To Kiss An Idol-Chapter 52

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52 The Dreamy Kiss

Kyung-Soo would place a spoonful of rice and curry in his mouth and would close his eyes the next second to feel all the flavours playing in his mouth. Nivritti was low-key loving his reaction. She was eating and sipping her can of cola while looking at him. He was too busy eating and forgot to ask any questions or even drink the cola meant for him. When he was almost on the verge of finishing the food, Nivritti asked, “May I offer you more?”

“Yes, please,” said Kyung-Soo, excited and happy. She took the plate from him, but he held the spoon in his hands. He licked the spoon clean while she bought him some more rice and curry. Eager as a child he grabbed the plate and devoured the food, happily.

After they were done, Nivritti collected the plates and Kyung-Soo finally opened his cola and drank. She went up to the kitchen sink and started cleaning the dishes.

Kyung-Soo came running and offered his help, “let me help.”

“No, it’s fine,” she replied.

“Hey! Let me help,” he shouted.

“Huh...” Nivritti was confused over his shouting. ƒ𝚛𝐞𝚎𝑤𝘦𝚋𝓷o𝚟e𝘭.c𝐨𝙢

“Sorry, but you are very frustrating,” he explained.

“Excuse me!”


“You don’t reply to my questions, you don’t let me help you. Whatever I ask, your answer is always no. Do you have any idea how annoying that is?” he scolded her.

“I don’t always say no or don’t let you help me,” protested Nivritti.

“Want a demonstration?” he challenged.

“Yeah, show me,” she accepted the challenge.

Without any notice, he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. A loud gasp escaped her mouth seeing that she was again standing close to him. With his other hand, he softly ran his fingers over the four black marks.

“Did you apply anything on them?” he pointed at her marks.

“NK! They are bruises, what can I apply on them?” she replied softly. She wanted to prove him wrong that she always shut him down.

“So, there’s no pain?” he asked with concern.

“Only when I touch them with a little bit of pressure.”

“Do you have some pain relief spray?”


“Let me spray.”

“No, Than...” she immediately stopped herself and pressed her lips together with embarrassment. She looked at him with one closed eye. Kyung-Soo was smirking at her. “Fine, you can spray pain relief on that. Wait here.” She ordered him and went to her room to get the spray with her.

But as soon as she came out of her room, she froze for a second. She saw Kyung-Soo washing the dishes. She instantly ran to him and shouted, “what are you doing? Stop it. You don’t need to do this.”

“See, again, you won’t let me help you. You are injured, you need help,” said Kyung-Soo.

Nivritti placed her hands over her waist and stood crooked. She tilted her head and said, “really! I cleaned my whole apartment without any hitch. I told you they only hurt when I touch them, else they are not bothering me. They are just four marks on my hand.”

“Then you should have called me, I would have helped you clean your apartment, hell I would have brought my boys. They would have loved to help you,” snapped Kyung-Soo.

“Do you hear yourself sometimes? What are you saying? Why would I call you guys to clean my apartment? Do you need to see a doctor? Are you losing your mind?” Nivritti shouted at him.

“Hey! We clean our apartment so why can’t we clean yours? Moreover, think like this, you will have the most expensive cleaning boys to yourself,” teased Kyung-Soo.

Nivritti closed her eyes and facepalmed at his answer but started laughing at him. “You are an idiot.”

“Thank you very much, now go sit down, I will be there with you in a minute,” said Kyung-Soo.

“Yes, sir,” Nivritti saluted him, sarcastically.

With a smile on his face, he cleaned the plates and the cups and placed them on the rack to dry. He wiped his hand on the towel hanging on the fridge door handle and came to the living room. He sat next to Nivritti and took her hands in his. Carefully, he sprayed the pain relief liquid on her hand.

“Where is the bandage?”

“I don’t need...” she started the sentence, but Kyung-Soo immediately gave her a death stare. “Fine, I will get it, chill.”

She stood up and again went to her room. Kyung-Soo shook his head in disbelief and murmured, “this girl!”

After a few seconds, Nivritti came back and tossed the bandage towards Kyung-Soo, “catch!” He looked at her, but his reaction was late. The bandage hit him on his forehead.

