Wayfarer-Chapter 173: Having Slain the Turtle

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This chapter is updat𝓮d by 𝙛𝒓𝒆𝒆𝙬𝒆𝒃𝓷𝙤𝙫𝒆𝓵.𝒄𝙤𝒎

Chapter 173: Having Slain the Turtle

The next morning, the storm had cleared and the sea was calm once again. The disciples of Taiqing Island, however, were anything but calm. After just a single night, the whole island had learned of the assassination attempt on Nalan Feng.

Thanks to Nalan Feng's trustworthy subordinates, many had been convinced that the assassination attempt was Xiao Nanfeng's doing.

Nalan Feng, surrounded by a group of elders, marched up to the main hall of the Ascended faction and requested an audience with its leader, Zhao Tianheng.

"The assassination attempt on Nalan Feng reflects poorly on the sect. Please investigate the matter thoroughly, Division Leader Zhao."

"Xiao Nanfeng is the most likely culprit. You won't shield him just because he's the seniormost Ascended disciple, will you?"

Some elders, wary of Xiao Hongye's identity, didn't want to make life difficult for Xiao Nanfeng, but not all elders feared Xiao Hongye. Those who were enemies with Xiao Hongye naturally supported Nalan Feng, and they were more than willing to step forward to demand an investigation into Xiao Nanfeng.

Zhao Tianheng considered the request. "Nalan Feng, are you certain that Xiao Nanfeng was responsible for dispatching that sea turtle as an assassin?"

"After my island was raided and my protective formation vanished, the Isle of Nalan suddenly gained a protective formation of its own. Isn't it clear who the culprit is?" Nalan Feng said.

"Do you have any evidence?" Zhao Tianheng asked, frowning.

"I've found a clue about the spirits that raided my island—the sea turtle. The fact that my formation subsequently appeared on the Isle of Xiao must mean that this sea turtle is related to Xiao Nanfeng. Please launch a thorough investigation of the Isle of Xiao, Division Leader Zhao," Nalan Feng requested.

To Nalan Feng, it was obvious that the sea turtle was working with Xiao Nanfeng. Rather than blame an unknown spiritbeast for raiding the Isle of Nalan, it would be better to pin the blame on the sea turtle. That would make the tenuous link between Xiao Nanfeng and the sea turtle far more obvious and cast Xiao Nanfeng in the worst possible light.

"You mean to say that Xiao Nanfeng was responsible for the sea turtle's raid on the Isle of Nalan, stealing the protective formation around it, and also for its assassination attempt on you?" Zhao Tianheng clarified.

"I'm certain," Nalan Feng replied.

"Division Leader Zhao, it's obvious that the sea turtle and Xiao Nanfeng are in cahoots with each other. We need to investigate the Isle of Xiao now, while they haven't gotten their guard up,and prevent the sea turtle from escaping!" one elder asserted.

"Even if the sea turtle were to run, the Isle of Xiao would surely still possess evidence that the sea turtle had been there. We need to rush over before they can destroy that evidence and uncover the truth!" another elder added.

Zhao Tianheng was about to nod when an Ascended disciple rushed into the hall.

"Master, Elder Zhao Yuanjiao, Xiao Nanfeng, and a group of disciples are requesting an audience! They've killed a giant sea turtle and have brought you their carcass," the disciple reported.

"What?" The elders stiffened.

They had just claimed that Xiao Nanfeng was working with the sea turtle spirit—but Xiao Nanfeng had killed the sea turtle? That didn't make any sense! The elders' faces flushed red as Nalan Feng gazed disbelievingly at the disciple who had rushed in.

"Where's Xiao Nanfeng?" Zhao Tianheng asked.

"He's at the plaza outside the Hall of Immortal Recruitment. He wasn't certain if you were in secluded cultivation, Master, and requested that I send word first. I'll lead them over right away!" the disciple continued.

"There's no need. I'll head over," Zhao Tianheng replied, getting up and walking out of the hall.

He too had expected that Xiao Nanfeng and the sea turtle were in cahoots with each other. He was planning on agreeing to Nalan Feng's request and earning his goodwill—only to have Xiao Nanfeng kill the sea turtle! This was completely beyond his expectations.

"Let's go have a look," the elders said immediately.

"Elder, would you please send for the three elders who were guarding me at sea yesterday? They wounded the sea turtle when it attempted to assassinate me, and they'll be able to confirm if it's the same one that Xiao Nanfeng killed," Nalan Feng requested of a certain elder.

"Very well. You really are thoughtful, Disciple Nalan! Perhaps Xiao Nanfeng deliberately found a different sea turtle to kill after the failed assassination attempt yesterday." The elder's eyes brightened as he flew out of the hall.

