Wayfarer-Chapter 186: The Public Demonic Trial

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Chapter 186: The Public Demonic Trial

Beyond the Isle of Xiao, as the elders continued buffeting the formation with seawater, its foundations finally crumbled at the first light of dawn.

As they waved their hands, the elders called on wind to speed up the dissipation of the thick fog. The destruction on the Isle of Xiao came within sight.

The majority of the mountain peaks on the island had crumbled, and a wide furrow across the ground, shocking in size and intensity, caught the eye. A ship at sea continued to spew out roiling mist, as though a formation was still active on board.

Dozens of elders shot over.

"Who dares raid the Taiqing Immortal Sect?!" the elders roared, their auras exerting immense pressure on the ship.

The figures on board bowed down respectfully.

"Ye Sanshui of the Mortal division greets the gathered elders!"

"We greet the gathered elders!"

The dozens of familiar disciples arrayed before them caused the elders to stop short. They looked around in surprise.

"You? Weren't there enemies attacking the Isle of Xiao?" one elder asked.

"All those who did have been caught and brought to the island," Ye Sanshui reported.

"But there's a formation on this ship. Were you the ones holding us back?" one elder interrogated.

The elders glared stonily at the Taiqing disciples, not expecting the interference to be from such a source.

"The seniormost Ascended disciple commanded us to stabilize the formation for the time being so that his public trial wouldn't be disrupted," Ye Sanshui replied.

"What? Xiao Nanfeng caught the invaders and had you continue to maintain the formation they set up so we couldn't enter?" an elder summarized.

Ye Sanshui sucked in a deep breath. "The seniormost Ascended disciple said that the elders outside the formation could have rushed in to save everyone if they truly wanted to do so. If they didn't intend to do so, then why let them in now?"

"Insolence!" The elders frowned mightily.

Ye Sanshui lowered his head and said nothing. The other disciples on the ship did the same. They all knew about the unusual nature of the formation, and the fact that the elders had chosen not to do so. As a result, they naturally lost faith in them.

"You said that Xiao Nanfeng's holding a public trial?" One blue-robed elder seemed alarmed.

"Yessir!" Ye Sanshui nodded firmly.

"We must have a look, then!" the elder urged.

The other elders headed straight into the Isle of Xiao.

The location of the public trial was obvious; everyone had gathered there.

By the time the elders arrived, they saw countless Taiqing disciples glaring stonily at a group of demonic disciples that had been tied up. They were kneeling on the floor in fear and despair.

"Tang, you've condemned us all!" The demonic disciples glared at Tang, aggrieved.

Only Tang was unbound and allowed to roam freely.

"It's none of my business! I told all of you not to attack time and again, but you refused to listen to me. Otherwise, the situation wouldn't have turned out this way. From start to finish, I never participated in this raid, and I didn't even help with the formation! Senior Brother Xiao is aware of this, which is why he's allowed me to go free," Tang replied.

"You've cursed us all!" the demonic disciples cried out.

They had long heard that Tang was an omen of calamity, and they were now feeling the effects of his curse. They were all finished, all of them except Tang!

"Enough. Carry out the sentence!" Xiao Nanfeng commanded.

"Yes, Senior Brother!" A group of junior disciples walked behind each of the demonic disciples, their swords bared.

"Spare us, Senior Brother Xiao! Have mercy on us! We're from the same Taiqing Sect!" novelbuddy.c(o)m

"Senior Brother Xiao, the Taiqing Immortal and Demonic Sects were initially two branches of the same sect. We can't kill each other! Please, just detain us!"

The demonic disciples cried out for mercy, but Xiao Nanfeng stared unflinchingly at them without any sign of relenting. "Detaining you would only foster grudges and cause other demonic disciples to think that the Taiqing Immortal Sect is too soft and merciful. Today, I intend on enacting a new order. Kill these demonic disciples who dared to prey on the disciples of the Taiqing Immortal Sect!"

The Taiqing disciples were poised to make their move when shouts came from afar. "Hold it!"

Everyone saw a large group of elders flying over. The blue-robed elder in the lead was in shock.

"We're disciples of the Taiqing Demonic Sect! Please save us, elders!" the demonic disciples cried out.

Many of the elders in both the Immortal and Demonic sects cared about the alliance between the two sects, and they were lenient even with disciples of the other sect. To the demonic disciples, these elders looked like their saviors.

"Didn't you hear me? Kill them!" Xiao Nanfeng commanded.

"No one move. Who dares defy the sect's customs?!" the blue-robed elder called out.

The Taiqing disciples glanced at Xiao Nanfeng and at the gathered elders alternatingly, unsure how to proceed.

"Elders, last night, we sent out a distress signal, but none of you came to our assistance. After we barely made it out with our lives, you now attempt to stop us from punishing the culprits?" Xiao Nanfeng asked.

"Xiao Nanfeng, aren't all of you alright? Hand me the invaders. I'll interrogate them myself," the blue-robed elder replied.

"There's no need. We've already had a public trial. More than two thousand junior disciples witnessed their confession. These demonic disciples claimed that they were in cahoots with high-ranking elders from the Taiqing Immortal Sect to slaughter us all. If not for my own strength, we would all have perished last night," Xiao Nanfeng informed the elders.

