Thriller Paradise-Chapter 395 - Unexpected Visitor

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Chapter 395: Unexpected Visitor

Xiao Tan, having won, went offline directly after being teleported away from the scenario. Naturally, Laughing Soul and Passing Rain were confused by this, but Feng Bujue who knew the backstory behind this used a firm and infallible tone to say, “Let me deal with this. I’ll go offline now. I’ll give you all an explanation tomorrow.”

Then Brother Jue returned to the log-in lobby and selected ‘to go offline and wake up’.

With something like that happened, Laughing Soul and Passing Rain did not have the mood to play another. They both went offline to rest. 2 minutes later, in real life at Brother Jue’s home, the gaming hub was opened, and Brother Jue sat up. He scratched his rumpled hair as he crawled out. “Phew… Should I make a call?” He hesitated. “Nah… I should go to his home and talk to him in person.” Brother Jue decided and then moved to change.

“You are not going anywhere,” a voice suddenly said. That moment, Feng Bujue’s first reaction was… there was a burglar in the house. All the lights were off, and the only light came from the parts of the gaming hub. Feng Bujue could not see the person, but this was his home. Based on his hearing, he knew the person was sitting on the sofa. Without any hesitation, Feng Bujue shot out like an arrow, with his body crouching and launched into the kitchen.

“Hehehe… I don’t think getting a knife is a good idea.” The man on the couch gave a wicked laugh. Hearing that laugh, Feng Bujue’s body froze. His mind turned rapidly and in a second, he managed to place that voice.

“You are…” Brother Jue turned around. “That GM?”

Woody snapped his fingers and the lights in the living room came on.

“Hehe… I never admitted I was any GM.” Woody laughed. “That was your deduction, and it is wrong.”

Feng Bujue looked at the man in glasses in a suit sitting on his couch. He was silent for two seconds and then asked, “How did you get in here, and what do you want?”

“Hehe… Interesting…” Woody laughed. “You didn’t ask how I get your address but go straight for how I got in here. That means you already have speculation about how I obtained your personal information.”

“Humph… I never believed these gaming companies will live up to their promise of ‘respecting their users’ privacy’.” Feng Bujue said, “Even if the nervous connections were maintained by the photon computer, the personal information that I logged in on the forum should be viewable by the employees at Dream Inc., right?”

“You’re not wrong. Hehehe… I know you do not trust any third party, including transaction website, moving company, chain hotel, even the government department…” Woody added, “But I hope you’ll trust me when I say Dream Inc. is serious when it comes to the protection of its users’ information. Your personal information will never be leaked from our side.”

“Oh? Then I will have to ask, how did you find my address?” When Feng Bujue said that, he had moved to the sofa.

“The answer is in your mind.” Woody pushed up his glasses. “Think back to what I told you last time.”

“I don’t need you to tell me about the images and voices that already exist in your mind, because I’ve already consumed and digested them one minute earlier.”

Such a statement entered Feng Bujue’s mind. He scoffed. “This is ridiculous. You are trying to tell me you can read other people’s minds?”

“You don’t believe me?” Woody challenged. “If I can’t do that, then… how do I know about the fact that ‘Wang Tanzhi has killed someone about a decade ago’?”

Feng Bujue’s expression changed and many possibilities appeared in his mind.

“Your brain moves very fast, but it has not escaped from the shackles from the conventional,” Woody observed. “If you can acknowledge the presence of the supernatural, this conversation will be more successful.” He tilted his head and smiled. “At least in that case… the question of ‘how that man with glasses can open the lights with just a snap of his fingers’ can be temporarily removed from your train of thoughts.”

“I see it now… Your company’s gaming hub has been stealing and reading the players’ memory and information,” Feng Bujue analyzed rationally.

“Hehe… you still haven’t given up on science?” Woody turned around. “Then… Arthas, why don’t you come over and try to help me convince him?”

“Do you have to use that name? It’s such a horrible name that is given by a horrible man.” Arthas sauntered from the corner of the room. It was really speaking… and it was the voice of a young woman.

“Erm…” Feng Bujue short-circuited for two seconds. He turned to Woody. “Ventriloquism?”

“I can do many things, but I can’t raise the pitch of my voice to become so high,” Woody admitted. Arthas jumped on the sofa and stretched out on the back. “I know you will speculate that… I have some kind of microphone hidden on me…” It paused. “But if you dare to use that chance to touch me other than my head, I will tear you into pieces.”

“But you are a male cat! A male cat!” Feng Bujue had lost it this time. “No, this can’t be. This has to be a prank show! Someone has manipulated the light… The cat’s body or the collar…”


Woody’s finger waved in the air and the next second, one of Feng Bujue’s leg was cut off cleanly at his upper calf. With a thump, Brother Jue’s amputated leg fell to the ground and his person’s face turned ashy for two seconds before he lost his balance and collapsed.

“Don’t worry, this is cross-dimension severance. See, there is no blood at all, and you feel no pain.” Woody said with a smile. “Hehe… So… how are you going to explain this? Magic? Hypnosis? Or you have accidentally ingested marijuana without you knowing it?”

Feng Bujue raised his head and studied his ‘broken leg’. He saw a perfect cross section: the bone, bone marrow, the blood vessels, fat, muscles, skin… they were still moving. The blood didn’t squirt out from the wound and the stump where his leg appeared was the same.

“How much longer you wish to study this? Or do you want me to join them back?” Woody asked.

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