A crowd quickly formed around the plaza of the Hall of Immortal Recruitment.

The plaza was filled with Taiqing disciples surrounding a headless sea turtle carcass.

"As I said, Senior Brother Xiao is innocent! How dare you besmirch his reputation and claim that he was responsible for instigating the sea turtle to attack Nalan Feng?"

"I had something to do yesterday, or I would have joined the rest of you at the Isle of Xiao and enjoyed the infusion of draconic aether... Ah, how unlucky I am!"

"Senior Brother Xiao, if there's more draconic aether in the future, call me over!"

The Taiqing disciples murmured to each other about what had happened. Many attempted to ingratiate themselves with Xiao Nanfeng after learning that their fellows had absorbed a great deal of draconic aether and received a considerable boost to their cultivation.

"Division Leader! Elders!" someone shouted.

A group of figures descended from the sky.

"We greet Division Leader Zhao and the gathered elders," the Taiqing disciples bowed and chorused.

The moment Zhao Tianheng arrived at the plaza, he saw the sea turtle spirit's headless body. The carcass was clearly fresh, and its massive size and the density of spiritual qi within its body made it clear that this was an impressive specimen.

"What's going on?" Zhao Tianheng immediately asked.

"Let me explain, Uncle." Zhao Yuanjiao began to describe what had 'happened' in detail. "Last night, this sea turtle raided the Isle of Xiao and stole the Immortal's Destruction. Subsequently, it barged onto the Isle of Nalan and extracted the draconic vein from underneath the island..."

"Oh? The Immortal's Destruction can extract draconic veins?" Zhao Tianheng raised his eyebrows at Xiao Nanfeng.

The elders all turned toward the Isle of Nalan. Though it was a considerable distance away, their enhanced sight allowed them to make out the disturbed terrain of the island.

Just then, the three elders that had been responsible for protecting Nalan Feng also arrived. They confirmed the wounds on the sea turtle's carcass.

"That's right. This is the sea turtle that was responsible for attacking Nalan Feng yesterday."

"This is a wound from my sword technique. This has to be the right sea turtle!"

The three elders' testimony clarified the matter: Nalan Feng's assassination attempt had nothing to do with Xiao Nanfeng, after all!

Nalan Feng, however, was frowning more and more deeply. He was certain that the sea turtle had to be in cahoots with Xiao Nanfeng because Xiao Nanfeng had rescued it. Even the assassination attempt was likely masterminded by Xiao Nanfeng. But what could have happened to cause Xiao Nanfeng to kill the sea turtle?

And—the draconic vein of the Isle of Nalan had been extracted and devoured by these disciples?!

"Xiao Nanfeng, you requested an audience with me. What for?" Zhao Tianheng asked.

"Division Leader Zhao, I'd like to ask for your help in adjudicating the matter. In addition, I wish to apologize to Nalan Feng," Xiao Nanfeng began.

"Hmm?" Everyone turned toward Xiao Nanfeng in surprise.

"Although we worked together to avenge Nalan Feng by beheading the turtle and rescuing a large number of his subordinates, the draconic vein had already been extracted and was about to disperse. To avoid wasting the precious resource, we divided and consumed it among ourselves. Even so, we did take advantage of Nalan Feng's resource, and we're here to formally apologize to him."

Nalan Feng felt as though his heart were being constricted. He cursed internally, "A formal apology? Flaunting it, more like! You bandits divided up my wealth and want me to recognize you for it? That was a draconic vein!"

The other Taiqing disciples, however, disagreed.

"Senior Brother Xiao, you had no other choice. If you hadn't absorbed the draconic aether, it would have dissipated. There's no need to apologize!"

"You saved a large number of Nalan Feng's subordinates. He should be thanking you, instead!"

"If you hadn't killed the sea turtle, it would have continued trying to attack Nalan Feng. You saved his life!"

The elders fell silent, none knowing how to bolster Nalan Feng's reputation. Xiao Nanfeng was being widely hailed as a hero for what he had done; if they were to disparage him now, their own reputations would suffer.

Even Zhao Tianheng looked toward Xiao Nanfeng with surprise. Zhao Tianheng could see just how much of a masterstroke his actions had been.

First, Nalan Feng wouldn't be able to use this draconic vein as an excuse to cause trouble for Xiao Nanfeng.

Second, Xiao Nanfeng was completely free from suspicion of the claim that he had been the mastermind for the sea turtle's assassination attempt on Nalan Feng. The little authority and trust that Nalan Feng had just regained was wiped out once more.

Third, although it was framed as an apology, it was clear that Nalan Feng owed Xiao Nanfeng far more than he had lost. If he were to dare to continue targeting Xiao Nanfeng, he would be a heretic in the court of public opinion.

