how to respond.

“It is just an act! Don’t try to be smug! My stupid brother wants to set me up with some idiot, and I am not going to do as he pleases!” she explained, “So for the next few hours, you will be my boyfriend… I will pay you $1,000,000 afterward!”

“Ah…” he didn’t have a reason to refuse as he decided to play along. What's the worst that could happen?

“Refuse and I will kill you!” she repeated.

“I would never dare…” he said as he shrugged.

“Then it is a deal… Oh, and reveal anything and I will also kill you…”


“What is your name?” she asked in an amused tone. This one was interesting. and it was just a one-day thing... She decided to have some fun.


“Ah Yulian? Shall I call you Ah or Yulian?”

“My name is Yulian!” he clarified.

“Oh…. Yulian what?”

“Just Yulian for now!”

“Like a stripper?” she asked, raising one eyebrow. She looked stunning, especially in those glasses.

“...” Yulian didn’t know how to answer that… Yes, he was only using his first name to hide his identity like a stripper would. But he couldn't say that!

“I am kidding with you…” Alice chuckled as she noticed his flustered face. She liked toying with virgin men, and this one was definitely a virgin! “Call me Alice!” she said. “Alice von Wiese!” she added proudly.

Yulian nodded, he had long realized her identity.

“Follow me… B O Y F R I E N D…” she said as she dragged him to the Venue. “You better behave and do as I tell you! Or else!”

“Ok…” he said, then looked back frowning… Did a girl just walk out of the men’s toilet? There was nothing… It must have been his imagination.

Victor walked out of the lady's room ten minutes later, accompanied by Theta

"You did good!" Victor said with a smile… This went according to plan... Mostly.

Yulian meeting Lulu was a purely lucky coincidence. This incident had hastened things up, as he was planning for someone else to humiliate Yulian in the hall in front of Alice later.

He definitely had to send Lulu and her family some flowers, and maybe also some money for the hospital bill as a thank you!

"I was so nervous that she might decide to check inside the cubicle…" Theta said with a blush as she rubbed her butt.

"That would have never happened! My plan was perfect!"

"What do you mean?

"My sister hates lesbians… Hate with a capital H!" He explained. This was related to when one of her elder sisters in the sect tried to molest her when she was young. "She wouldn't even think about checking the cubicle," Victor added.

"How did you know that she would go for that guy then?" Theta asked curiously. "This could have gone wrong in many ways…"

"I was not 100% sure of that, but let me tell you a couple of things about your future sister-in-law!" Victor said, making Theta blush a little. He promised to marry her when she grew up…. But she couldn't wait

"First, Alice doesn't like bullies. If she saw someone getting bullied for being weak, disabled, or poor she would definitely help." He said

"Oh.." Theta nodded. Alice was nice.

"Secondly, she is really into hot guys, but she doesn't show it!" Victor said. “And that guy is extra handsome…He is just a little sloppy, and this can easily be fixed by some whipping…”


"In many ways, Alice is like your big sister Alpha…"

"What do you mean?"

"She is a tsundere!" Victor said it clearly. "She is cold on the outside, while hot and mushy on the inside… both also have big butts..."

"Do you know how filthy your mouth is?" A familiar voice cursed from behind them interrupting his depraved explanation. It was Alpha who materialized out of thin air. She had been using the newly erected array to patrol the hotel.

"Yes!" Victor said as he turned around to look at her. "Oh, you are here…. Just when I needed you," he added with a smile as if he wasn't just talking about her butt.

"What?" She asked coldly.

"I remember we got some old empty parchment from your family's vault…. Do you still have those?" He asked.

"Yes. What for…"

"I just want to forge some ancient diaries…"

"Whatever, I will send them to the mansion…” she said coldly, “Luliana and Nova have arrived, they are waiting for you. The girls had already led them to the preparation room…." Alpha went straight to the point.

"Oh.. that's good," Victor said. “How is the rounding up going?”

“According to plan… 34 agents were identified.” she said, “And the scapegoat is still on the run!”

