Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman-Chapter 131 Escape! [2]

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For the first time since he got the Blackfire Advanced skill, Rex finally had the opportunity to make use of it as he burst into black flames.

Instantly after Rex burst into black flames, he gained the ability of not just flight, but the ability to deal fire and heat damage also.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rex flew into the skies instantly as blackfire was unleashed from all over his body like missiles, his hair burned a fiery red like those of the Ghost Rider.

By now, he and his 2 companions were already completely surrounded by the Kamaitachis but Rex did not care as all his attention was focused on his head where his mystic energy was stored.

When the concentration became strong enough, Rex's eyes turned pitch-black as he soon started activating and spamming skills at the beasts.


You have activated Advanced Sword Skill: One Autumn Leaf- Splitting Slash!

You have activated Advanced Sword Skill: One Autumn Leaf- Splintering Slash!

You have activated Blackfire skill: Ethereal Slash!

You have activated skill: Blood Strike!

You have activated Vampire Ability: Blood Rejuvenation!

You have activated skill…

You have activated skill…


For this brief moment, Rex ignored the fact that skills consumed mystic energy as he simply activated and spammed them on the beasts.

His sword that was already coated with the burning Blackfire spread disaster with his sword energy as sword skills were unleashed rapidly.

This time, Rex really went all out and revealed all his trump cards.

With the One Autumn Leaf sword skill series, he made use of his domain mystic energy powers. With the Ethereal Slash, he made use of his Blackfire mystic ability and with the Blood Strike, he made use of his Vampire powers.

Combining this trilogy of powers, Rex became invisible even if it was for just a short while as he completely dominated the surrounding Kamaitachis.

[You have killed an Intermediate mystic beast: 2-Horned Kamaitachi!]

[You have killed a Basic mystic beast: 1-Horned Kamaitachi!]

[You have killed an Intermediate mystic beast…]

[You have killed a Basic mystic beast…]

As the corpses piled up beneath him even as Princess Elanor and Aragorn also spread rampage on the ground, they finally carved a path that led towards the direction where Grey fought against the Kamaitachis.

Without hesitation, Rex took the lead as he started flying towards his transformed beast. Princess Elanor and Aragorn followed on the ground.

Aragorn's Blood Pistols constantly roared as he fought alongside the Elven Princess. The loud sounds of his gun were what first attracted Grey's attention.

Once the Dark Mist Spider looked in the direction of the sound, it easily saw its master who was flying towards it as it jumped excitedly the next moment.

Having stayed longer fighting the Kamaitachis than any of them, though a pile of corpses also lay at its feet, Grey was also seriously injured already. Being a pureblood beast was what kept it alive, it was just that tenacious.

The reunion of master and beast was swift as Rex soon descended from the skies as he spread his raging blackfire everywhere, scorching the Kamaitachis.

He created a makeshift shield with the Blackfire to defend against the deadly wind energy attacks that was the trademark of the Kamaitachis.

Once Princess Elanor and Aragorn arrived, Rex took the lead again as they continued escaping, this time with Grey. The only problem that they faced this time was the mystic calculus, they needed to control their mystic energy usage.

After his outlandish display just moments ago, Rex's mystic energy decreased a lot and they needed to be replenished before he could do anything similar again.

He didn't have that luxury though, the Kamaitachis attacked like mad dogs. 𝗳𝔯𝙚e𝒘e𝚋𝘯𝚘ν𝙚l.𝑐o𝙢

In just 2 minutes more, Rex, his 2 friends and Grey were boxed in by the Kamaitachis as their mystic energy kept on depleting rapidly like flowing water.

They tried their best but against such an overwhelming horde of Kamaitachis, they had no choice but to be cornered. Princess Elanor's defensive treasures and Rex's Affection Necklace was what kept them alive.

"F*ck! Am I going to die here today?" Aragorn complained indignantly. "I didn't even get to use all the techniques that I learned today, so f*cking cruel!"

Aragorn's complaints could not change the situation though.

As their defense wore off, their injuries increased till it got to the point where Rex was out of options. He felt bitter though he already expected this, going against a whole race of beasts was not something to scoff at.

They were even lucky since all the Advanced mystic Kamaitachis were being tied down by the Elven warriors who remained focused on helping them escape.

Out of options, Rex was annoyed to experience this loathsome feeling of helplessness again. He hated feeling this way, he hated feeling helpless.

Grey could sense its master's feelings and anxiousness as it indirectly affected the Dark Mist Spider. Grey's attacks became more reckless due to the anxiousness as it sustained injury at a much faster rate.