“Ow!” he cried. Nivritti could not help herself and she started laughing like an idiot. Kyung-Soo started rubbing his head to ease the pain and started at Nivritti with a stink eye.

She ran to him, still laughing but kept apologising, “I am sorry, very sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Did that hurt?”

“What do you think?” he snapped. Nivritti stifled her laughter and sat next to him.

“Show me.” He removed his hands from his forehead and showed her the place where the bandage hit him. There was nothing, not even a dot. His shiny skin was flawless as always. “There is nothing,” she complained.

“Hey! It hurtsss,” scowled Kyung-Soo.

“Okay, sorry. I thought you would catch it. I didn’t know you had butterfingers,” she teased him.

“You are mean,” sulked Kyung-Soo.

“Alright! Come here,” she moved closer to him and softly rubbed his forehead. She moved her hand and blew air on the area that was hurt.

Kyung-Soo gulped as her neck was close to his mouth. He was fighting the urge to place his mouth on her smooth neck. The small black mole on her neck was inviting him to kiss. It was the first time he was noticing the mole. He wanted to touch it. His fingers started itching with the sensation to touch it.

Moreover, she was blowing warm air over his forehead. Her soft fingers were placed on his cheeks to keep his face in place. Her lavender smell was overwhelming his senses.

He closed his eyes, grabbed her by her waist and without thinking placed his mouth over hers. The mesmerizing sensation took all over him. He softly moved his hands under her shirt and gasped as his fingers touched her soft skin. His forehead was still warm from her breath.

He kept sucking on her lips and the sound of kisses filled the atmosphere. He was almost about to push his tongue inside her mouth to taste her when she asked, “are you okay?”

“What?” he thought. “If I am kissing her, how is she able to talk?”

“NK! Hey! Are you alright?” she asked again.

Kyung-Soo blinked his eyes and the picture before him became clear. His hands were empty, she was sitting before him looking at him weirdly.

“What?!” he asked.

“Where were you? What were you thinking? I had to snap you out of it,” she notified.

“Um... nothing,” he lied.

“NK! I know you are lying. Tell me,” she emphasised.

“I can’t tell you,” he averted his eyes. Why the hell he dreamed about kissing her? And how did he dream about kissing her with open eyes?

“Huh... you can tell me anything. Come on! I won’t judge you,” she replied.

“You can’t promise me that,” he objected.

“Fine, I promise you I won’t judge you,” she assured him.

“As you wish. I... I was... was thinking about...”


“I was thinking about kissing you,” he replied abruptly and closed his eyes.

Nivritti’s first reaction was to shout but she immediately placed her hands over her mouth and stopped herself. “Okay!” she exclaimed. “See, not judging you, at all. I am not judging you. I will never judge you.” Her voice tone kept climbing a notch with every sentence.

Kyung-Soo hung his head low for a minute. No one spoke after that. They avoided looking at each other. But then suddenly Kyung-Soo grabbed her bruised hand and again sprayed with pain relief. He softly wrapped the bandage around her hand. They still could not look at each other.

After gulping a lot of times and looking all over her place just to avoid looking at Kyung-Soo, Nivritti awkwardly said, “It’s getting late, your team members would be waiting for you. I don’t want to say this, but I think you should leave.”

“Woah! Woah! Back up! Wait a minute,” he shouted and stood up instantly.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” she asked innocently.

“You said you will tell me everything after I eat,” he grimaced.

“I never said that. I just ordered you to eat and you ate,” she replied, proudly. His mouth fell open. It was true, she never said that she will tell him anything. She just asked him to eat, and he ate. He fell on the couch with a thud and a slouched shoulder. The disappointment was written all over his face. How could he be so stupid?

He then sat straight and looked at her with determination. “It doesn’t matter what you said. I am not leaving without getting answers. He folded his legs and sat on the couch in protest. He then folded his arms over his chest and stared at Nivritti. “No matter if I have to stay here for ages, I am not moving even an inch till you tell me what is wrong with dating someone younger than you. Who was your boyfriend and why you are running away from him? What the hell he did, that you closed your heart forever?”f𝔯ee𝘸𝘦𝚋𝒏oѵ𝐞l.c𝒐𝓂