Wayfarer-Chapter 181: A Full Haul

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Chapter 181: A Full Haul

Six ships sailed across the Eastern Sea.

Five of them were filled with the carcasses of sea serpents, whereas the last was the one that Tang and the other demonic disciples had sailed to the Thousand-Serpent Island. Xiao Nanfeng had seized it, and it was now filled to the brim with Taiqing disciples and the three thousand fighters of the Isle of Xiao.

Xiao Nanfeng stood above deck as he smiled at the gathered cultivators. "Juniors, I apologize for the cramped conditions."

"No, it's quite alright, Senior Brother!" Joyous shouts came from the crowd.

Everyone knew that the sea serpent carcasses and treasure that they had obtained from the Thousand-Serpent Island would belong to Xiao Nanfeng, but their glances were more of admiration than envy.

As cultivators, it would be trivial for them to gain large quantities of gold from the mortal world at large, but cultivation was different. Even an exorbitant amount of gold couldn't buy advancement at higher realms.

"Senior Brother, there's no need to be so polite. Don't you know? Of the two thousand or so Immanence-realm disciples, three hundred made it straight to Ascension. Of those in Ascension, many made it to late-stage Ascension. We've all benefited tremendously, and these cramped conditions are hardly a price worth mentioning," Ye Sanshui replied.

"That's right. Thank you for your generosity, Senior Brother!" one disciple cried out.

"Thank you for your generosity, Senior Brother!" the other disciples echoed.

"It's not a problem," Xiao Nanfeng replied, smiling. "This is only the beginning. Once you've all solidified your cultivation, we'll head out on another expedition and excavate another draconic vein. We'll eat our fill!"

The Taiqing disciples' eyes brightened as they pumped their fists up in excitement.

"Long live our senior brother!" one disciple called out.

"Long live our senior brother!" the other disciples echoed.

Xiao Nanfeng's reputation, at least among the gathered cultivators, had reached an acme. What other senior brother would do so much for their juniors?

Xiao Nanfeng looked toward the jubilant cultivators. He didn't know how many of them were truly sincere regarding their praise, but it was immaterial. He was certain that the promise of profit alone would be sufficient to cause the vast majority of the disciples to stick with him in mutual benefit. freewebnov el.com

He chatted a little more with the disciples before heading toward the bow to look toward the sea.

"Benefactor, there was a tremendous amount of draconic aether this time. The majority of our three thousand fighters have ascended to Immanence, and the minority that haven't are just a push away," Zheng Qian replied, smiling.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded. "Mr. Zheng, I hope you'll make good use of these five ships' worth of sea serpent meat. Don't waste them."

"The ten thousand or so students of the Xiao Academy will start consuming a diet of spiritbeast meat once we return. I promise that none of the meat will be wasted. These children started cultivating earlier than the norm, and they've been working very hard on your behalf, Benefactor. Some have tremendous talent, and I'm sure they'll more than exceed your expectations."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded. "No matter how strong their talent in cultivation, they must also gain a firm foundation in terms of culture and civics. Their growth is more important to me than that of the three thousand fighters of the Isle of Xiao. Nothing can go wrong."

Zheng Qian nodded solemnly. "I understand, Benefactor."

Zheng Qian had the uncanny feeling that Xiao Nanfeng's aspirations went far beyond a single territory.

Back on the Thousand-Serpent Island, Tang watched as Xiao Nanfeng's ships vanished over the horizon. He pursed his lips.

"Why didn't he invite me to partake in the draconic vein, too? I'm a Taiqing disciple myself! Stingy bastard," Tang cursed, so envious that he felt as though he might spit out blood.

Just then, a blue figure descended from the heavens and appeared beside Tang.

Tang turned. His features lit up. "Sage! I was trapped in the enemy camp and barely escaped. You've finally come for me!"

Another avatar of the Pestilence Sage had arrived. His skin was ghostly blue like before, and he had a dark look on his face.

The Pestilence Sage glanced at the ruined island. "What happened here? How did the Thousand-Serpent Island end up in this state?"

Tang revealed everything that he had witnessed, though he naturally replaced his cooperation with fierce resistance and Xiao Nanfeng's release of him with a battle of wits that led to his eventual escape.

"So there was a draconic vein under the Thousand-Serpent Island!" the Pestilence Sage remarked.

"Isn't it normal for there to be a draconic vein, considering how rich the spiritual aether is around here?" Tang asked curiously.

"You know nothing! Not all locations rich in spiritual aether possess draconic veins. I and a group of other people searched around in far too many places, wasting countless treasures and ascension materials, to barely manage to excavate a draconic vein. To think that Xiao Nanfeng would be so lucky as to find one in the first place he looked!" The Pestilence Sage frowned.

"You've excavated a draconic vein too, Sage? I didn't think you could do so without an Immortal's Destruction," Tang exclaimed.

"Do you think it'd be reasonable for that to be the only way to extract a draconic vein? There are plenty of methods, but every method exacts a price. Places with draconic veins tend to be the foundation for sects, and obviously no sect would allow for the excavation of its draconic veins. We searched through eighteen different locations rich in spiritual aether before finding a single draconic vein—and the treasures we lost to excavate eighteen times ended up being thrice the value of the draconic vein we found in the end," the Pestilence Sage spat out.