“Perfect!” he said then turned to face Theta. He took out a pill from his ring and gave it to her.

"You know what to do… Everything depends on your performance!" he said.

" Um.." Theta pouted a little then nodded.

"Go then… and be careful!"

"I will…" She turned to go then paused. "Next time you want to slap my butt… just ask…." the mischievous girl said with a blushed face before she ran away… she was subtly telling on him to Alpha.

Victor chuckled and then looked back at Alpha… Oops. She was not smiling.

"Let's go…" he said.

"..." She didn’t move.

"If you are jealous, I can slap your butt too… you already tasted my technique.." he clarified.

" Fuck you and your technique..." she cursed at him. Parking her butt as she started to follow him while remembering that night in the forest. The bastard didn't keep his hand at all!


Lin nervously stepped down following her mother down the black armored car that had just stopped at the hotel's underground parking lot.

She was dressed in a very pretty colorful ceremonial wedding dress.

"The young master is waiting for you, this way please!'' a young woman wearing a black mask welcomed them. She was dressed in a black Butler suit that made her look slim.

"Let's go," Amelia said. Giving her daughter an inspecting look. She was against this Ceremonial wedding shenanigans at first, but when she saw how amazing her daughter appeared in her dress, she changed her mind. Lin looked simply stunning.

“Um… “ Lin nodded.

They followed the girl upstairs through the VIP elevator which stopped at the eleventh floor, where the brides' preparation room was.

Stepping in they could hear a familiar voice, Victor. He was in a heated debate with a beautiful woman in the corridor. They were standing with an aggrieved blue-haired girl in a ceremonial dress like the one Lin was wearing… She knew that this one was Nova von Astrom.

“This is our only way! If you back up now I will make sure to inform Von Rosen of what happened!” he threatened, “I will not fall alone!”


“Don’t worry… I am sure she will reach out to you after the wedding… You just tell her that everything is over after it… This is better for both of us!”

“FINE…” the woman said, then turned around and headed to the elevator. On the way, she gave Lin an inspecting look but said nothing… There was a hint of regret in her eyes as if she wanted to see her daughter looking like that.

“Lin!” Victor smiled brightly as he looked at his newly arrived bride.

“Victor…” she blushed as she looked down. Expecting him to say something…

“You look amazing!” he said as he began to check her out, totally not caring for her mother who was glaring at him from the side. “I am in love again!” he said.

“Um…” Lin blushed more as she began to twirl around, making sure he was inspecting every part of her.

“Enough of that! You will have all the time in the world to flirt around tonight!” Amelia scolded, “Is everything ready here?” she asked.

"Yeah, The brides are inside, putting on the finishing touches on their makeup… I tried to peek, but I was scolded!" He said as he shrugged helplessly.

Amelia sighed. Why the hell did she approve of such madness? Of course, she didn’t but she was forced by this damn Victor who first switched the wedding to a double wedding and convinced her family. Then he made the double wedding a mass wedding after making sure that no one could back up!

This guy might be a pervert, but he was as smart as his father!

What’s next? Will he marry the entire country? Thankfully he didn’t have the time for that!

“Now.. you two go join the girls… ask Margret if you need anything! “ Victor told the girls as he spanked the nervous Nova’s ass,


“You better behave! As usual, you are the only one I can count on!” he told her.

She nodded with a heavy blush.

“Why don’t we leave the girls to socialize and get down to meet the attendants?” he told Amelia.

Amelia nodded, her task to make sure Lin arrived was done. After today she belonged to Victor…All for the family!

“Lin, remember what we talked about…” she said, giving her daughter one last look.

“Ah...I know…” Lin said as she bit her lip. Why didn't he spank her too?

“Let’s go then, my future son-in-law!” Amelia, totally unaware of her daughter's thoughts, told Victor as she extended her hand to him. She needed to play her part.

Victor quickly smiled like a pervert then held his mother-in-law’s hand and dragged her downstairs to socialize, not forgetting to give the girls behind a wink before he left.

Foll𝑜w current novℯls on fre𝒆web(n)