Transcendent Dawn-Chapter 236 - 0 Glove (In honor of the League of Legends Alliance Leader who quit for good!)

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Chapter 236: Chapter 0236 Glove (In honor of the League of Legends Alliance Leader who quit for good!)

Translator: 549690339

In the apartment, inside the bedroom.


Su Lu, who was lying flat, felt like he was falling from a high altitude. The white of his eyes quickly receded in his pupils, and he gasped, “That was close…”

That terrifying existence, if the angle was slightly off, he would have been within its attack range.

If that happened, apart from directly using his Spirit World Traversal ability, he couldn’t think of any other way to survive.

“So, that’s the Dream Spirit World? It’s too dangerous…”

Su Lu got up, sighed deeply, and looked at his right hand.

In his palm, there was a piece of snake skin!

It was a flesh-yellow color, with a streak of light flowing over it, transforming into a series of mysterious symbols with a peculiar aura.

Without a doubt, this was a special material rich in spirituality, and it was continuously spreading some ‘information’.

“Greedy Snake… is that its name?”

Thinking about its performance, Su Lu’s eyes blazed with excitement, “It’s you!”

He planned to use this salvaged Greedy Snake skin as the main material for his storage equipment!

Mysterious knowledge told him that it would definitely work!

After all, from the way it opened its snake jaws and transformed into a black hole, it was clear that this magical creature had spatial attributes!

“Unfortunately, there’s only this broken piece of snake skin… I need to add some transcendent materials… and require the assistance of a ritual.”

Su Lu stored the Greedy Snake skin in a steel box etched with mysterious runes that effectively prevent the loss of spirituality. He immediately went back to bed and fell asleep.

He needed to restore his inspiration to the pinnacle state, to create this magical item that might pose the highest challenge he has ever encountered.

“Fortunately, I have already elevated the level of magical item manufacturing to LV4, and there’s the attribute column’s bonuses… it’s just that magic potion skills aren’t up to par. As it isn’t a skill under his profession, there will definitely be a bottleneck!”

Su Lu fell asleep deeply.

The next day, after eating breakfast and instructing Mary not to disturb him, he returned to his bedroom, locked the door, and pulled the curtains shut.

“Hmm, I’ve already prepared some complementary materials… Initially, I planned to procure the main material with spatial attributes either through the Shadow Council, or hunt it myself. Now, I’ve saved a significant amount.”

Su Lu opened his briefcase and took out various materials, “But first… let’s craft the ‘Cat’s Elegance’ potion and Trick Cards, to get a feel of it….”

He swiftly crafted blank Trick Cards one after another.

Moreover, he used his Spiritual Fire to fuse various transcendent materials to craft two bottles of ‘Cat’s Elegance’ potion.

“The increase in magical item manufacturing level slightly enhances potion crafting… very slightly…”

After completing all these tasks, Su Lu rested for a while before turning his attention to the snake skin of the Greedy Snake.

It was only the size of a palm, with tattered edges and strands of spirituality flickering.

“The method to craft storage class magical items… ordinary transcendent families may not even have it… but Shewinado does…”

Su Lu set up a spiritual ritual, placing the snake skin in the center, “First… using the power of the ritual, fully stimulate the spatial attribute of the snake skin… ”

“Then, add other transcendent materials, use runes and the Language of Arrogance to solidify the ability….”

“Finally, it’s molding. Shape it into a suitable form.”

After reviewing the process in his mind, Su Lu no longer hesitated, lit the candle, and recited the spell in the Language of Arrogance:

“In my name!”

A slight wind stirred in the secret room.

Though he could pray to the Wild God and other deities for better results, he judiciously chooses himself. 𝘧𝓻ℯ𝑒𝑤𝓮𝒷𝓷𝘰𝑣ℯ𝑙.𝓬𝓸𝓂

After all, even if Shewinado is rumored to have fallen, the quirks of the divine exist beyond the imaginations of ordinary people.

In case he ‘rises from the dead’ and actually responds, incidentally spreading some unspeakable pollution, then Su Lu would really be at a loss.

“I command you… accept the changes of spirituality!”

He looked at the snake skin at the center of the ritual. On it, streaks of light surged more violently, suddenly suspended in mid-air, transparent mysterious symbols appeared, their brightness fluctuating.

“Hmm… it’s time to test my mysterious knowledge.”

Su Lu recognized that some of these symbols represented ‘space,’ some represented ‘expansion,’ some represented ‘resilience,’ and some represented ‘skin’!

For his purpose, elements like space and expansion were most important, resilience could be complementary, but elements like skin must be excluded.

He extended his right hand, pointed at several symbols, “You’re dissolved!”

The few symbols he pointed at instantly dimmed, while the symbols representing space became even more brilliant…..

Federated calendar 279, December 22..

Lorelei Festival.

There was a light snowfall, and the outdoor temperature dropped sharply.

In the apartment.

Su Lu looked at the glove in front of him, as joy spread across his face: “Finally… it’s finished.”

This took him many days, making him spend most of his accumulated inspiration on making the magical item every day except for eating and sleeping.

As it turned out, it was all worth it, he succeeded!

The newly crafted magical item took the form of a light brown glove that exposed five fingers, which Su Lu put on his right hand immediately.

“Hmm… it’s pretty comfortable.”

Many patterns emerged from his hands. Suddenly a pitch-black dagger appeared, he moved around, pretending to assassinate, the dagger disappeared unexpectedly afterward, leaving a shocking effect.

Su Lu extended his inspiration to the glove, feeling a not too large space in the void, where there was only a Demon Hunting dagger.

“The storage space in it is only about a cubic meter… although it’s not big, it’s enough. It’ll be useful at critical times..”

Using this glove to hide weapons, combined with the [Wanderer]’s assassination ability, could turn his close combat into a nightmare for some enemies.

“Unfortunately… this glove has a usage period. After about two years, the space inside it will continuously shrink and eventually disappear…”

This was the limit of his ability.

With Su Lu’s current level and accessible materials, he still can’t craft the kind of magical item with permanent effects.

“Even so… this glove is worth at least 5000 Golden Dragons, or even more… if I sell it, I will immediately become a millionaire, and retire in any city in the Federation…”

Su Lu looked at his right hand: “But… that’s not my goal.”

He walked down the stairs and found that Mary had already made an abundant breakfast, Margaret was playing with Hallock, and when they saw him, they cheerfully said, “Happy Lorelei Festival!”

“Yes! Happy Lorelei Festival!”

Su Lu returned the smile, sat down at his place, picked up his knife and fork, and started on his abundant breakfast.

‘Hmm… today is also Owen’s birthday, the day his destined curse is supposed to trigger. How will he resist?’