Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I'm Going to Sleep-Chapter 150: The Gods’ Trial (5)

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"Something that has a form but cannot be grasped, on the opposite side of the light?"

Baal tilted his head with a puzzled expression, not understanding what that meant.

Well, it's not surprising that Baal wouldn't know about the long-lost Erebus.

"Alright, if you can bring that fellow, I'll let you pass the test."

"I'm not sure, but I'll give it a try!"

"Oh, and my mom can't help you anymore. You'll have to do it all on your own."

At Shamash's words, Baal replied confidently.

"Okay! I've received enough help already! Now I'll do it myself!"

It's good that he's energetic, but... hmm. It'll be difficult to succeed. If it was something that could be easily found, we would have found it a long time ago.

Baal, not understanding the difficulty of this test, rushed out as if he could find it right away, and the other children and I silently looked at Shamash.

"Giving an impossible test, isn't that too much?"

"That's right! Even for me, it was not an easy trial, but I made concessions!"

Sylphid, you're the same, aren't you? If I hadn't persuaded you, you would have just won as is.

Well, Sylphid seems to have acted without much thought.

"Hmph. I have my own thoughts too, you know. Don't think I just gave this test without any reason."

Shamash has... thoughts?

No, well, when making judgments, there is some discernment, but Shamash, who always seems carefree and without much thought?

"This test was also because of mom. I understand that mom cares a lot about that child, but lately she's been neglecting us! I wish mom would pour some of that attention on us as well!"

What, are they blaming me here?

"So that's why you gave this impossible test?"

"Yes. Even that kid will get dejected after struggling for about a year and realize it's impossible. Until then, mom has to be with us."

"What about....... the test?"

Shamash laughed lightly as if it was nothing and spoke.

"As for the test, well, I'll just let him pass it as if he succeeded, honoring his efforts during that time. So don't worry."

Hmm... It's fortunate that he will pass the test regardless of his success, but have I neglected this child to the extent that they think this way?

Well, thinking about it, I did neglect them quite a bit. After teaching them how to create avatars, I hardly ever met them. I thought they were already grown up and doing their own thing.

But it seems that was just my own thought.

"Alright then, mom. Let's have a pleasant year together from now on."

Ugh... What is this? Is this some kind of obsession or fixation?

But it seems to be some kind of excessive attachment or something like that...

And so, I ended up spending about a year with the children.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thinking calmly, my children don't seem to be doing anything that goes against what I want.

Sylphid? That child is a bit of a fool, Maybe she got excited about the race and just ran off?

After talking it through calmly, she understood my intentions, so Sylphid didn't intentionally go against my will.

Anyway, since I know the other children aren't going against my will either, I can watch Baal's test with a bit more peace of mind.

"Mom's cooking really is the best in this world, you know. How can it be so delicious?"

"Yes, it's the best."

I chuckled softly as I watched Sylphid and Sagarmatha finish off more than four servings of the cream pasta.

Well, the concept of pasta doesn't exist in this era yet. There's a primitive cream stew made with milk, but that's about it.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the food. But why aren't the other children here?"

"They went to watch over Baal. It seems they found something, or so they say. Sagarmatha and I are here to make sure Mom doesn't go to Baal."

"I see. Monitoring."

Sagarmatha, who had polished off the cream pasta, quietly raised her index and middle fingers to draw a V.

"It seems they found something, huh? Did they find a clue to that fellow?"

"That's impossible, isn't it? How could they find something that has been shattered into countless pieces and lost its form? At best, they might find a lump of gathered fragments."

Indeed, that's likely the case.

Gathering all the countless scattered fragments of that being is almost impossible. Even if they find something, there's not much hope.

But just as I thought that...

"I found it!"

About 7 months after Baal took Shamash's test.

Baal came to us, bringing a small dark-haired goddess.


"U-Uh, ugh..."

The young goddess Baal brought, with a gloomy aura and dark hair covering her face.