"That must have been a great loss," Tang murmured.

The Pestilence Sage glared at Tang, but didn't deny his conclusion.

"Does Xiao Nanfeng not need to expend anything in terms of resources to excavate a draconic vein? Then this must be a very powerful artifact indeed." The Pestilence Sage narrowed his eyes.

"Sage, you aren't going to attempt to steal Xiao Nanfeng's Immortal's Destruction, are you? He's too sinister. We'd better not provoke him," Tang replied worriedly.

"He is—he even has a cursed effigy in his storage ring. But now that I've figured out his trump card, do you think he'll be able to get rid of my avatar the same way?" the Pestilence Sage asked pridefully.

"That giant golden serpent shared your opinion before Xiao Nanfeng killed it the same way," Tang pointed out.

"Can a giant golden serpent compare to my might?" the Pestilence Sage continued, glaring at Tang.

Tang shut up.

"Don't worry. I'm hardly a careless fool. I've already suffered once at his hands. We'll wait for the serpent king to return and let it take the lead, then pick up the spoils," the Pestilence Sage replied confidently.

"'We', Sage? Must I go? Sage, please allow me to remain behind. I'm scared!" Tang cried out.

"There's someone even you, an omen of calamity, fear?" the Pestilence Sage replied disdainfully.

Tang: ...

"I do not need disobedient subordinates. Do you not intend to participate?" The Pestilence Sage glared at Tang with killing intent.

Tang stiffened. "I'll go wherever you go, Sage!"

Only then did the Pestilence Sage nod in satisfaction.

Days later, on an island neighboring the Bloodkill Island, Zhao Tianheng stood robed in black, frowning as he stared at pinpricks of flame from the Bloodkill bandits' camp.

"Division Leader, it's already been a few days. All the bandits are making a fuss. Where's Xiao Nanfeng's ship?" a black-robed man beside him asked.

Zhao Tianheng frowned. He was anxious as well. If not for the possibility of acquiring the Immortal's Destruction, why would he have spent a few days staking out the Bloodkill bandits' territory?

"Perhaps they got lost," Zhao Tianheng attempted to convince himself.

"Even if they did, surely it wouldn't cause such a long delay?"

"Then go scout and see," Zhao Tianheng commanded in frustration.

The black-robed man was just about to leave when another one descended from the sky.

"Is there news about Xiao Nanfeng's ships?" Zhao Tianheng asked.

"Division Leader, we guessed incorrectly. Xiao Nanfeng was planning to attack the Thousand-Serpent Island, not Bloodkill Island!" the cultivator spat out.

"The Thousand-Serpent Island? Weren't they planning on taking down bandits?" Zhao Tianheng asked.

"Serpent bandits, not human bandits! Xiao Nafneng and the other disciples have already returned to the sect. The expedition was a complete success. They brought back five whole ships' worth of sea serpent carcasses, and they even excavated the draconic vein on the island. Many of his group have broken through."

"What? We've spent a few days out here in the elements for nothing?! If they weren't going to come to Bloodkill Island, why did they have to mention bandits?" the other black-robed cultivator cursed.

Zhao Tianheng was equally upset himself. Not only had he been unable to carry out the sneak attack, Xiao Nanfeng had made a fool of him. What blistering shame!

"What do we do now, Division Leader?"

"Return to the sect, of course." Zhao Tianheng's face was cold.

The two cultivators sighed and followed behind Zhao Tianheng as they took to the skies. Their figures quickly vanished in the endless blue expanse.

Torches filled Bloodkill Island.

Once the pirates learned that they were being targeted, they attempted to flee daily. If they couldn't sail out with their ships, they would swim—but whenever they made it to the sea, they would suffer a huge impact, faint, and float back to Bloodkill Island. They had spent the last few days in abject fear and were going crazy.

"If I'm going to die anyway, I'd rather use up all my treasures!"

"That's right. They're not going to be able to claim my possessions. I'll burn down everything I have so they don't get anything!"

"Burn down everything! Don't leave anything behind!" the other pirates shouted, approving of the notion.

Chaos reigned on Bloodkill Island. When the boss of the Bloodkill bandits returned to the island and saw it covered with a layer of smoke, he frowned.

"Extinguish the fire immediately!" he shouted.

"Boss, you don't have to persuade us to do anything. After all, we're about to die. This treasured scroll would be worth a fortune in the mortal world, but I'm using it as kindling! I'll be able to flex my wealth once, at least."

"And I cut up this divine pear and consumed it with meat broth."

The Bloodkill boss stiffened. "Xiao Nanfeng's ships aren't coming, and those parties hoping to prey on us have all departed as well. You're all safe."

The bandits looked toward their boss in shock. You're only telling us this after we've burned all our possessions?!

"My treasured scroll—all my belongings!"

"My divine pear... what bastard told me to burn it?!"

"My treasures!"

Wailing howls filled Bloodkill Island.

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