[VRMMO] Chaos Doctor-Chapter 76 - 75 – Letting your guard down.
The necromancer who had held the dwarf captive for a long time and had just finished his awaited dream of creating the [Unliving Heart] was suddenly assassinated by the Doctor and killed on the spot right in front of the dwarf who just watched in horror and confusion, not knowing what just had happened.
"Ah… There we go." – said Phantasia while picking the unliving heart from necromancer dead hand.
(W-what just happened?!) – though the shocked dwarf who looked at the dead corpse of the necromancer.
(He put his hand behind the necromancer head and the next thing I heard was a loud bang of a gun firing as well as flash from his palm before then necromancer dropped on the ground and then that guy used some skill before then crushing his head, making sure he died.)
(He betrayed him?!)
(Wait! Then his goal was the heart?! Then what will happened to me? The only use for them was my skills needed to create the heart…. But now that my job is over… DOES THAT MEAN HE WILL NOW GET RID OFF ME?!)
Phantasia looked towards the dwarf, scaring him and making him back away in order to keep safe distance.
"Calm down."
"The necromancer is dead."
"And by the way, your disciplines were never kidnaped and the plague bombs never existed. It was all the lie to keep you on the leash."
"Wait… What?"
"Well… By the look of things allow me to explain." – said Phantasia before putting his hands on the mask and taking it off.
"My name is Phantasia, but I’m mostly known as Wood Mask."
"I’m your rescue."
"Wait…. You are saying that you came here to rescue me?"
"Bullshit! You worked with the necromancer! You even threaten my life!"
"You aim was the heart! Wasn’t it?!"
"Yes and no."
"I honestly didn’t knew exitance of this heart, but I will take."
Updated from freewёbnoνel.com.
"And besides, if my goal was the heart, then why would I reveal my face to you or straight up let you speak with me? I could have killed you as soon as I obtained the heart."
"I want explanation." – said scared dwarf.
"…. Well, you do deserve it."
"First thing first."
"I’m not the real terrorist known as "Doctor".
"I just pretended to be one by having similar looking mask to him."
"And honestly, thank god that the necromancer was total idiot and didn’t asked me to show those things."
"Those "THINGS"?" – asked dwarf.
"The real doctor is an adventure like me, but for some weird reason he became terrorist."
"Nobody really knows what his goal or motive is, but he is known as quiet strong bastard."
"He can use some sort of plagues as well as use some sort of chimera monsters."
"He went on the total rampage and even completely wrecked the Min city, an major spot for the new adventures to start their adventure."
"Honestly, I even got killed by that bastard twice."
"First time when I was trying to rescue people from the plague, but ended up encountering the culprit himself since he did not wanted anybody to help out in dealing with the plague and the second when his chimeras ripped me apart."
"If I wasn’t adventures, then you wouldn’t probably meet me."
"Anyway, this stupid necromancer didn’t tried to even confirm my identity by having me use the plague or chimera monsters."
"As for the veil? Its just weak poison." – said Phantasia while showing the veil of poison that he used before to threaten the dwarf.
"…. So, wait, you are not the real doctor, but you used his identity to fool the necromancer?"
"Pretty much."
"I originally wanted to fight him head on…. But that bastard was way stronger than I though."
"And to make matters worse, he was aware of the fact that the adventures can revive."
"So, if he would have killed me, then he would definitely run away with you since I would report the situation."
"But, if we were to capture him using guards, he still had you, a hostage. So, there is no way we could have made any move and if we did, you would probably bit the dust."
"So yea… Even if we found you, we couldn’t make any proper move."
"And you realize how the city was desperate for your rescue, right? I did not lied anything about it…. Well, I kind of wish I was."
"But anyway."
"The necromancer was way stronger than I had expected and to secure his trust and have him drop his guard down, I decided to work with him."
"I honestly didn’t knew about the heart at first, but it was a perfect opportunity."
"The moment of joy was when his guard was at the lowest and I was able to kill him."
