Walker Of The Worlds-Chapter 965: Tie Niu's End

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Lin Mu knew he could not let go of this information and wanted it at any cost.

"Tell me where they are." Lin Mu stated, with no option of being denied.

"T-they're… they're in a village to the west, about two hundred kilometer from here. Its called as Coal Fall village. There is an old coal mine nearby, they use that as their hideout." Tie Niu quickly spat out.

Lin Mu's mind quickly worked to remember the map and could recall seeing a village there. While he didn't know the name exactly, there was only one village that had a coal mine nearby.

Tie Niu wondered what will happen to him now. He knew that death was the most likely option and will probably come for him. But Lin Mu's earlier words had also made him a bit confused.

Lin Mu glanced at the man for a second as he waved his hand.


Tie Niu felt a strong spatial fluctuation around him. Stronger than he had ever felt before…

"Wha—" But before he could understand what it was, his consciousness faded away.



A couple of seconds later, his body fell apart in two sections. It was equally split right down from the middle of the head, with his Dantian, nascent soul and Dao Shell being cut apart as well.

"You may have done some good, but the sacrifice that you did for that deems you unworthy of life…" Lin Mu muttered and waved his hand once more, storing his corpse into the ring.

He wanted to see if more information could be gathered from the man's remains, considering how the effects of the pills were. There were still some mysteries about the pill and Lin Mu had not learned about that from Tie Niu since he himself didn't know about it.

'The elder of the Blue Ribbon sect and those at the Coal Fell town might be the only ones who'll have an idea.' Lin Mu thought to himself.


His spirit sense spread in the entire area and quickly searched every nook and cranny of the residence. Finding a few spots of interest, Lin Mu blinked to them and passed through the walls and locks using Phase.

He collected all the resources and pills that were left in the vaults and safes before leaving the residence. Though he still left behind the things that the commoners will need to live in the city.

Lin Mu appeared above the residence and gazed upon the vast city. If he could compare the size of the Iron Bull city, he would say that it was just slightly smaller than the capital city of the Shuang Qian kingdom.

It was a shocking thing for a commoner to see that a non-capital city of the empire was as big as that of the capital of a kingdom. But Lin Mu didn't mind that as much. What he was worried about was the people of the city.

The barrier that was protecting the city like a dome had already faded away due to the death of Tie Niu. With him gone, there was nothing running it as the owner and the other sub-controllers were dead under Lin Mu's hands, too.

His spirit sense spread all over the city and scanned every person that was in the city.

"Hmmm… so a few of them are still hidden here, huh." Lin Wu muttered before disappearing.


A few seconds later, he appeared in front of a common looking house. It was two stories tall and had a shop on the bottom.


Lin Mu pushed open the door and stepped in.

"Oh! A customer!" A man hurriedly greeted.

In front of Lin Mu was an average looking man. He wasn't even a cultivator and was barely at the fifth stage of the body tempering realm.

"Did the emergency end already? I was taking a nap and didn't realize." The man spoke while peeking out of the window and looking up at the sky.

"Yes, it has ended." Lin Mu replied as he looked around the shop.

"That's good. These days have been tough for us. Every couple of weeks there is something like this, though the mayor and his guards are good at keeping the troublemakers away." The shopkeeper said in a relieved tone.

"Mmm…" Lin Mu simply hummed in response and kept on looking around.

"Uh, so what is it that customer needs?" The shopkeeper asked. "We have a lot of things that a warrior or even a cultivator might need. We have weapons, healing salves, herbs, spirit fruits, pills, and even some spirit tools." He introduced.

It was a bit surprising to see the difference of standard between the kingdoms for Lin Mu. In the Shuang Qian kingdom, even the capital only had a few shops run by cultivators that could sell such things.

But here, even a normal shop was able to sell things related to cultivators.

The shopkeep kept on speaking about his wares, but noticed that Lin Mu's eyes were locked on to the floor for some reason.

"Umm, sir customer are my wares not up to the mark?" The Shopkeeper asked.

"I just need a different thing. I wonder if you are willing to sell it?" Lin Mu replied.

"As long as it is in this shop, I'll be willing to sell it." The shopkeeper replied.

"Then how about the entire shop." Lin Mu stated.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper was stunned and wondered if he had thought wrong.

"You want all my wares?" The shopkeeper asked doubtfully.

"No… I want the entire shop, including the building." Lin Mu clarified.

"That… I don't know how I can do that, sir. Even if I do want to do that, we still need approval from the city's administrative department. All sale of property within the city needs to be regulated by them and registered with them." The shopkeep explained, still finding it unusual.

He could see that Lin Mu was dressed in rather good clothes and was also very handsome.

'He doesn't look like a crook at least…' the shopkeeper thought.