Nalan Feng, realizing that Xiao Nanfeng had gotten the jump on him again, could do nothing but suppress his anger in plain sight of the gathered disciples.

"Forget it," Nalan Feng spat out.

"Thank goodness!" Xiao Nanfeng smiled in apparent relief.

"I'm feeling somewhat uncomfortable," Nalan Feng stated. "I'll be taking my leave for the moment." He stalked off, worried that he wouldn't be able to suppress his instincts and end up in a fistfight with Xiao Nanfeng if he were to stay any longer.

As Nalan Feng left, Xiao Nanfeng turned to Zhao Tianheng. "Division Leader, thank you for mediating this affair."

Zhao Tianheng gave Xiao Nanfeng a piercing look. He nodded, then left himself. He found Xiao Nanfeng deeply unpleasant, and had no interest in pleasantries.

As the elders likewise departed, the plaza was left with only the gathered Taiqing disciples, who surrounded Xiao Nanfeng.

"Everyone, I'll be organizing a banquet tonight with sea turtle spiritbeast meat!" Xiao Nanfeng called out.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xiao!" his juniors replied excitedly.

Xiao Nanfeng wasn't attempting to flaunt his newfound wealth to Nalan Feng, but rather to highlight the fact that he had a treasure capable of extracting draconic veins, so as to gain the support of more Taiqing disciples. He was already making preparations in advance for the next stage of his plan.

A few days later, on the Isle of Nalan, Nalan Feng stared at the formation of red fog surrounding the Isle of Xiao and sensed the palpable loss of spiritual aether in his vicinity. His eyes grew more and more murderous.

Beside him was a scholarly middle-aged man in white. The man clutched his mouth with a handkerchief and occasionally coughed into it.

"Are you alright, Mr. Wen?" Nalan Feng asked.

"It's an old malady. Ahem! Your Highness, you've met a master of manipulation," the man commented, dropping his handkerchief and giving Nalan Feng a slight smile.

"Mr. Wen, thanks to your instruction, I've reined in my temper and allowed myself to analyze things carefully, methodically, and logically. Although I can tell when Xiao Nanfeng lays plans against me, I can't ever seem to best him. It's agonizing!" Nalan Feng cried out.

"You won't be able to beat him, Your Highness," Mr. Wen replied. 𝙛𝓻𝙚𝙚𝔀𝙚𝓫𝓷𝙤𝒗𝙚𝙡.𝒄𝙤𝒎

"Mr. Wen, he killed your student, Mr. Qin. Aren't you upset? why don't you help me deal with him?" Nalan Feng asked expectantly.

Mr. Wen shook his head. "I know nothing about his background or the resources at his disposal. How would I fight against him? Don't be blinded by hatred, Your Highness."

"Isn't that already known? He has two Spiritsong-realm toad spirits and the Immortal's Destruction. What else could he possess?" Nalan Feng argued.

"That's all that he's revealed. Furthermore, I'm only passing by at the moment. I still have to make plans for the project at the Eastern Sea Draconic Palace, and I don't have time to stay to help you." Mr. Wen shook his head in polite rejection.

"Could he have more trump cards up his sleeve?" Nalan Feng asked.

"Xiao Nanfeng's plans have come to fruition, and his reputation is soaring. How do you intend to compete with him? The fact that he didn't kill any of your subordinates this time is a warning. If you continue to scheme against him, he might come at you with lethal force," Mr. Wen warned.

"Would he dare strike at me?" Nalan Feng frowned.

"What do you think?" Mr. Wen smiled.

Nalan Feng blanched. He suddenly felt chills down his back. Given Xiao Nanfeng's strength and wits, he absolutely had the ability to cause Nalan Feng to vanish off the face of the earth.

"Your Highness, focus on strengthening yourself, not on taking down others. One's foundation rests always in one's own strength. Join me at the Eastern Sea Draconic Palace. The second prince has already excavated some of the treasure within, including a certain number of divine implements. Heading there will surely benefit you more than staying here," Mr. Wen suggested.

"You've already managed to find treasure from the Draconic Palace? Mr. Wen, you're amazing! Father has had trusted subordinates searching about the region for years, but none of them were able to find a way in. You haven't been there for much time at all, but you've already found treasure!" Nalan Feng cried out.

"It won't be a secret for long. News that an entrance to the Draconic Palace has been found will surely attract the attention of the strongest cultivators in the region. We'd better head over there now and stay ahead of the crowd," Mr. Wen said, smiling.

"I'll listen to you, Mr. Wen!" novelbuddy.co(m)

"As for Xiao Nanfeng? Don't worry about him. He's already caught the attention of many influential people, and there'll be plenty of trouble lying in wait for him," Mr. Wen continued confidently.

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