Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman-Chapter 148 Battling Gaud, The Chief Guard

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4 hours ago…

About a dozen Surf shuttles appeared close to the Gundam Shelter.

After days of relentless searching and pursuit, during which time he got himself and his warriors into terribly dangerous battle situations, Gaud finally traced the tracks of the 2 young masters to the Gundam Shelter.

"They actually made it here". He said absentmindedly in an amazed tone.

None of his warriors commented though because they knew what would follow next. They were right, Gaud's face soon experienced a rapid switch back to its usual seriousness as he gave instructions authoritatively.

"All the Surf shuttles will be left outside the shelter".

"Banter, you will be the leader of the 10 that will be tasked to stay with and protect the Surf shuttles".

He continued without turning back. "As for the remaining 7 of you, get ready. In 5 minutes, you will all be following me into the Gundam Shelter".

"Yes, Chief Guard".

These 18 warriors were the last of the entourage that followed Gaud.

10 minutes later, 8 new strangers were successfully smuggled into the Gundam Shelter the same way that Rex and his 2 companions got in.

As someone who got to fight his way to the top, despite achieving all this under the banner of the Elden mystic family, Gaud still understood the ways of the trenches and was how he was able to adapt so easily.

After entering the shelter, with his group of 7 mystic warriors, they spent money and did a fair bit of showcasing their strength to intimidate others.

This way, they established a little reputation which combined with their money enabled them to get the information that they wanted.

"So, they were the ones who saved those 2". Gaud's eyes narrowed.

In this little time of having discovered his target, Gaud already arrived at a plan as he turned to face his warriors. "This is the plan, remember it".

"Caught you, bastard!"

As Rex glared into the eyes of his opponent, he used his free left hand to grab his Death Daggers before activating the Ancillaen Gaze mystic effect.

Instantly, his confidence soared even as Gaud received the psychological suppression from the powers of the Death Daggers but it did not last as this elite warrior easily shrugged it.

Not succeeding did not leave Rex discouraged as he reverted to make full advantage of his outrageous strength in his Bear-man form. With his Rage Claws activated, he grabbed Gaud's neck tighter as he tried to claw at him.

The next moment though, after catching his breath for just a second already, Gaud was finally able to react to Rex's offensive and he did it impeccably.

Before Rex could understand what happened, his opponent's hands moved like the wind as 2 sensitive spots in his arms were hit, causing his right hand to go temporarily limp, letting go of his opponent in the process.

Gaud did not let go after this as he counterattacked.

Bam! Bam!

2 fast fists to his abdomen and Rex saw himself puking blood. Just from their first clash, he already suffered from a lack of information, Max never said that Gaud was a Tiajutsu expert and such a talented one at that!

Rex reacted instantly by trying to keep his distance but it did not work as Gaud stuck to him like glue while his fists constantly launched like missiles.

He may have superior strength, but Gaud had the superior technique.

Gaud did not just attack with his fists. As he attacked, Rex received occasional bursts of soul attacks that left him dizzy. This was not all as a menacing Bull Dog and a literal Kangaroo appeared inside the mystic workshop.

The 2 tamed mystic beasts fought alongside their master as for 5 seconds straight, Rex was absolutely trashed despite being in his Bear-man form.

One major fact in this whole thing though was that Rex was not alone. Though they took longer to recover, Aragorn and Princess Elanor finally recovered.


Gaud stopped his follow-up attack as 5 arrows were released at the same time by the female warrior, with one of them shooting right through his beards, causing his eyes to narrow in alarm.

Aragorn dared not hesitate as he unleashed Blood Shots with his Blood Pistols. Gaud turned invisible again as he dodged the 2 shots.

Knowing the advantage that this invisible state brought, Rex dared not let the enemy be so unbridled as despite being injured, he pounced towards Gaud's last known location.

Mid-jump, he received a kick to the abdomen. Rex almost puked blood again but he held on this time and grabbed his opponent's leg.

From the direction that Gaud faced, Rex instantly knew his opponent's intentions. Gaud probably did not expect the 3 of them to be so strong, so having not succeeded immediately, he wanted to retreat and regroup before returning.

Letting the enemy leave uninjured after wreaking so much havoc was not part of Rex's code of conduct and this was what riled him up completely.

Having not practiced with it before, he knew that his swordsmanship in his Bear-man form would deteriorate a lot and was why he did not use Berserker.

Despite not using his sword though, Rex was determined to leave a mark on this powerful middle-aged and extremely experienced Advanced mystic warrior.

For the first time since getting them, Rex finally made use of a trump card that he kept to be used only in situations that absolutely required them.


[You have made use of Character Summon Card: Sophia- Berserk Fighter!]

[Sophia- Berserk Fighter!]

- When activated, your damage in Tiajutsu hand to hand combat will be amplified by 200% for 20 seconds.


Instantly after making use of this character summon card, Gaud felt the difference as his intuition told him that he was no longer facing the same warrior.

Gaud finally made effort to pull back his leg but Rex was defiant. With his vastly improved Tiajutsu capabilities, he won the battle of technique as he grabbed Gaud and twisted him before throwing him down in a back slam attack.


Gaud fell and instantly lost his invisibility state.

Aragorn was quick to pull the trigger but Gaud recovered fast and dodged the bullets only to meet Rex again. This time, he did not dodge as he collided with Rex in a fast-paced pure Tiajutsu battle.

For 2 straight seconds, fists, legs, and both heads attacked at a rapid pace as Rex matched this close-combat warrior fist for fist.

At the 3rd second, Rex finally gave him a noteworthy attack which left Gaud's left cheek swollen. This was a deliberate sacrifice though to prevent being surrounded as Gaud finally found his opportunity to sneak away.

Aragorn tried to block his path but this only led to him being combo-hit as he was left stunned with his Blood Pistols flying away.

Before Gaud could escape the workshop, Rex rapidly sprinted forward before grabbing Aragorn's 2 Blood Pistols as he channeled his mystic energy.


[You have made use of Character Summon Card: Aragorn- Blood Shot!]

[Aragorn- Blood Shot!]

- When activated while using a gun of any type, you can replicate an effect similar to the Blood Shot ability of the Larkinson family. 𝘧r𝘦𝗲w𝘦𝚋𝐧o𝘷𝘦𝙡.co𝑚



This time, Gaud did not expect it as the red-colored bullet tore a hole through his blue vest through his abdomen as a part of his intestines were sent flying.

Blood flowed as Gaud groaned but he still ended up escaping.

Rex looked at the broken window. "I at least gave him a scar to remember before deciding to ambush us again".