There's Something Wrong With This Account-Chapter 236 - : 236, 【First Encounter between Purple Palace and Demon Sect Player】

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Chapter 236: 236, 【First Encounter between Purple Palace and Demon Sect Player】

Translator: 549690339

The Outer Sect of the Demon Sect is the liveliest place.

The reason is simple – it’s crowded.

After all, only the most outstanding Outer Sect Disciples have the opportunity to enter the Inner Sect, and the Inner Sect spots are limited.

Many remain as Outer Sect Disciples all their lives.

Of course, getting noticed by the Sect Master and Peak Masters can also lead to special enrollment.

Take Murong Yan, for instance, who is average in qualifications but has a likeable personality. This led Luo Wanqiu, the Peak Master of Water Cloud Peak, to recruit her as a disciple.

The Outer Sect of the Demon Sect is always a bustling place, and now it’s even more so.

The reason? The powerful influx of the game players – how could that not stir up some excitement?

Currently, the Outer Sect Deacons in charge of assigning tasks are utterly stupefied by the players.

“When did we become so popular?” The Outer Sect Deacons are dumbfounded.

In the past, the Outer Sect Disciples, saddled with their task assignments, usually wore faces of worry and trouble.

After all, they had work to do.

But these game players are different – they wish the Outer Sect Deacons could give out tasks ten at a time.

Don’t worry about using me up, just put me to work!

There are even times when tasks are snatched up in a frenzy.

Having been in this line of work for so long, the Outer Sect Deacons have seen several diligent, hard-working, and enduring Outer Sect Disciples, but they’ve never seen so many!

Some hyperbolic game players even start chanting slogans like “Everything for the Demon Sect,” “The Demon Sect for me, me for the Demon Sect,” “I wish to be a brick in the Demon Sect,” nearly bringing the Outer Sect Deacons to tears.

These new disciples have such high levels of awareness!

But when assigning tasks, the Outer Sect Deacons do consider a few things; at least they won’t distribute them randomly, and there is a limit to the number each person can receive each day.

There are two original intentions behind the tasks assigned by the Outer Sect:

First, someone must handle the affairs of the Demon Sect, and the Outer Sect Disciples are the first choice. Besides, everyone is not working for nothing.

Second, suitable work is also beneficial to the cultivation of the Outer Sect Disciples.

For instance, a task like chopping Spirit Bamboo can train a disciple’s control over their Spiritual Power.

Spirit Bamboo is hard, so ordinary disciples cannot chop it without using Spiritual Power.

How to bring out the maximum effect with the least amount of Spiritual Power is one of the training goals.

However, if Outer Sect Disciples were to work all day long, that would delay their cultivation time, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, no matter how the game players try to wheedle and cajole, they will never be allowed to take on unlimited tasks.

Nevertheless, compared to other minor sects and factions, Demon Sect players are quite satisfied with the quality of the tasks. The process is rather interesting, and there are plenty of Experience Points to be gained.

When compared with the tasks posted by other players in the forums, a sense of superiority spontaneously arises.

The only regret is that we’ve been in the Demon Sect for so long and we haven’t seen a trace of the Purple Palace yet!

A lot of Demon Sect players have inquired with Demon Sect disciples, only to find out… they themselves don’t see the Purple Palace more than a few times a year!

The last time the Purple Palace came to the Outer Sect was during the New Year.

Of course, through chats with the Outer Sect Disciples, Demon Sect players have learned quite a bit about the Purple Palace, and many have then posted these events onto the forum.

Feigning familiarity with the Purple Palace.jpg.

And with a deeper understanding of the Purple Palace, they become more and more certain that the Purple Palace is definitely one of the world protagonists in “Heavenly Dust”!

In the Demon Sect player base, a good proportion are guild and professional players, many of whom carry a mission to interact intensively with the Purple Palace.

But the back mountain is a forbidden area, if the Purple Palace doesn’t come out, we can’t go in!

Although, the upcoming Outer Sect competition in a few days does present a good opportunity.

Shen Yan is sure to preside over the event, but whether or not the Purple Palace will come, well, that’s hard to say. One can only hope for luck.

In this environment, Mo Guanji can hide amidst the crowd of Demon Sect Players, keeping a low profile.

As the primary follower… I mean, the primary Sword-Serving Child of the Purple Palace, he feels that his relationship with Lu Xun is extraordinary.

“But it seems that the Purple Palace has forgotten me,” Mo Guanji thought to himself.

Right now, he just wants to have an opportunity to raise his profile in front of Lu Xun and remind him of his existence.

