The Young Master in the Shadows-Chapter 362: Operation start

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Chapter 362: Operation start

It was 1.00 PM when the room’s door opened all of a sudden, startling Micheal who hurried to put the magazine in his hand away as Mona entered followed by a smoking hot redhead girl in a luxurious red dress and high heels.

“Let’s go… Mother told me to take you out to check on the men,” Mona who seemed a little absent-minded said as the redhead unlocked the door cell’s door.

“What about mom? What about our sisters?” Micheal asked keeping his eyes on the hot girl as he secretly inserted the magazine under his shirt, behind his pants while walking out. This one he found by chance in the corner of the cell, while he was searching for a way to escape. It seemed the previous occupier of this cell didn’t even like the big boobed slutty girl on the cover as the magazine was still in its shrink wrap.

“Mom will spend the night here with Mina and Mana… We will meet them tomorrow morning to go shopping,” Mona said then sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Micheal asked. “Did they do anything to you?” he asked, turning briefly to look at his sister before his eyes automatically returned to checking the hot girl.

“No… Nothing… Let’s go,“ Mona said.

“And this is?” Micheal turned to the pretty redhead.

“One of Victor’s wives…” Mona said hatefully. She always had a thing against men, and Victor ticked every box in her HATEFUL MEN list.

“My name is Margret,” the girl replied, extending her hand for a handshake.

“Hi... I am Micheal…” he said, shaking Margret’s hand. It felt very smooth.

“I already know your name… Now follow me. Victor doesn't like men loitering in his mansion after dark… Especially without a leash,” she said. “I was tasked to drive you back to your base, let’s go… I have many things to do other than driving you,” Margaret added as she let go of him then turned and headed to the door.

Micheal and Mona looked at each other and then quickly followed.

When they reached the ground floor, Michael couldn’t help but begin to look around. This mansion was really grand. His brother-in-law was very rich. Too bad it was already dark, and there were no maids working around.

“Stop looking around and hurry!” Mona scolded.

“Sorry…” Micheal said as he hurried followed after Margret. “Mrs. Margret… How did you meet Victor?” he asked, acting friendly and striking up a conversation.

“Oh… Well, I am a friend of Mona and Mana, so when they brought Victor to crash a friend’s birthday, we met,” Margret replied. “He was there, sitting with his handsome face, flaunting his riches for everyone to see… I couldn’t help but start hitting on him, and the rest is history!” she added.

“Can I ask you a personal question then?” Micheal asked again. Margret was very easy to talk with.

“Is it about my porn collection?” Margret stopped, turned then asked while raising one of her pretty eyebrows, making Mona almost curse at her for repeating Victor’s lame joke.

“Ah… No…” Michael replied. He was intrigued though. What kind of porn would this hot girl like?

“Then ask…” Margret replied as she turned and continued walking.

“How is it like marrying a man with many other wives?” he asked. Mona also looked at Margret. She wanted to know, not aware of her brother’s intentions.

“It's fine I guess… Victor might be very demanding in bed, but he is a very nice and kind guy who takes care of us all…“ she paused. “Although I have to share Victor's attention with a dozen girls I don’t mind. I married him for his money and influence after all… ” Margret shrugged.

“And you are fine telling us that?” Mona asked, a little surprised.

“Yup, why not… Everyone already knows this,” Margret said. “And there is nothing shameful about marrying a successful man! That’s what all women want!”

“His only success was getting born into the right family!” Mona couldn’t help but say, feeling offended for some reason. She had investigated Victor, and although there is not much info about him, the reports released by the tabloids all pointed out how useless and depraved he was.

That's why she hurried to save her sisters from him!

“Exactly… Many people spend 20 to 30 years to find success… He found it the moment he was born! Do you know how much money he and his family have? Those guys own a f*cking the entire Archipelago! They even have entire islands with their heirs to keep their women!” Margret said, telling part of the truth and making poor Micheal open his mouth wide. He wanted to be successful like that too…

“Really?” Mona squinted her eyes and asked.

“Yeah… I haven’t been there yet though…” Margret replied. “In fact, only women who give birth to an heir are allowed to be called wives in their family… Victor had to bend some rules, and carry a lot of favors to marry me and the others in that grand wedding and give us a wife's status!” she added emotionally as they reached the garage and flicked the light on, revealing rows and rows of luxurious cars.

“WAH!” Micheal explained. “Is that A white stead, a red FireRat, a Rhino Charger, a MLF Dodger, a Tiger Mega, a Bragatty Dog … No, Wait… That’s A WHITE DRAGONBREATH!” he exclaimed at the rows of luxurious cars. “Are those all Victor's?” he asked as he looked around fanatically, making Mona sigh. Her brother only loved three things. Women, Big boobed women, and cars.

Victor was right to not release Micheal until it was late at night. If his reaction was like this after seeing the cars, what would he feel seeing all Victor's pretty wives and maids?

“Technically Victor paid for them…” Margret replied. “But he doesn’t really care about collecting cars, he only collects girls you see…. So he usually uses that White Steed there. The rest were mostly bought and are used by me and sometimes by the girls when they are going out to shop…” she said as she reached the WHITE DRAGONBREATH which was the latest in her collection. Getting this baby was not easy, as it was a limited edition made of a military-grade alloy. She had to ask Victor very nicely to ask his family for it...

“Really? Doesn’t Victor mind you spending his money like this?” Micheal asked. He wondered if he could marry Victor too. No... Absolutely not... HE WAS A MAN!

