[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor-Chapter 143 – Giving “Informations”.
"What the fuck do I do?" – asked Phantasia himself while standing right next to the work bench filled with an axe.
(I'm thinking of a way to just go after the royalties and the pope…. But if I go after one of them, then the others will be alarmed.)
(The current set up is to spread chaos and confusion while also making the first princess death as the spart of even bigger chaos and confusion.)
(But if I don't want to destroy the kingdom, I would need to wrap it quick after killing the second royalty.)
(The queens are more like secondary targets, but what of the king?)
(Why…...Why the quest is targeting dying king who shouldn't have any...)
(I just think I realized something!)
(The quest targets the already dying king! Why?! Does that mean that the king can recovery by any chance?!)
(But wasn't I told that the king is slowly dying?!)
(No wait, maybe this is a mistake, right? What if the quest has to only confirms the king death and it's over, right?)
(If it fuking turns out that I aimed for the king life for no fuking reason, then I'm going to fuking drop kick the Shadow Mask in the face.)
(Still, I should probably focus more on the 3 heirs and the pope.)
(I looked up into the queens and targeting them last or between seems like the best approach.)
(The first queen is a mother of the second prince, while the second queen is the mother of both the first princess and second prince.)
(The king loved both of his wives equally and apparently there is nothing like rivalry between the two and apparently both of them are currently and almost all the time in the royal castle to be in the company of the sick prince. However, this info is from the public perspective, so there could be some stuff going on behind the scenes.)
(Well, it's not that I care really about their…. Okay I do care, since I could possibly manipulate them based on their personal relationship.)
(But still, main targets right now.)
(Heirs and the pope.)
(If the first prince plans on strengthen the religion, then that means that the pope is 100% supporting him. That is an obvious conclusion that even total idiot can come up with.)
(However, the religious order within the kingdom have became extremely weak after many years, so the amount of support they can provide right now isn't too big.)
(But still, they can provide some.)
(And the first princess? Yea, she is smart, charismatic and is also an "Leader figure".)
(No wonder they don't want to have either of them take over the throne.)
(And the second prince…. I honestly though he would be more challenging, but I guess he is the one panicking here…. It would also explain why the hell he straight up randomly called me and tried to bullshit right in my face to recruit me.)
(Leaving either the first prince or the first princess alive for too long is...Hm?)
Phantasia got up from his chair before then starting to walk in circles in the room he was in.
"Hm…. But wouldn't that..."
"No…. But…. No, wait…."
(This is bit…...Huh.)
(If all things go right, I can straight up start some new nasty "Stories"!)
(But I cannot do that yet.)
(The answer is more than obvious. Phantasia wasn't active for too long.)
(For the cover up, I still need to be active as "Phantasia" for bit longer, before then resuming my activities as the Doctor.)
(But at least now I have new plan of actions.)
The time went by and I continue doing my business for some time and after enough time had passed, I closed up my shop and packed up my things.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait." – said Zeus.
"Aren't you closing your shop way too soon Phantasia?!"
"Nope." – said Phantasia as he was putting a box onto the wagon.
"Unfortunately, the circumstances has changed."
"Is it about those bandits that attacked you last time?" – asked Zues.
"Unfortunately…. Not." – said Phantasia after picking up a crate and then putting it in the caravan.
"I have an special quest and that fuking quest forces me to travel around." – replied Phantasia.
"I cannot go into too much details, but by the look of things I won't be able to open up another shop for a LONG time!"
"I will probably just randomly pop up and just become vendor from time to time or just sell stuff on the auction house."
"Honestly I don't FUKING want to close up my shop that early yet, but the problem is that this quest is way too important to the point I have no choice."
"So yea….FUCK." – said Phantasia before getting on his carriage.
"Hey! You two! Are the carriages ready?" – asked Phantasia to two figures in the armor and masks who nodded their heads.
"…. Who are they?" – asked Zeus.
"My hires. They don't speak much and cover their faces…..."
"But they are really just shy like freaking hell. Like for real." – whispered Phantasia.
"Anyway, sorry for that sudden goodbye, but I cannot delay anymore."
"Let's go you two." – said Phantasia before having his horse start pulling his carriage.
"And there he goes." – said Zues as he saw 3 carriages leaving the city.
(Well then…. Time to spread chaos again.) – though Phantasia while riding his caravan.
[Sometime later.]
"Damn. This is annoying." – said duke Magan to himself while sitting right next to the table filled with letters.
(No leads…. No leads at all.)
(No Doctor, nor any sights of the betray of the first prince or the second prince…. This is annoying.)
While tired duke was looking through the different reports, somebody had suddenly knocked on doors.
"…. Enter."
Moment later, a maid had entered the room.
"What is it?" – asked the duke.
"…. Em…. There was weird person who went to the gate recently and he handed a letter as well as this thing. He said that I should show you and you would understand?" – said the maid while showing a letter as well as simple made wooden mask.
"…. Wait…."
"Bring him in."
[Few moments later.]
"Thank you for accepting me duke Magan on that kind of sudden visit." – said Phantasia while bowing his head.
"No need to worry." – said Duke Magan.
"Besides…. There is a reason why you wanted to talk with me, right?"
"Duke Magan…. How much do you know about the current religion order in the kingdom? As well as their current power?" – asked Phantasia.
"Well…. I do."
"And do you know that they are currently supporting the first prince?"
"I'm aware."
"And do you know that once the first princes wins, they plans to completely reform the kingdom and make it more heavily focus on the religion?"
"What did you said?" – asked duke.