With this thought in mind, Mo Guanji begins today’s task of chopping Spirit Bamboo.

Just as he is getting into the rhythm of chopping, he feels a breeze blowing from behind him.

“Need some help?” A voice that Mo Guanji finds familiar rings out.

“Thanks!” He continues chopping while turning around to respond.

“Whoosh—” A Sword Qi appears out of thin air, directly slicing open a large row of Spirit Bamboo, which collapses to the ground.

Mo Guanji turns around to see a familiar man. His heart is filled with mixed emotions.

At the same time, he feels a little panicked.

Did I just ask the Purple Palace to do my work for me?

Foll𝑜w current novℯls on ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm.

Will this lower his Favorability towards me?

He had probably gained about 20 Favorability Points from Lu Xun previously, which is his greatest pride.

This is the biggest proof of my status as the number one lick… the number one sword-serving child in the Purple Palace!

What moved him was that the Purple Palace hadn’t forgotten about me!

Has he been quietly watching me all along?

Dressed in a black robe, Lu Xun held a sword sheath, looking intently at Mo Guanji as if he could see right through him, then said: “You are an anomaly.”

Mo Guanji: “!!!”

For a moment, a storm raged in his heart!

The Purple Palace actually noticed I’m an anomaly!

Even Shen Yan and several Peak Masters couldn’t discern this.

They can only spot an anomaly when a player shows some signs of it.

Just by glancing, there’s no difference between a player and a native inhabitant of the Heavenly Dust Continent.

“Worthy of the Purple Palace!” Mo Guanji silently praised Lu Xun in his heart.

Lu Xun looked at him and said, “Call the anomalies in the Outer Sect here. I have something to say.”

As he spoke, he set up a task worth 2000 experience points and handed it to Mo Guanji.

His daily limit for assigning tasks has now risen to 20000 points.

With each level unlocking 1000 points, there are 20000 points at level 20.

When he upgrades to the second realm, even this baseline will change.

Before stepping into the Initial Realm, each level only provided 500 points.

Mo Guanji immediately accepted the task and happily ran off to gather the players.

With a slight shift in his foot, Lu Xun took flight, landing on a long, narrow bamboo branch. He struck a pose and awaited the arrival of these silly players paying homage.

Mo Guanji was running around the Outer Sect, the players didn’t believe his words at first, until someone recognized him as the very guy who had interacted with the White Emperor using Lu Xun’s real name!

He might have really initiated some plot regarding the Purple Palace!

Thus, Demon Sect players started calling friends and gathered around Mo Guanji.

It wasn’t realistic to gather all the Demon Sect players, but the majority probably arrived.

As an ordinary player, this was Mo Guanji’s first time experiencing such attention in the game.

Then, he led the massive team towards Lu Xun’s location.

Along the way, players continuously approached him to probe for information.

Quite a few players had been figures he used to look up to.

Some players even held a reputation in the Chinese Professional Player Popularity Rankings!

Like this pure and adorable Cai Jiangjiang. Mo Guanji had watched her live streams and was one of her fans.

He belonged to the group who watches live streams without donating a penny. freeweɓnovel.cѳm

To all the inquiries from these pro players, Mo Guanji simply played dumb.

He truly didn’t know what the Purple Palace intended to do by gathering all the anomalies.

The large group’s march through the Outer Sect naturally aroused the curiosity of some Outer Sect Disciples. Some directly followed behind the group to check out what was happening.

Arriving at the location, the Demon Sect players looked up at Lu Xun standing on bamboo branch, their mouths agape in awe.

My God! The real Purple Palace is better looking than in the pictures and videos!

With this face, I’d lick it to the end!

Even the pretentious loli, Cai Jiangjiang, who considered herself worldly, transformed into a fan girl she usually despised. She screamed in her heart:

“That’s my husband! This is my husband!”

People only need an opportunity to turn into what they previously hated.

Lu Xun, clad in a black robe, held a black sword sheath.

His long black hair occasionally kissed by the mountain wind, his eyes calm yet warm, his demeanor transcendent and pure.

Unparalleled in the world!

The Outer Sect disciples who followed the group of players were the first to salute, and respectfully said aloud: “Disciple greets Young Elder!”

The Demon Sect players didn’t have time to react when they heard Lu Xun speak to the saluting disciples: “You are not anomalies. Stand back. I have something to discuss with the anomalies.”

Those brief words revealed much to the players.

Their hearts were just like Mo Guanji’s, filled with shock and surprise!

The Purple Palace can discern anomalies!

Isn’t this the first NPC in “Heavenly Dust” who can detect anomalies?