"And there you have it… The necromancer let his guard down and I didn’t even wasted a second and got rid of him."
"Sorry that it took so long, but hey. You are alive and everything, so the plan worked, didn’t it?"
"So…. Are you really here to rescue me or…...?"
"…. For fuck sake. Again. If I wanted you dead, I would have already killed you."
"Anyway, with the necromancer gone, his undeads should also bit the dust."
"I should be able to bring you back to the safety to the city…. However, I have question to you."
"What is it?" – asked dwarf.
"Well… Your kidnapping… It was bit strange."
"Did by any chance the necromancer was working with something INSDE the city? Or maybe he said he had some sort of friends or something?"
"I tried looking into the city just in case if he indeed had allies or something, but nothing came out of it."
"He even said himself that he cannot get materials legally, but there was possibility of somebody stealing some for him."
"I didn’t managed him to talk, but it’s better to ask."
"Did he worked alone? Or by any chance he blabbed something that may prove that we are still in danger?"
"S-sorry. I don’t know anything."
"Well… If there are really anybody left on the necromancer side, they may came for you."
"And now… What do we do with those things?" – said Phantasia while grabbing the notes regarding the unliving heart research.
"You should take it…... Wait no." – said Phantasia after trying to give the notes to the dwarf but then retreating his thoughts.
"If the necromancer worked with somebody, then those notes may end up making you even bigger target… Can I take them or do you want to me to hold onto them for now?"
"Hm… Okay. You take them." – said dwarf.
"If you are right and the necromancer really did not worked alone, then those notes will be target."
"But if that is the case, why not burn them down?"
"That is the problem."
"We can’t."
"They are too valuable."
"And honestly speaking, if I have it, then possible enemies will go after me instead of you. I can come back to life, but not you."
"Hm…. True."
"Are you also taking the heart with you?"
"Yeb. You don’t mind that?"
"Keep it. You earned it and you had also put a lot of effort in creating it anyway."
"Anyway, we should get going. You probably want to rest as well as after all this."
After looting any valuable remains in the necromancer base, I took the dwarf and escorted him back to the city while protecting him from the monsters along the way with my own magic and also my beasts.
"Excuse me. Could you please call the person in charge of the guards?" – asked Phantasia after arriving at the city gate while wearing his wood mask.
"…Em… I don’t think I can. He is- "
Phantasia pointed at the dwarf.
"Well, isn’t this guy you have been looking for?"
"W-wait! Are you- "
"Yes I’m Evilin." – said the dwarf.
"I’m back. Call that Roland guy now and tell him I’m back."
"Y-yes!" – said the guard before running away.
"Say…. You remember how I told how the city was reacting with your disappearance…. Won’t making that kind of scene be annoying to you?" – asked Phantasia.
"Oh…... oh shit." – said dwarf, realizing his mistake.
Few moments later a crowd of people gathered near the dwarf, wanting to confirm if the dwarf in question was really the missing dwarf Evilin and that kind of made even more problems since as soon as people realized he was the real one, people began asking non stop what happed to him as well as me, wondering who am I.
"Maybe you should had- "
"I fuking know." – said dwarf.
"Everybody! Please move out of the way!" – said the loud voice.
The crowd of people moved aside as the group of dark elves approached the dwarf and Phantasia.
"Its really you!" – said the dark elf guard.
"Hey. Roland." – said Evilin.
"I’m home."
"Em…. I know- "
"Questioning. I got it, I got it. Lead the way." – said the dwarf while walking towards the dark elf alongside the Phantasia.
"Excuse, but he is?" – asked dark elf named Roland.
"He is the guy that rescued me. You will probably want him for questioning as well, won’t you?"
The dark elves guards took Phantasia/Wood Mask as well as the dwarf to their barracks for the questioning regarding the situation.
"…So… Let me get this straight." – said the dark elf, Roland.