Hmm. Ah.... Ah!

"The answer to Shamash's is the shadow! So I brought the goddess of shadows!"

Indeed, it seems that's the case.

Yes, that makes sense. This child couldn't possibly know about Erebus. So he couldn't have found Erebus, which is shattered into countless pieces.

Instead, it seems he found the appropriate subject for Shamash's question.

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"T-This place... I shouldn't be here..."

"What, it's fine! You're the answer to Shamash's question! Stand up straight! Don't hide behind me! Come forward!"

Baal grabbed the arm of the goddess, who trying to hide behind him, and pulled her forward, and the children looked at them with their heads in their hands.

"But, t-this, I-I mean..."

The young goddess continued to look uneasy. Baal said she was the goddess of shadows.

Judging by her appearance, she seems to be a young goddess who has just been born and knows nothing.

"Well, I did pose the question about darkness and shadows, but..."

Shamash just sighed while looking at the young goddess.

"Shamash. It looks like you've been caught off guard."

"No, but! Neither Mom nor us were thinking of this young goddess!"

"We all had the same thought, but Baal couldn't have known about that being, could he?"

I gently placed my hand on the timid goddess's head and slowly stroked it.

A faint sense of relief began to appear on the small goddess's face, who had been shrinking back.

It seems she felt reassured that the greatest god, was caring for her in the presence of the other higher gods.

"Regardless of what your intention was in posing the test, the fact is that this child fits the answer to that test."

"But still..."

I opened my mouth, looking at Shamash who seemed to want to say more.

"So, as the god of light, justice, and law, what do you think?"

"Ugh... Well... H-He passes."

"I did it!"

At Shamash's pronouncement of passing, Baal joyfully leaped up.


"It's thanks to you! Thank you!!"

And Baal started spinning around, hugging the young goddess. Hmm.

This one is quite... Looks nice, the lively sky-blue boy and the timid black-haired girl.

"Ugh... I had planned to spend a year with Mom..."

"Your mistake was not clearly stating the answer to the test."

"No, but... Ugh... Why did the goddess of shadows have to appear at this time..."

At Shamash's words, the young goddess flinched and hid behind me.

Oh dear, she got scared by Shamash's words.

"Don't be afraid. Shamash is not angry at you."

I slowly stroked the timid goddess's head.

"Then, what is your name?"

I sat down at eye level with the timid goddess and asked.

Slightly disheveled hair. Pale skin. And a faint sense of divinity.

Truly the appearance of a young goddess who has just been born.

The young goddess did not answer my question, but shook her head silently.

"Why? It's not like you can't speak... Hmm... Perhaps you don't have a name?"

The young goddess slowly nodded her head.

"I... don't have a name..."

"It seems you've truly just been born."

"Of course! she was born from the rumors spread among the humans!"

Baal spoke boldly. Indeed... Baal himself was the god born from the rumors that had spread.

"Unlike with the elves, it wasn't easy, but I worked hard to spread the rumors and this is how she was born! Aren't I great?"

Baal looked at me sparkling eyes. His appearance was like that of a puppy seeking praise, and I couldn't help but slowly stroke Baal's head.

"Well, you see... That is..."

"Ah, yes. The goddess of shadows... The goddess who still doesn't have a name. Baal, what is this child's name?"

"Hmm... I don't know!"

He doesn't know...?

Hmm. It seems he really created her without any thought.

"It would be troublesome if a newly born god doesn't have a name."

For faith in the gods to be properly conveyed, it is necessary to clearly recognize that god.

Therefore, the name of a gods is a really important milestone.

"Then... I shall give you a name."

The name given by the current supreme god? I rarely give names to gods.

You can be proud of it!

"Your name shall be... Yes, this is fitting."

As I stroked the timid goddess of shadows, I said,

"Your name shall be Nyx."

And so, the goddess of shadows and night, Nyx, was born.