Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman-Chapter 98 Raiding The Temple Of Blackfire! [2]

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As soon as Rex jumped outside through the window, the first reaction of the 3 Priests in Black was not to go after him but to observe the sacred altar.

They constantly heaved sighs of relief as they scanned one place after the other, this was until they saw the library as their eyes started burning in rage.

Due to some unknown reason, the thief did not take any of the sacred books or pamphlets but the mere fact that the library was ransacked and that the sacred books were scattered was enough to send them into the highest level of anger.

"Damn thief!!!"

All 3 of them roared in unison as they turned before storming out of the altar room like a group of enraged bulls who were out for blood.


As soon as Rex landed on the floor after escaping out of the altar room through the window, he rapidly scanned his surroundings, this was when he discovered that every escape path that he previously marked was already blocked.

There was no easy escape path any longer, he had to fight his way to safety.

Once Rex came to this conclusion, he did not panic nor did he complain as he improvised instantly having expected beforehand for unexpected changes.

[You have activated Wind Boot's Mystic Effect: Wind Surfer!]

[You have activated Coke Armor's Mystic Effect: Featherweight Warrior!]

Instantly after he activated these 2 mystic effects, Rex felt his body becoming lighter like he was just relieved of a massive burden that he was previously carrying.

While Rex made all these decisions and mystic effect activations in his mind, the warriors of the Temple of Blackfire were not idle as they were already storming toward him for the attack that would claim his life.

At the last moment, before one of the warrior's spears could stab into his flesh, Rex finally moved and he did like flowing water as he dodged the attack.


Rex unsheathed Berserker as the eager living sword finally made its debut.

He did not slash to kill with Berserker, he slashed and bashed to incapacitate. Being an intermediate mystic warrior who already unlocked his sword domain against these basic mofos, Rex was far superior.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Rex only used the flat edge of his living sword to bash the warriors as red-hot marks filled more than a dozen cheeks instantly.

This bashing was strategic as through it, he was able to create a temporary pathway through the crowd of warriors and this was his escape path.

Rex dove into the midst of the mystic warriors as he started weaving in and out like a boss rat casually running and evading an attack of a dozen cats.

In mere seconds, Rex crossed a great distance purely due to his light body movement as none of the temple worshippers were able to catch his movements.

On getting close to the temple gate, Rex stepped his speed up a notch.

[You have activated Wind Boot's Mystic Effect: Glidiator!] 𝘧𝗿ee𝚠𝙚𝙗𝑛o𝚟𝐞l.𝐜૦𝗺


Rex glided across on top of his boots like a professional skier even as Berserker's flat edge constantly hit more cheeks, leaving them red and swollen.

He got extremely close to the gate already, this was when they finally arrived as the angry roar of one of the Priests in Black got to his ears.

Before Rex could react, the path before him turned bumpy as his skiing abruptly came to an end.

Due to the sudden bumps, Rex was unable to control himself as he flew helplessly into the air, this was when the Priest trident attack began.

Rex heard the sound of the wind moving beside his ears as his danger sense spiked the next moment. Mid-air, he improvised and forced himself to dive down.

Cold sweat drenched his back as this maneuver from him enabled him to barely dodge the dagger stab of the Priest with a wind mystic ability.

This was not the end though, the Priest followed up on the attack and this was when Rex finally got serious as he retaliated with a boomerang slash.

On finally landing on the ground, Rex was greeted by red hot fire and massive stones being hauled his way as he blocked with Berserker against the closest ones before ducking and rolling to the side to dodge the remaining attacks.

Rex was about to ignore them and continue his escape but together, all 3 Priests pointed a finger at him as he instantly felt dizzy the next moment.

[You have been affected by an attack: Soul Barrage!]


When Rex recovered, a dagger was already stabbing into his neck as he grabbed the hand with his left hand the next moment before head-butting the Priest in White hard as blood flowed from his neck.

The other 2 Priests tried to attack but Rex was a step ahead, he dared not hold back anymore after seeing their capabilities.

[You have activated Blood Tome's Mystic Effect: Phasing- Short-range Teleportation!]


In the blink of an eye, Rex disappeared before appearing outside the temple.

From these few attacks, he already deduced the mystic abilities of the 3 Priests. They all had the Blackfire mystic ability, while their 2nd mystic ability was red fire, earth, and wind respectively.

Together, this combo was deadly and he almost became another of their victims but his trump cards once again came to the rescue.

For some reason, Rex felt an impulse to spar with these masters of the Blackfire mystic ability to test the limits of this ability but once he thought of the 500 basic mystic warriors, common sense told him to escape for his life.

Without hesitation, Rex whistled loudly as he started sprinting in the opposite direction of the temple towards where the battle of man and beast raged.

Having heard the alarm ring, the warriors who fought the invading spiders already knew that something was wrong and now that they saw Rex running, they understood as they became furious the next moment.

These furious fanatics left their battle against the spiders as they turned their focus to exterminating the thief, pursuers came from Rex's front and back.

As they pursued, from afar, the 3 Priests in Black kept on hauling skills at Rex which he remained diligent in dodging as his life was now on the line.

Rex continued weaving in and out of dangerous situations for 2 minutes, barely keeping himself alive until a massive color-riot Spider started sprinting in his direction. Grey had so much make-up at this moment that he was unrecognizable.

In the past 3 days, while Rex was hard at work observing the temple, Grey was hard at work subordinating all the mystic spiders in the nearby forest.

On the night of the D-day, Rex applied make-up on Grey to disguise him as he became the leader of the spiders who led them to attack the village.

None of the civilians died so far and this was all because of the orders that Rex gave to Grey. Now, Grey was here to save him once again.

After whipping 2 more cheeks with Berserker's flat edge, Rex jumped on top of the Massive Dark Mist Spider as Grey instantly picked up speed in a direction that led out of the Mist Village.

The warriors of the Temple of Blackfire were relentless as they pursued him for over 2 hours outside the village into the deep parts of the Mist Forest.

They only stopped their pursuit after they forced the red-haired thief from the Mist Forest boundary into the boundaries of the legendary Forest of Elias. They all stood at the entrance to this forest without daring to step foot in it.

"He just stepped foot into his grave". One of the Priests declared.