"Well, I don't know exactly details, since I kind of used…. "Illegal" means as well as somewhat "Criminal friend", who can provide good info, but is pricy as fuck." – replied Phantasia. Enjoy exclusive adventures from empire
"He couldn't get exact details, but the church is apparently planning something."
"And that is the problem of what exactly."
"From what my "Criminal Friend" told me, the church have been moving a lot of money behind the scenes and the problem is that nobody within the church knowns why or about the money getting moved. Simple put, the pope is keeping the church in secret and stuff."
Updated from freewёbnoνel.com.
"I kind of honestly though that maybe the first prince and the pop are paying Doctor or something…. But again, no evidence what so ever. All I know that the money is getting moved, but I don't know where or anything like that."
"…I don't know if that will be any lead or anything like that, but…. Even smallest suspicious acts maybe lead to something, so I decided to report it to you." – said Phantasia.
"…I see…. Hm…."
(Huge amount of money getting moved behind everybody backs?) – though the duke who was processing the informations.
"Regarding the "Illegal" means, why are you saying it like that?" – asked the duke.
"…. Em…. That "Criminal Friend" of mine I said about…. He once accidently helped the Doctor before the Doctor was well…. Terrorist. Like when he was still unknown at this point, but his mistake straight up caused mass genocide and destruction." – said Phantasia.
"And the informations he obtained was via…. Torture."
"…. Oh…. Can informations he provided be really trusted?" – asked duke.
"Yeb and that is the problem, since that guy specialty is informations gathering." – replied Phantasia.
"And honestly speaking…. I didn't wanted to report this to you."
"Why so?" – asked duke.
"N-no offense! I swear!" – said Phantasia.
"It's just.... Fuck…. How do I say it?"
"I was recently attacked in brought daylight and somebody tried to kidnap me."
"In the Hawk city, there was incident where there was a bunch of knights and guards suddenly bursting into my house and trying to kidnap me and when I asked why, they tried to murder me."
"However, I beat them up all of them. [Metal Mage] is way handier that you may think for somebody like me."
"Anyway, I beat them all up and then handed them over to the guards… But the very same day all of the bandits ended up escaping without leaving any traces behind."
"…. Does that have to do with the charge or the first prince?" – asked the duke.
"Well, I originally didn't though so. I originally though that the second prince was behind the attack, since his goal may not have been to kidnap me, but just spread chaos and make first prince faction look suspicious…. But then my "Criminal Friend" I told you about did little digging around…. He found the bandits that attacked me and the person that employed them."
"It was a priest of the Glory And Fang Church."
"Wait, so are you saying that- "
"Kingdom church was behind this incident." - said Phantasia.
"And that my "Friend" tried to get some more info, but then all of the bandits were shot down to the death with arrows. By the look of things, they didn't rescued them in order to save them, but to make sure their mouths are shut."
"However, he learned something…. The priest something like this."
"Use those adventures that are working for us as the sacrificial lambs."
"That line was…. Weird."
"Honestly, I think there maybe some adventures working for the church, but maybe they just work for the first prince? I don't know."
"What I do know is that the church maybe planning to do with adventures."
"And there is also the fact that they tried to kidnap me for who know what reason…. So, yea."
"I'm SUS like hell out of the fuking church right now."
"Hm…. Yea, this is concerning." – said the duke.
"Yeb and the annoying problem is that me and my "Friend" found ZERO leads regarding the Doctor or the organization he could be possible be a part of that could point at the church or the first prince being his employers." – said Phantasia.
"So yea…. The first prince may or may not be working with the Doctor, but even if he isn't, he is definitely planning something shady in the background."
"And because of that entire bullshit situation with kidnapping and considering the church is planning on using adventures for something, I'm going to hide myself if not leave the kingdom in one go."
"But before I "Disappear", its better if I just hand over you this informations so you."
"So yea…. This maybe our last "Goodbye" depending on the circumstances."
"I don't really care anymore if you give this informations to the princess or not, since I'm going to disappear."
"Honestly, the main problem was that any evidence that I could bring you were those bandits, but they were killed by the church, so yea… I have only words, but no on hand evidence."
"So believe it or not, I don't care anymore."
"Maybe we will meet again, maybe we won't."
(What the hell is going on?) – though the duke.
(Church? But they have barely any power now?)
(However they are now trying to be an active and strong player on the board?)
(It's not like I don't trust him or his informations…. But the problem is that the informations he provided last time were valuable by a lot.)
(If anything, after discovering the letters that once belonged to the Doctor, we now had some evidence that one of the princess are really the traitors.)
(That means that guy can be trusted…. And if so, can be his informations.)
(Not only that, but the church itself has a motive.)
(They lost almost all the power they once held, so it wouldn't really be surprising for them to do something extreme in order to regain his power.)
"…. I'm sorry. But this is all informations I had." – said Phantasia.
"I know that its not enough properly, but I hope I would give you at least 1 lead." – said Phantasia before getting up.
"Please wait." – said the duke before getting up and walking to his desk and then taking out something from it.
"Considering it a payment from the informations you have obtained for me." – said the duke as he handed over a pouch of coins to the Phantasia.
"We paid you last time and it would obviously make sense for me to pay you again for the informations."
"…. I understand. But once again, be careful. The informations I provided you are obviously incomplete since those bastards were keeping a high guard." – said Phantasia as he took the money off the table.
"Don't worry and just focus on your own safety." – replied the duke.
"The same goes to you." – said Phantasia before turning around and facing the doors.
"Nobody knows what could possible happened to you in the near future."