Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 14Book 4: : Powerful Skills

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Book 4: Chapter 14: Powerful Skills


Um Tar are there any skills with a rarity

I trail off at that thought as I notice Tar just staring at the notification, clearly not registering anything Im saying. Even after the notification disappears.

Um, Tar?

He doesnt respond.

I snap my fingers in front of his face, splashing some water on him as I do so, reminding me that Im still in the bath. But I dont feel like getting out, so I stay in. The waters automatically cleaned by the magic in the bath anyways, so theres no reason to leave the comfort of the water right now.

The tanuki snaps out of it after getting hit by water, making him look at me as he asks, What does redacted rarity mean?

Why are you asking me? I ask out loud in return, my voice echoing in the bath, making me switch to our internal communication again for the silence of the bath chamber.

Shouldnt you be the one with all of the information about the System?

Ive never heard of a rarity above mythic, so dont ask me! Tar exclaims while shaking his paws in front of him, only for the tanuki to glance at the wet fur on his side as if he hadnt noticed getting wet.

He raises his gaze to me again a second later, seemingly deciding not to care about the wet fur while he says, I should go inform father about this. You enjoy the rest of your bath.

I blink in surprise at that, only for the tanuki to vanish. And when I reach out for our bond, I find him no longer on Tartarus or in the Void.

Wow. I just got ditched.

I cross my arms in irritation at that, only to sigh and focus on the new skill upgrades and the new skill that I got. Although first I focus on the skill upgrades, bringing up their descriptions and finding them to be rather pleasant.

Overall, Beast Transformation changed to allow me to transform into a second form. One that isnt bipedal. Which is kind of all its saying, but I think I get the gist just from what happened during the ascension.

Meanwhile Metallicized Blood Claws and Partial shift now has no limit on what parts of my body I can shapeshift or use the claws on and how many parts I can use it on at once.

But Life Absorption that one is an entirely different skill now. A real evolution.

{Life Absorption Creates an aura around the user that automatically drains the life energy of any nearby creatures that the user designates as targets into themselves. Costs mana to use. Life energy drained can be manipulated by the user to heal themselves all over or at specific locations, flow into other skills, heal others, or pushed out of their body again to leave in the open.}

Wow. Thats good.

Now I dont have to keep an eye on each demon when using the skill anymore. I can just activate Life Absorption and itll drain everything I consider an enemy around me.

A very useful upgrade.

But Blood Nullification

{Blood Nullification Allows the user to nullify any blood in a set radius around them for a significant price of mana dependent on the distance between the user and the blood, the obstructions between the user and the blood, and any reality that the blood may be attached to.}

Thats good. Thats very good.

Then again, its legendary. Of course its good.

As for the strange skill that may be a rarity above mythic if I had to guess, one of the last two requirements is probably to get the Blood Domain skill myself. But that would also mean that the skill is upgrading a mythic skill.

I frown as a thought comes to me.

Blood Domain lets the user have absolute control over blood in the domain, and it even lets it manifest blood that isnt fully set in reality like the manifested blood I have in my blood weapons. But it doesnt let them actually erase blood that is already in the world. Only blood they manifested personally.

Maybe maybe the upgrade will give me absolute control over both the creation, destruction, and manipulation of blood? Since Blood Domain only has absolute control over creation and manipulation of it?

That would be cool.

Either way, time to relax and enjoy the rest of my bath while I wait for the furball to get back.

I go ever so slightly deeper into the water with a sigh while resting my head comfortably on one of the relaxing, cushion-like edges of the bath. Then I close my eyes, simply feeling the magical water soaking into me.

These baths are amazing.

Ill miss them when I go back to Earth.

My eyes shoot open at that thought.

Right! I should absolutely ask for a mobile one from Gramps before I leave!

Inside of Allens office at the Silver Association

Allens head falls down and hits his desk the moment he sees the two universal notifications that appear in his vision. Meanwhile White, who was heading the massive group call he is currently in along with all of the other important people in terms of the wars progress, pauses for just a moment, letting silence fill the call.

Shes caught up to me in Class in just eleven and a half months what am I doing with my life anymore? Can I even protect her now? I wouldnt be surprised if shes catching up with me in strength by now, if not soon

The silence in the call continues for several more seconds before almost everyone begins talking at once, making no one able to hear anyone. Not until White forcibly mutes everyone except herself and says, Be quiet.

Then Black suddenly unmutes himself and says, Congratulations.

Allens eyes widen in shock at the absolute stupidity of what he just did. At least, until he realizes that it was probably on purpose.


While everyone is muted right now, Allen knows that theyre all thinking the same thing. That the [REDACTED] who everyone on Earth has been searching for was actually Whites daughter. Something they know simply because of Blacks one word, since she was in the middle of speaking in the call with her clearly visible in the video, meaning it wasnt her and therefore only leaving one person it could be meant for.

Scarlet, when you come back, youre going to be under a lot of pressure by the press I hope youre ready for it.

Allen grimaces as he thinks about how Belle might be taking this news, since she was already worried about how far Scarlet was leaving her behind. And if Scarlet is already Class IV while Belle only recently reached Class III herself, Allen knows shell see her own progress as subpar in comparison.

Although this might help morale amongst the Guardians, knowing a nineteen-year-old is already at Class IV. Since shes meeting the expectations of that silly title they gave her of the Apex Predator of the Human World.

Then Allen remembers that shes a demon. Probably mostly demon by now.

Thats a future problem to deal with. For now

Allen looks around, furiously searching for a bottle of wine only to fail to find any.

I need a drink