Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 19Book 4: : Spending Spree

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Book 4: Chapter 19: Spending Spree


After some more awkward silence, the Guardian eventually introduces himself as the Dimensional Shifter before practically shoving me figuratively through the portal. Which kind of makes me think they dont like me for some reason.

No idea why. Not my fault I dont know the names and appearances of every Class V Guardian in the world.

Anyways, I end up in Allens office after passing through the rift. But Allens not here, so I look around for a moment in the familiar room that Ive been to who knows how many times. Probably less than Im remembering. Then I head to the door of the office and walk out into the hall before walking through the base to find someone.

And the first person I find is Sage as she walks down one of the halls of the base directly towards the office, meeting me partway.

Welcome back, young miss, the woman says with a light bow of her head, seemingly a lot more respectful to me now that Im the same Class as her than she was before. Allen will be here soon, so please make use of your suite until then.

I nod my head back in respect before catching something she throws at me, soon finding it to be a terminal that I quickly attach to my forearm.

Have a nice day, and congratulations on your many achievements during your training, she says with one more nod before beginning to walk away without another word.

Brunt and to the point as ever, I suppose.

I continue walking down the hall in the direction of my suite, occasionally nodding my head to some shocked people who dont seem to have expected to see me here. With good reason, considering that Ive been missing from the public on Earth for months now.

When I reach my suite, I find it in perfect condition. The exact same as when I left it.

Which kind of makes me wonder if itll be the same for my suite at the university. Also, the next semester began, so I wonder how they dealt with that? Mostly the whole ranking tournament thing.

Did I lose my rank, or was I seeded for a rank?

You should probably remember that youre Class IV, Tar points out, making me blink for a moment.

Right. Im the only Class IV student attending the university. Of course Ill be ranked number one.

Guess my stuff at the university is safe then. Not that I really had anything there that I cared about, otherwise I wouldve asked Amelia if she couldve brought it to me at some point. Just like how I had her send a message to Belle, Allen, and Cynthia while I was on Tartarus.

The only personal item that I have any attachment towards is my jacket. Everything else is just a bunch of objects with no real value to me.

And my credits are stored in my bank accounts, not physically anywhere. So those cant go missing.

Anyways, I continue walking through my suite, just making sure no one else is there before I jump onto my bed and lie back while finally opening my Skills Store to see if there are any new legendary skills for me. And to my surprise, there arent.

Huh. Odd. Was kind of expecting to unlock a new legendary skill for the two etched skill slot achievements I got for reaching Class IV so soon.

Well, generally those types of achievements are only an additional requirement and not the main requirements for skills, Tar comments, making me frown a little. After all, what sorts of skills could you get simply because you reached Class IV at a really young age? Not many. The only one that reaching a Class at an early age really matters for seems to be Predator, which makes some sense when you think about it.

Yeah kind of disappointing though.

Itll open up new paths for you at least, Tar says, seemingly trying to comfort me. After you get the required achievements for the skills, that is.

I nod my head at that with a sigh.

Yeah, youre right on that front.

Although I guess this isnt all bad. Not at all. After all, I can finally spend the entirety of my Skill Points on leveling skills. And I have five hundred and six Skill Points to spend right now.

I sit in place staring at my status for several minutes, just doing math in my head until I eventually mutter, Screw it, and start calculating it in my terminal instead. Because legendary skills are expensive to level up with Skill Points.

Overall, it takes me almost ten minutes of chugging calculations until I figure out what I want to level up.

Since the skill I use the most is Crimson Overdrive, I spend one hundred and eighty-five Skill Points to bring it straight from level 15 to level 20. Then I focus on one of my skills with the most potential and the best for my fighting style and bring that skill, Bloody Thorns, from level 10 to level 15 with one hundred and thirty-five Skill Points.

Lastly, I turn my attention to the skill that will eventually rid the demons of their curses, bringing Gradual Corruption Nullification from level 15 to level 20 with another one hundred and eighty-five Skill Points.

Which all totals up to five hundred and five Skill Points spent out of my five hundred and six total Skill Points.

A rather costly set of upgrades, but certainly worth it. I hope.

To prove that it was worth it, I quickly focus on the skills new descriptions, finding two of them to have changed.

Gradual Corruption Nullification now only needs three minutes to remove any corruption from myself, whereas Crimson Overdrive lets me burn blood that doesnt belong to me as well instead of just my own. Meaning I can now use the blood in my Blood Bank skill for it.

A very nice benefit.

And Bloody Thorns didnt change at all, so Im kind of just hoping that it raised the base amount of damage that the skill deals to the enemy in blood nullification.

All that aside, Id say the spending spree was worth it.

Now then.

I get up from bed and begin heading in the direction of the training room.

While I wait for Allen, Ill just train a bit.