Just a few seconds later, Grey made a big mistake as one of the Kamaitachis managed to slice a few centimeters into its head as blood poured in waves.

Grey hissed loudly in pain but it did not just hiss in pain, it hissed in anger also as its body started vibrating all of a sudden like it was being charged with electricity. All of a sudden, a massive energy exploded from Grey's body.


Grey has experienced an external stimulus for growth

Grey has leveled up a rank

Congratulations! Your first transformed beast is now an Advanced mystic beast!


Having trained with Rex for months, Grey already developed a lot and now, the stimulation of pain was what pushed it across the edge to the next grade.

Grey leveled up a rank and became an Advanced Mystic Beast.


Grey instantly ballooned a few meters bigger as the much bigger Dark Mist Spider hissed loudly the next moment, intimidating the nearby Kamaitachis.

After the level up, all of Grey's abilities experienced an upgrade. Its tail, its silk, its poison, its Dark Mist powers, they all became stronger.

Grey did not even wait for approval from its master this time before it rammed into the Kamaitachis. This time, they stood no chance before the upgraded Spider as Grey completely stomped through them.

"Climb on its back!" Rex was quick to react.

Aragorn and Princess Elanor did not hesitate long as they climbed the Dark Mist Spider's back. Grey's level up was sudden but it was highly welcome.

Now on top of the Dark Mist Spider, Rex and his 2 companions finally had the luxury to attack the Kamaitachis with Grey already defending them with its body.

On top of Grey, their escape kickstarted again as the Dark Mist Spider sprinted away while still killing more Kamaitachis.

Grey's level up was not hidden from the stronger Kamaitachis. Seeing their 2 main targets about to escape, the Advanced Mystic Kamaitachis became frenzied as some of them made bitter sacrifices just to go in pursuit.

The Elven warriors tried their best but they could not hold them back, in the blink of an eye, 3 Advanced Mystic Kamaitachis were on to the Dark Mist Spider.

Grey sprinted for less than a minute before he was cornered, again.

"Hiss!" Grey hissed angrily as it got ready to attack.

Before it did though, the loud reeving sounds of an engine reverberated the next moment as a massive Land Rover vehicle burst into the scene.

This mystic armored vehicle was powerful as it unleashed its load that comprised guns, short-range bombs, and cold weapons at the Kamaitachis.

The Land Rover came in-between the 3 Advanced Mystic Kamaitachis and Grey as it instantly picked up a fight with the Kamaitachis. The back of the Land Rover that faced Grey opened as a familiar face came out.

Queen Galadriel had a weary look on her face as she looked at her daughter with a bitter-sweet smile. "Elanor, obey your father".

She did not let Princess Elanor reply as she turned to face Rex and Aragorn. "Young warriors, please, I'm entrusting my daughter to the care of the both of you".

"Please, help me take care of her, protect her for me, that is my only wish as a mother since I can't do it myself".

"Whatever happens, promise me that you'll never abandon or leave her".

"I won't!" Rex declared instantly as the battle kept on escalating.

Queen Galadriel heaved a sigh of relief as she turned to look behind her. "Then I'm relieved, take these 2 mystic bikes, they'll help you escape the micro world".

2 sleek mystic bikes rode out of the Land Rover the next moment.

"Goodluck!" With that, Queen Galadriel motioned to close the Rover's door but she was stopped by her daughter.

With tears in her eyes, Princess Elanor asked. "Will you and dad be safe?"

Queen Galadriel smiled. "Yes, we will. We've survived the Kamaitachis for centuries, today is not going to be the day that we'll fall to them".

"Believe in your father, believe in us". With that, the Queen slammed the door shut as the Land Rover pushed the 3 Advanced mystic Kamaitachis away.

Princess Elanor was sad but this was not the time to be emotional. Aragorn responded fast as he grabbed one of the bikes. "Rex, take the other one. Your highness, please join me so we can escape".

Princess Elanor wiped her tears and nodded firmly. "I'll come back someday!" She declared before entering the mystic bike.

As Aragorn drove away, Rex claimed the 2nd mystic bike. His system lit up a notification the next moment as the bike's stats were displayed.


[Mystic Bike: The Wild Rider!]

[Bonded Owner: ???]

Rarity: Uncommon

Requirements: 500 Combined Stats

- Speed: 1200- 5000

- Comfort: 400- 600

[Mystic Effects: Speed Demon; Wild Rider; Nitro Demon!]

[Remark: A replica of the Soul Rider Bike!]


Rex could not appraise bikes but his instincts told him that what he saw was good. "Sweet!" He exclaimed as he switched the bike on and reeved its engine.

Rex rode away with speed.