"What?" The elders blanched.

"You suspect us of being in cahoots with them?" the blue-robed elder shouted.

"I don't suspect—I know. Elders, rather than stop me, I believe you should consider who among your number might view our lives as nothing but fodder, who might be colluding with foreign powers," Xiao Nanfeng asserted.


"Elders, I don't intend to malign anyone, but we do have testimony and evidence of several traitors," Xiao Nanfeng continued, refusing to give in.

Some Taiqing disciples presented a transcript of the interrogation. When the elders received copies of the documents, they frowned deeply, then glanced at each other in uncertainty and unease.

"Do you intend to stake everything on the words of some demonic disciples? How do you know they aren't lying?" the blue-robed elder immediately replied.

"In that case, if they're deliberately misleading the investigation and slandering the honored elders of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, why leave them alive? I have sentenced them for their crimes. I ask that you not interfere, honored elders," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"You have no such authority. They are demonic disciples and subject only to the judgment of us elders," the blue-robed elder replied.

"Are you aware that a Wingform-realm spirit joined them to attack the Isle of Xiao? If not for a lifesaving treasure, all of us would have perished at their hand. The motto of the Taiqing Sect is to not be party to evil. Elders, these raiders should be killed. Of that there is no question. The fact that they are Taiqing disciples themselves is all the more reason that they should be punished for their actions. For colluding with evil spirits and hurting their brothers and sisters, their fate is sealed."

"You intend to slaughter demonic disciples in public? Do you want the tenuous alliance between the Taiqing Immortal Sect and the Taiqing Demonic Sect to turn into an outright schism?" the blue-robed elder questioned.

"They went against the alliance's principles first. Should we allow the demonic disciples to kill us as they please? Do our lives not matter? Forgive me this, Elder, but it is precisely this sort of erroneous thinking and judgment, this partiality toward the demonic disciples, that they dare to bully us, to coerce us, to raid us at will! I do intend to execute these disciples publicly so that the demonic disciples are aware that there are consequences to their actions! As seniormost Ascended disciple, I command that all Taiqing disciples kill those who dare violate the sect's core principles! Kill them!" Xiao Nanfeng commanded.

"Those who dare violate the sect's core principles shall be killed!" the Taiqing disciples echoed, their emotions rising to a fever pitch.

Over the last few years, many disciples of the Taiqing Immortal Sect had died at the hands of the demonic disciples. The elders had been reluctant to impose any punishment heavier than detainment, and the ordinary disciples had grown infuriated by this treatment. When Xiao Nanfeng gave voice to this resentment, the anger that they had suppressed for long years exploded at once.

"Kill!" the enforcers cried out, swinging their swords down.

"No!" the demonic disciples shouted in horror.

"Kill!" the rest of the Taiqing disciples echoed.

The gathered elders stepped back in surprise. The killing intent that emanated from over two thousand Immortal disciples was potent enough to shock even the elders.

The demonic disciples' heads were sent flying in streams of blood.

"Xiao Nanfeng, are you aware of the consequences of this malfeasance?" the blue-robed elder threatened.

"Elders, I understand you have the authority to supervise and manage ordinary disciples, but ordinary disciples may veto your commands if they feel that those commands violate the core principles of the sect, pending a public sect inquiry into the situation. I urge that any elders who view my actions as inappropriate denounce me publicly and initiate this inquiry," Xiao Nanfeng continued.

"You!" The blue-robed elder glared at Xiao Nanfeng.

A public inquiry? What sort of joke was that? Over two thousand Taiqing disciples stood on Xiao Nanfeng's side; a public inquiry would only cast the elders in a worse light.

"Xiao Nanfeng, your actions have doomed the alliance between the two Taiqing sects!" the blue-robed elder thundered.

The other elders were frowning severely. The public execution of these demonic disciples would exacerbate the rift between the two sects and might even tear them apart.

"These 'allies' who only backstab us are more dangerous than enemies. My intention in killing these disciples isn't to create a rift between the Taiqing Immortal Sect and the Taiqing Demonic Sect, but rather to remove rogue elements from the two sects from play. Only then can our alliance be solidified. I understand that you elders refuse to strike in consideration of the alliance with the demonic sect—so let me kill them! These disciples gave testimony that there were elders among your number colluding with them to bring harm to the Taiqing Immortal Sect. I beseech you honored elders to determine who these traitors might be!" Xiao Nanfeng replied.

The elders glanced at each other. The position of elder was an honored and revered one, and they were upset that Xiao Nanfeng, ostensibly of lower status, was commanding them.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you will take responsibility for what you have done," the blue-robed elder spat out.

"Absolutely, Elder. I will not malign a single demonic disciple, nor kill the innocent. For example, I have not struck this demonic disciple, Tang, who was not part of the proceedings. Indeed, I intend to treat him like a friend and host."

Everyone looked toward Tang, who stiffened at being suddenly called out. Why is he putting me on public display? Am I going to be famous as an omen of calamity in both sects?!

The elders glared at Xiao Nanfeng before departing as one.

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