There's Something Wrong With This Account-Chapter 252 - : 252, One cannon, two roars, this phrase is good

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Chapter 252: 252, One cannon, two roars, this phrase is good

Translator: 549690339

On Yanwu Peak, Lin Chan and Xiao Ran had another sparring match.

It was Lu Xun who proposed this, and Xiao Ran agreed willingly, stating that she was available at any time to spar with Lin Chan. She was quite happy to serve as Lin Chan’s sparring partner. freeweɓnovel.cѳm

“This chick is bursting with combat potential!” Lu Xun evaluated to himself regarding Xiao Ran.

After the sparring match, everyone sat down a little to rest. Lu Xun took out tables, chairs, and a set of tea utensils from his storage ring.

He’d been travelling outside of the sect recently, and always served as the cook, so his storage ring was filled with all kinds of food and drinks.

Lin Chan’s tea-making skills were adept. She was in charge of brewing and pouring tea, while Lu Xun and Xiao Ran chatted while drinking tea.

Lu Xun looked at Xiao Ran and, after a casual conversation, mysteriously said, “To be honest, for my niece Xiao Ran, this trip to the Demon Sect is our first encounter, but in fact, I saw niece Xiao Ran a long time ago.”

“Oh?” Xiao Ran’s interest was piqued, and she said with a smile, “Please do tell, Uncle Lu.”

Lu Xun took a sip of hot tea and said with a smile, “It was in Qingling City, just before niece Xiao Ran entered the Turtle’s Longevity challenge.”

“I see.” Xiao Ran immediately realized which time period he was referring to.

The thought brought a faint smile to Xiao Ran’s face, as if she was reminiscing about something.

“Niece Xiao Ran, what are you thinking about?” Lu Xun asked.

Xiao Ran, still maintaining her gentle and soft demeanor, replied with a soft voice, “Uncle Lu, I was recollecting about my apprentice.”

Lu Xun:

So she was thinking about Yan Bao.

Judging by her current demeanor, it seems the relationship between this master and disciple pair has taken an eerily close turn.

“Good job, Yan Bao! You’ve made substantial progress in such a short time, befriending your female master while being her female disciple… this woman certainly knows what she’s doing!” Lu Xun ruminated inwardly.

Now in a good mood, Xiao Ran added, “Uncle Lu, you might not know this, but there’s an interesting story about how I met my apprentice.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Lu Xun responded.

Lin Chan, curious and attentive, poured hot tea for both of them and listened in earnestly.

Xiao Ran began, “My apprentice told me that before she met me that day, she had first encountered another cultivator in Qingling City. It was this cultivator who pointed her in the right direction, telling her that her fate was not just about herself. That’s how she found me.”

Listening, Lu Xun:

Inwardly, he thought to tell Xiao Ran, “You might not believe it, but the cultivator who pointed the way for her was me.”

Back then, Yan Bao didn’t know the real identity of the Purple Palace. However, she likely found out through the forum by now.

The source of this c𝐨ntent is freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

From her current situation, perhaps for some special reason, she didn’t tell Xiao Ran that the person who helped them form this master-disciple bond was Lu Xun!

Strictly speaking, if they ended up becoming a couple like their past lives, then Lu Xun would technically be a matchmaker…


“How interesting,” Lu Xun responded to Xiao Ran, without saying much else.

Xiao Ran said, “That’s right. My apprentice has always been grateful to that person. She often thinks about him.”

Lu Xun’s mouth slightly twitched.

Damned charisma 10, you’re going to unbend a perfectly straight girl! Don’t mess this up!

At the time, his objective was to form a good karma with both Yan Bao and Xiao Ran.

One being the chairman of the Yan Alliance Guild and the other an NPC of world protagonist level, his aim was to kill two birds with one stone.

But in reality, he preferred the phrase ‘two birds with one stone’.

Double boom!

The sound of it was empowering.

After finishing a pot of tea, Xiao Ran needed to return to the Yayuan, while Lu Xun headed back to the back mountain.

Before parting ways, Lu Xun looked at Xiao Ran and said, “Niece Xiao Ran, I can see that you’re a straightforward person. So, when it’s just the two of us, don’t be too formal, it’s perfectly fine.”

Hearing his words, Xiao Ran’s eyes sparkled.

She dropped the pretense of being the delicate young woman and looked straight at Lu Xun with her bright eyes and said,

“Uncle Lu, I usually don’t like to be around people, especially men. But I think Uncle Lu is different.”

“Uncle Lu, my master and I plan to remain in the Demon Sect until the end of the Outer Sect competition. We may trouble you in the coming days.”

“Also, I would actually like to spar with Sister Lin Chan a few more times.” She added lastly.

Lu Xun looked at her, nodded slightly and said with a warm smile, “That’s great, really great.”

However, he felt something odd in his heart.

When Xiao Ran reached the Yayuan, she discovered, to her surprise, that her master, Zhao Suihan had already returned and was waiting for her in the courtyard.

“Master,” Xiao Ran greeted her and attempted to explain why she left so late at night.

“You don’t have to explain, I saw your sparring match with Lu Xun,” Zhao Suihan said.

Xiao Ran paused and then nodded.

Zhao Suihan studied her and said curious, “Xiao Ran, I know your personality quite well. You’re always so determined and refuse to accept defeat. How come you’re okay after losing to Lu Xun?”

“I remember the journey to the Demon Sect; whenever we talked about Lu Xun, you were quite unhappy how he surpassed you in the Turtle’s Longevity and Ghost’s Grief challenges,” Zhao Suihan recalled.

The mention of this turned Xiao Ran’s face slightly uneasy. She gently bit her lip, at a loss for words.

In her heart, she was thinking, “I remember that you didn’t have a good word for Uncle Lu on the way here either!”

But she dared not voice those words, fearing a spanking.

And who would have thought, despite being a plain and ordinary red-hooded girl whose grandma was eaten by a wolf, her hip curve was actually quite perfect.

After an awkward pause, she finally managed to stutter out, “Uncle Lu is my elder, losing to him is not shameful. Besides, Uncle Lu is extraordinarily talented. As for Uncle Lu, I… I truly respect him.”

Zhao Suihan saw Xiao Ran’s expression and merely smiled slightly, not pressing on further. Then, she retired for the evening.

Only Xiao Ran remained in the courtyard.

She looked up at the bright moon and thought to herself, “I wonder how Yan Bao is doing in the sect.”

At the thought of Yan Bao, a smile appeared on her face, and Yan Bao’s image appeared in her mind.

She remembered Yan Bao’s shamelessness, her playful grins, and her litany of teasing comments…

She’d been separated from Yan Bao for quite some time and found that she missed her.

However, for some unknown reason, during this process, an image of a man in black would occasionally flash across her mind…

(PS: I won’t go into details about the new strain of pneumonia, but please ensure your safety. Don’t think you’re invincible because you’re young. If possible, wear a mask. You can search online for different types of masks – some of them are not very effective. Always place safety and health as a priority.

Don’t stop reading while I’m still writing. That would turn you into a eunuch…

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