Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 16Book 4: : Freedom

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Book 4: Chapter 16: Freedom


I share one surprised hug with Gramps and Leonidas before leaving the dinner hall about an hour later and heading towards my room. But about halfway there, I take a deep breath and then whisper as quietly as I can, Lucius. Nows the time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice some of my bodyguards growing confused at my words, only for everything to suddenly grow pitch black with flickers of purple energy. Then I find myself appearing in the middle of some bedroom in front of The Reaper who simply asks me, not even raising his gaze from his book that hes holding in a single hand to his face, Where do you want to go?

Can you place me directly next to a Gate so that I can enter straight away? I ask, looking around his room a little and finding it rather dark.

I can, but you would have to navigate your way through Demon Isle or the Arctic and past all of the demons and the frontlines of the war, The Reaper answers, bringing my gaze back to him to find him still with his nose buried in his book, which looks to be a small black book made from leather. It would be better for you to pass through a Fracture. Ill send a zombie with you that you can dispose of on the other side after it helps you through the Fracture.

I purse my lips for a moment, briefly considering just how random the Fractures are in terms of where they end up. Then I decide that this is the best option and nod my head, following which The Reaper just snaps his fingers, making me appear right next to a Fractures rift in a very cold area alongside a rather large zombie that quickly picks me up and pulls me through it, ignoring all of the other zombies and revenants passing into the Fracture alongside us. Not to mention the Noble that I suddenly see appearing nearby with a shocked and frightened look on their face.

But theyre too late, and before I know it, Im back on Earth again, in the middle of what looks like a park. Although I have no idea what city its in. Just that the park is a lot smaller than the ones Im used to in the Tier 1 Capital City of the Republic, and that it seems to be lacking in some technological departments, appearing more along the lines of old-world technology with no magi-tech outside of the barrier around the park.

A park. Nice.

I knew I wasnt going to have to worry about security cameras seeing me appear out of nowhere, since everyone would just assume it was Whites doing or that she gave me some sort of magi-tech item with a skill of hers imbued in it to do it. But this park doesnt seem to have any cameras at all in it, which makes things simpler.

Wont have to lie if theres no one seeing me appear out of nowhere to lie to.

On that note, I quickly activate my Metallicized Blood Claws while partially shifting my arms and legs from my elbows and knees down before tearing into all of the zombies that appear around me.

Since Im here, might as well help deal with this Class IV Fracture. Something that Im kind of surprised ended up in a Tier 2 city in the first place. Or at least, Im assuming its Tier 2 considering the lack of magi-tech.

Then again, Tier 2 cities still have plenty of people in them. So I guess it shouldnt be that big a surprise.

Anyways, I end up having to focus on going towards the people to save them instead since the demons grow too strong too fast. And I start the little trip off by heading to the closest group of people who are screaming rather loudly in response to some undead.

Thanks to my speed, it only takes me a few seconds to appear there and throw my fist directly into the face of a Class IV Zombie Revenant. Then I quickly take to identifying the other zombies in the area.

|Demon Spawn Subspecies: Zombie Level 508|

|Demon Spawn Subspecies: Revenant Level 525|

|Demon Spawn Subspecies: Zombie Level 516|

|Demon Spawn Subspecies: Zombie Level 507|

|Demon Spawn Subspecies: Revenant Level 549|

Ah, back to the old identification system.

Since theyre undead, they dont exactly have much if any blood for me to manipulate, and as I learned from my lessons on Tartarus, while they do have life energy, theirs is different in nature from humans and is permanently stuck to their body. Which is part of what makes them undead.

So I cant drain their life energy either.

Which leads me to simply punching them to pieces. A rather simple task considering that theyre only a little bit above my level.

If Allen heard you say that a demon forty-eight levels above you was only a little above your level, Im pretty sure hed pop a blood vessel, Tar comments, but I ignore him. Although I am curious why hes been so quiet since the dinner. I was discussing things with father about the redacted rarity skill again. But nothing important has come up yet about it.

Ah. Right.


Yeah, Im just gonna consider it some sort of super skill thats above the mythic rarity thats so rare its never been seen before. Probably because it requires more than one magic to get the skill, like the skill in question apparently needs with both blood and null magic.

I wouldnt be surprised if youre right about that Tar mutters as I continue killing the zombies and revenants, none of them really being much of a match for me.

I glance at the humans behind me to find them all staring at me in shock and recognition. But I turn my attention back to the demons again right after that glance, finishing them all off by tearing them apart. Literally.

After I do that though, my nose twitches slightly.

These demons stink.

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