"This guy, pretended to be the necromancer ally, waited for him to drop the guard and the killed him instantly."
"And the reason why you haven’t informed anybody about the necromancer was to make sure that the necromancer wouldn’t kill him or if there was a chance that the necromancer was not working alone?"
"That is correct." – said wood mask.
"However, even while investigating in secret, I did not found anything regarding his allies or they even existed. I even tried asking him, but he did not said anything."
"Hm…. But still… The theory of somebody inside the city helping the necromancer does sound plausible…. There is a chance that there may be still a chance they may come after you."
"By the way, what happened to that research? The unliving heart, yes?"
"We burned it and destroyed everything." – said Wood Mask.
"We don’t want anybody to use that research to do the thing the necromancer did."
"Besides, the necromancer needed special data before he even kidnaped this guy, so without that research data, its impossible to create another heart or research it for a long time."
"I see…."
[Few moments ago while the pair was on their way to the city.]
"We should lie about the data and the heart?" – asked Evilin.
"Yea. If there was really working for the necromancer inside the city, then its better to keep quiet about the research data and the heart and just said we destroyed it all."
"What if the traitor is a guard? Then what?"
"But we should probably talk about the important of the research and how it was needed to create the heart."
"Hm… True. Without necromancer notes the research would have been impossible." - said the dwarf.
"Okay. Let’s do it."
[Back to the present.]
"Hm… I understand."
"Anyway, thank you mister Wood Mask for rescue of the Evilin."
"The Dawn city is grateful for your deed."
"No problem." – said Phantasia.
"Anyway, is there anything else to do? Do you need me to sign some papers later on or something? Or maybe go for another questioning?"
"Em… No. You are free to go."
"But Evilin, I will need to speak with you bit more later on."
"I get it, but can I rest up first? At least for today."
"O-of course Evilin." – said the dark elf guard.
"Then, I should get going. My disciples are probably worried like hell as well and the last thing I need them to do is cry like babies."
"Okay, take care."
Phantasia alongside Evilin used the back entrance of the barracks to leave the building unnoticed and not encounter the group of worried people.
"…. Jezz... That was good idea to use back entrance." – said dwarf while noticing a huge group of people outside the barracks.
"Yea… Do you have some sort of fan club or something?" – said Phantasia while walking alongside the dwarf.
"Well… I do know I have fans… But this is too much…. ’Sigh’."
’There are also those fuckers in the mix as well who wants to take care of me right now."
"Yea… Annoying."
"Anyway, do you need something from me?"
"Well…. Honestly speaking, I’m a craftsman myself and honestly, I originally came to this place because of the rich materials this place had."
"But then you went and straight up disappeared, making the whole city go in panic and straight up hindering my own research and training."
"I honestly didn’t even knew your existed…. But now well…"
"You want to make me your disciple?"
"Well, kind of? Honestly, I’m fine with the heart and the research data, but you know… If possible, for saving you and everything."
"Okay. Fuck it. I do own you big time."
"Wait! Really?!"
"Yea, yea. Sure. I already seen you in action when crafting and you weren’t half bad either, so it won’t be exactly waste of time."
"But not now. Honestly, I want to recover a bit and rest up. Come few days later."
"Okay. Thanks."
"No problem. Just don’t disappoint me." – said dwarf while walking away.
(Everything went perfectly!)
[You are the first player to had created an item with an item that does not possess rarity.]
[You have obtained title: Creator Of Unknown] – [C]
[+50 Class points.]
[You have resolved the incident regarding the disappearance of the blacksmith Evilin.]
[Not only that, you had successfully rescued the blacksmith Evilin completely unharmed and had managed to do it all alone.]
[You have obtained title: Evilin Found] – [D]
[+30 Class points.]
(This is nice. Very nice.) – though Phantasia while observing his new titles.
(But this isn’t all.) – though Phantasia while holding his chest.
[Unliving Heart]
[Rarity: Unknown]
[An artificial heart created by the 3 craftsman who had come together to create this unknown masterpiece.]
