This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role-Chapter 256: Throw me with a Pawpaw

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Chapter 256

"No way? Is that for real?" Lin Dong sat up straight.

Gu Ren nodded, "If I remember correctly, it is. Senior Chu Yang used to be quite famous at our school, but she was probably even more well-known at B University. After all, Chi Yan, the current owner of Chi Corporation, was a notable figure at B University back then. Their relationship attracted a lot of attention. Apparently, they started dating in their freshman year and got married right after graduation. But there was quite a bit of discussion about it."

"Gu Ren, how do you know all this?"

Gu Ren replied, "Obviously, I studied journalism. As a journalist, you need to have a nose for gossip, you know."

Lin Dong covered his face and lay back down. "I can't believe I confessed to the wife of Chi Corporation's boss."

"It's not that bad. At least you confessed to the boss of Chi Corporation. I mean, think about it - what kind of person gets to be the wife of Chi Corporation's boss!"

"She probably won't even remember you, don't worry."

"That's right. In the future, just do some research before confessing. Don't be so naive and jump right in."

Lin Dong retorted, "Weren't you guys the ones who told me to go for it?" Thankfully, not many people knew about this, otherwise, he would have died of embarrassment.

Chu Yang indeed didn't dwell on this incident. Currently, besides her studies, she was focused on her pregnancy, occasionally attending gatherings with other wealthy wives.

As her belly became more noticeable, she often encountered kind people. For instance, someone would offer her a seat on the school shuttle, or help her carry a bag full of documents.

One good turn deserves another.

The source of this c𝓸ntent is freewebnøvel.coɱ.

Once, when Chu Yang boarded the school shuttle, a female student offered her seat. Chu Yang accepted without fuss, saying, "Thank you." and sat down comfortably.

When she reached her stop, Chu Yang handed the girl a note: Don't take the job at the company you're interviewing with today.

The girl looked at the note, puzzled. But by the time she wanted to ask questions, Chu Yang had already walked away, and the bus doors had closed.

The girl took the note back to her dorm room. "Girls, something strange happened to me today. Look at this... I don't even know how she knew I went for an interview, and I was indeed considering an internship."

Her roommates thought she had encountered a good Samaritan. "Holy crap! Sis, don't go there at all!"

"Yeah, this must be heaven looking out for you."

The girl was still confused. "How did she know which company I was going to? Does she know me? But I've never seen her before."

Her roommates asked, "Did you do anything?"

The girl scratched her head, "Huh? Well, I saw she was pregnant, so I offered her my seat."

Roommate: "She must have wanted to repay your kindness. Just listen to her advice, don't go there, really. There are plenty of job opportunities out there. If you miss this one, there might be an even better one next time. Besides, we haven't even graduated yet. It's not too late to look for jobs after graduation."

"But this company seems really good, and the salary is quite tempting. They even said it's okay that I haven't graduated yet, and I can be converted to a full-time employee right after graduation."

Roommate: "No matter what, it's better to be safe than sorry. Some companies might look impressive but are actually scams. Some might promise you the world, but once you're in, you'll have to do everything, and your salary might be split into several performance-based bonuses. You might have to meet certain targets to get the salary they promised. In short, you need to think it through carefully."

The girl nodded, "Alright."

"Anyway, we all advise you not to go. With our qualifications, we can find all sorts of jobs in the future."



The next day, the company urged the girl to start work, but after some consideration, she ultimately declined the offer.

Two weeks later, she was reading the news and saw that the police had cracked down on a fraud ring. A seemingly high-end company turned out to be a fraudulent multi-level marketing operation.

And the name of that company was the one she had interviewed with. Holy crap! If she had joined, wouldn't she have become part of the fraud? She could have ended up in jail!

The girl immediately told her roommates about this: "Oh my god! I really met a big shot! It's like my ancestors were watching over me! Otherwise, I would've ended up in prison sewing clothes. Waaah! If I ever meet that pregnant sister again, I'll definitely, definitely repay her! She's like a goddess to me!"

Her roommate patted her shoulder: "Have you considered that maybe it was your own kindness that saved you? If you hadn't offered your seat, you wouldn't have received the note. Without the note, you might have obediently started the job, right? Then you'd have been caught up in the whole thing."

"Yes, yes, you're right. Kindness really does pay off. Now that I think about it, that pregnant sister was quite pretty."

The girl's name was Zhang Moxuan. She immediately posted about it on social media, and everyone said she had encountered a wise person.

Zhang Moxuan didn't expect to meet Chu Yang again. She had just left the college building when she saw a pregnant woman seemingly waiting for someone by the roadside. She glanced at her without paying much attention, then looked again. Holy crap! Isn't this the wise person?

Zhang Moxuan immediately ran over. "H-hello."

Chu Yang looked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of her with burning eyes, although she didn't seem to recognize her.

Chu Yang looked at her quizzically.

Zhang Moxuan pointed at herself, "It's me! Once, you gave me a note on the school shuttle telling me not to take a job. I listened to you and didn't go. Later, that company was busted by the police. It turned out to be a fraud company!"

Chu Yang thought for a moment, seeming to recall the incident. She smiled, "I'm glad you're alright."

Zhang Moxuan blushed when she saw her smile. The big shot was really beautiful. freёwebnoѵ

Soon, a luxury car stopped in front of Chu Yang. A chauffeur got out and opened the car door for her. "Madam."

Chu Yang smiled at Zhang Moxuan, "I have to go now. Goodbye."

Zhang Moxuan snapped back to reality and grabbed a handful of candy from her bag to give to Chu Yang. "Big shot, thank you. Here's some candy for you. My name is Zhang Moxuan."

Chu Yang took the candy and got into the car. Looking at the familiar textbook in her hand, she said, "Thank you, junior. Goodbye."

Zhang Moxuan waved excitedly as she watched the car leave. After it was gone, she cupped her face. The big shot was really beautiful and gentle, ah ah ah! Suddenly, she realized she had forgotten to ask for the big shot's name. Waaah, she was too excited!

Zhang Moxuan returned to her dorm room. "Girls, I met the big shot again! Ah ah ah ah! I saw her when I came out of the college building. Then she got into a luxury car and left. I gave her the candy from my bag and she didn't mind. She's so beautiful and gentle. Oh my god, today must be my lucky day."

"How did you meet her? Did she say anything else to you?"

Zhang Moxuan shook her head, "No. I forgot to ask for her name. Sigh, I was too excited."

"Since you said you saw her at the college entrance, maybe she's from our college too?"

"You're right! But... that's not quite right. The big shot is pregnant. Can you attend school while pregnant?"

"Maybe she's a teacher."

"Maybe, but I don't think I've seen her before. And she looked quite young to me."

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