“I told you… He is filthy rich. And It’s not like I got them easily. I had to work extra hard in bed for them!” she spat as she opened the suicide door and then got into the driver's seat. “Get on… Let’s take this baby for a ride…” she said.

“So… he made you players?” Vanessa asked in a surprise. For the last hour, she was sitting with the twins in one of the gardens surrounding Victor’s mansion.

She had been grilling them for their experience, and they really told her everything, including things that were beyond her wildest imagination.

Although it was late, neither she nor the twins felt sleepy. So they chose to hang out here and drink some tea while talking under the stars... There was no moon tonight.

“Um…” the twins who sat to her sides both nodded.

“I see…” Vanessa sighed. The information she spent her life to gain only glimpses of, was now laid bare in front of her.

“So if I need to become a player, I will need to conquer a dungeon or sell myself to one of the oligarchs…” she joked.

“Ahh… That’s the usual way, but there is another method…” Mina said.


“Victor has a way… But he will also have restrictions, as he can’t reveal it easily…” Mina replied to what Victor told her back on the way home.

“Did he tell you to ask me that?” Vanessa was not stupid.

“Um… He wanted to offer you a chance to take your gang and join the power he is building… In return, He will turn you and 10 people of your choosing into players…” Mana explained.

“Oh… And if I refuse?” she asked. All young masters like to create their own powers, and Victor was not the first to ask her to join him, but he was the strongest and richest so far.

“Ah… He said that he would find someone regardless… And he will also make you a player for our sake…” Mina explained. “But he did say that this was the chance of a lifetime and that he suspects that the one who was behind the father’s death was a player…”

“What?” Vanessa was surprised. “I already took care of that revenge…”

“Ah… Victor said that you caught the wrong guy. According to the info he got from his family, there was someone else moving things from the shadows… Father was a player after all…” Mina replied.

“WHAT?” Vanessa stood up in shock. It is true that she heard the term player the first time from her husband, but he refused to elaborate back then, and she never expected him to be one.

“Yes…” Mana hesitated then took out a file with a SUNRIZE logo and the words CONFIDENTIAL on it.

It was an old investigation into a suspected supernatural activity during a gang fight, and their father’s name with his photo as a young gangster before he inherited the boss’s mantle. He was mentioned as being spotted spitting fire at his enemies.

“Mother… There is one piece of information that Victor couldn’t find… What family did Father belong to?” Mana asked.

“Call me MOM… Mother is too formal!” Vanessa scolded. “And the truth is I don’t know. I found him one day with memory loss, so I took him in and took care of him. The next thing I knew was him inheriting my father’s mantle and marrying me… That’s why he took our family name,” she sighed, her late husband was a real stud. “Do you think his past has anything to do with his death?”

“Probably… Victor already asked his men to start searching for information, but our DNA doesn’t match any of the known families in the database, so he is not sure…” Mina explained making Vanessa frown.

Maybe she must really consider Victor's offer. She really wanted to go and ask him a few things at the moment, but that guy already took his wives to bed after dinner while showing off in front of her, she had to wait until the morning.

“Wake up beauty… We have work to do…”

Rita slowly opened her eyes and looked around after hearing Victor’s voice.

“Is it time?” she asked as she sat up. “Didn’t you want to wait for another week?”

“A variable was added… We need to act fast to make maximum use of it,” Victor replied mysteriously, sounding a little hesitant. “Did they finish their night check on you?”

“Yes… No one will bother me until the morning…” she said pointing to the corpse of her last meal. They have been providing her with all kinds of animals to butcher and pretend to relish in their demise, scaring the guards away in the process with scary laughs.

She had to play along.

If not for Victor’s disgusting energy bars she would have literally starved to death.

“Didn’t they bring you humans to eat?” Victor asked.

“They did bring some prisoners, but I refused saying that eating human souls might cause this body to explode ……” she said, sticking her tongue. “That’s why they keep bringing me those animals…”

“Good…Smart move…” Victor said. “Now, let’s get to work! Reach out for the storage space and take out the things it prepared for you…”

“Storage space?”

“Yes, it is one of my skills, so we share the same space and can transfer stuff between us… Come on now…” he said.

Rita frowned and tried to feel the space inside of her like she did a storage ring, and sure it was there.

Inside there were three things.

A sneaking suit, a strange box, a stack of talismans, a necklace, and a red shiny gem that looked like a bloody moon.

“Leave the moon gem for now, take the talismans, and place them around your room. They will create an illusion that you are still here!” Victor said. “There are two security cameras in this room, I will use my power to disguise you temporarily, but keeping an image through you is tiresome so hurry up and start placing the talismans so that we can move to the next step!”

“I understand…” Rita nodded and then began to place the talismans around the room. She finished in 5 minutes.

“Good…” Victor said. “Now, wear the demon bat sneaking suit, place one invisibility talisman on you just in case, and wear the levitation necklace, it will help you float off the ground, so as to not trip any pressure traps… You will be moving under my disguise technique, so in principle, they will not be able to feel you, but be careful not to touch anything…” he said.

“But the door is locked?” Rita said.

“Don’t worry about such stupid details, we are going through the walls… The most important thing now is to find out your location exactly so we can do this quickly!”

“Ahh… Ok…” Rita nodded and quickly prepared herself. Feeling a little shy changing her clothes while knowing that Victor was watching with a grin… Yes, that Pervert was definitely grinning.

This chapt𝙚r is updated by fr(e)ew𝒆bnov(e)