[A heart that either living or nonliving being can put inside their body, fusing themselves with it.]
[Upon fusion, the heart will mutate its host body, evolving them in the sense and allowing them to handle pure necrotic element while also enchanting their own power.]
[This heart power will grow alongside the user and its power will also change depending on the user.]
[The mutation will depend on the target and one of the most important factors is if the target is alive or not.]
[When the heart is implanted into a living being, it will replace the being original heart and take its position, becoming the user new heart and act like the normal heart as well. The heart also works for the creatures that didn’t originally possess heart.]
[The heart will is implanted, it will began the mutation process, changing the user.]
[The [Unliving Heart] had been successfully implanted and had became official part of your body.]
[The mutation process: 5%]
(The [Unliving Heart] had been impleaded into me!)
(Well… It was quite painful though and weird… It felt like I puked out all of my insides than slurped them back in…. WHY IT FELT THAT WAY?! WHY?!)
"Well, at least I have it."
(The mutation process still seem not finished, I was kind of expecting it to be instance… Oh well, it doesn’t really look like it will take that long.)
(But overall, it was all worth!)
(I had worked my ass for how fuking long, but worth it.)
(I had managed to learn a lot of things from the necromancer and not only that, I even obtained his notes and data!)
(It will be extremely crucial for my cyborg experiments and I can already see a lot of different ways how I can abuse it!)
(Not only that, I had managed to kill that necromancer with the "Surprise".)
(Honestly, I originally thought about putting a one shot crossbow in my claw hand, but I went with the short range power shotgun, since it would be like a last resort type of weapon in case of danger. I patronized only rough power and completely ignored any option of reloading during battle and stuff.)
(It did damaged my hand quiet badly, but it did extremely huge damage at point blank range.)
(He completely dropped his guard in the last moment, allowing me to blast him right in the head.)
(Honestly, I was planning him on killing as soon as possible, the moment he would show his first weakness, I would have killed him.)
(Back then, the shotgun surprise was already in my arm back then. I original planned on killing him right then, but I decided to gather information first and it was worth it, since not only I gained that bastard trust my becoming his servant, but I also gained his teaching, skills, data and even the heart he waited so long to create.)
(But oh well, good time came to pass. I even made the surprise shotgun even stronger just in case, even by cost of damaging myself in the process, but it turns out that it was worth it.)
(Honestly, I would have shitted myself if he would have somehow survived that… And I mean it, I would straight up question how.)
(I mean, maybe it would have been under statable if he was warrior or something, since this is a world of magic and everything where people use straight up magic bombs or just guns.)
(Oh well, he is dead and it’s all good.)
(Not only that, thanks to manipulating him to not commit any crimes managed to get me the dwarf trust AND he accepted me as his discipline!)
(I honestly was ready for him to say no, since I already took the heart and the data, but fuck me he agreed?! How good of a guy is he?!)
(How much an improved I can get from him?!)
(From one hand, the necromancer knowledge.)
(From the other the dwarf knowledge.)
(If I combine those things and use them for my cyborg research…. Oh boy. This will be interesting!)
(Now that I think about, when was the last time I played the role of the villain?)
(Hm…. A lot of time had passed already. I mean I was somewhat evil, but I only this time pretended to be evil.)
(Oh well, it can wait even longer.)
(Right now I should focus on learning things from the dwarf and be a good boy…. For now.)
(Hm…. I also should about the chimeras and as for plague…. Yea there is no way I can deal with that.)
(I also should think about my future plan of action.)
(A lot of players started appearing here and everything…. Hm…. I will definitely lag again in terms of leveling up…. Meh. Fuck it.)
(I will just get strong enough to catch to all of this mothefucker.)
(And maybe…. I don’t know… I will set this entire city on fire?)
(Oh…. It will be fun.)
(But for now let’s play the waiting game once again, since I need time right now and get along with my new "Teacher".)