Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 22Book 4: : Reality Energy

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Book 4: Chapter 22: Reality Energy


Amelia leads me out of the base entirely and into the snowy mountains around it before we stop and she turns to me while saying, As a member of the Assault Force, you can go wherever you want and fight as many demons as you want. I figured this would be the most desirable position for you. You dont have to fight on the main battlefields, dont have to listen to the orders of the higher ups or the councils unless an emergency is happening, and most importantly, you can fight away from other humans.

My eyes widen slightly at that, only for a grin to make its way onto my face.

The frontlines expand for basically the entire span of the continent from one edge of the water to the other, and any points in the continent on the demons side are free reign for battles as well. So there should be plenty of places where demons are passing through the continent towards the frontlines from the Gates that I can fight without having to worry about humans seeing me.

Although it isnt a guarantee that I wont be seen, so I should still be careful. But with my hearing, I dont think there should be a problem. Not unless I have some sort of Class V stealth Guardian stalking me. And if that was happening, then Im pretty sure Id have more trouble than them finding out what I am.

Keep your identification papers on you as they absorb a miniscule fraction of the life force let off by the demons when theyre killed before the System can get it in order to keep track of the total number of kills you make, Amelia says as I flex my claws slightly, already having shapeshifted my right arm just from the thrill of the hunt running through me right now. Youre going to be fighting far more demons than is required, so I wouldnt bother paying attention to the number it shows on the paper. Just dont attack any demons that are too strong for you, and youll be fine.

She hesitates for a moment before adding, And if you do end up facing off against a demon thats too powerful for you to take on and you cant escape, just make sure to show them your crest.

I nod my head at that. But then I purse my lips for a moment and ask, How many Noble demons are on Earth right now anyways?

Amelia frowns for a moment before her eyes flash white and she answers, There are currently about three hundred and forty-eight Noble demons on Earth, along with nearly twenty thousand Class IV demons. But the Class III and below demons number in the hundreds of millions.

Doesnt sound to be too far off what I was expecting. The strategic meetings that I attended never mentioned the exact numbers, but they did make plans revolving around an estimated number of demons. A number that is constantly growing as more demons pass through the Gates and Fractures into Earth.

Do you know the levels of those Noble demons? I ask out of curiosity.

Overall the Noble demons dont concern me until I can actually deal with them. After all, Noble demons should all recognize my face, so they wont attack me. Even if I go slaughtering their forces.

From what Gramps said to me, theyll only either try to capture me before letting me go after whatever plan theyre carrying out, or theyll leave me alone, canceling whatever plans they have. Mostly will just depend on the Noble demon in charge of the horde of demons and how important whatever plan theyre carrying out is.

This intel isnt confirmed, but there should be two dukes, sixteen marchionesses and marquesses, sixty counts and countesses, one hundred and one viscounts and viscountesses, and one hundred and sixty-nine barons and baronesses, Amelia answers, making me grimace a little at the mention of the significant number of marchionesses and marquesses.

I already knew about the two dukes, those being Satan and Damien, but I didnt know about there being that many marchionesses and marquesses

More are coming through the Gates and Fractures as we speak, so the number isnt completely accurate, Amelia continues, sounding rather annoyed by that. But you shouldnt have to worry about them. Just go do what you want, and if you do end up in a situation where you cant show them your crest and youre in trouble, then simply press the button on the device I gave you.

I pat the device thats in my pocket at that before nodding.

Alright, I have to go back to the major battlefields now, she says with more than a little reluctance. So please stay safe.

She seems to hesitate for a moment before quickly rushing in a hug and then vanishing, surprising me for a moment.

Hmm. Okay then.

I look around for a moment before closing my eyes and listening to my surroundings, raising the sensitivity of my ears in the process. Then, after figuring out the direction that has the least humans and the most demons, I begin heading there right away.

From what I can understand, the demons estimate the reality energy in the Gates with a unit of measurement simply called one unit of energy per level of the demon withing to pass through to the power of their Class. So a level one thousand five hundred demon would take about seven-point-six quadrillion units of energy, with the amount of energy use up being about the level of the demon or human to the power of their Class. Meanwhile the Gates only regenerate an amount of energy depending on the number of creatures both demon or otherwise that die near the Gate. But from what they mentioned during the strategy meeting, it sounded like it regenerates around one trillion units of energy a day at an incredibly rough estimate. Some days more, some less.

Generally enough to let a Demon Lord cross the Gate once every eight or nine decades. But only if the Demon Lords are the only demons crossing through that gate. And theyre not.

Thats also not considering that the Demon Lords are a significant part of the ruling of Tartarus and cant be gone for all that long simply fighting, nor are they absolutely controllable by the Demon King. Most wont even want to cross the Gate even if they were let to do that.

Then theres the fact that other Demon Nobles have passed through over the years as well. In fact, Im pretty sure the only reason there are two dukes on Earth in the first place is because they passed through when the Gate was still a Fracture, after it was just formed and filled to its maximum capacity with reality energy.

Overall, the Earth is screwed in this war. We have no chance outside of stalling it long enough for me to upgrade my skill and remove the curses.

Otherwise Earth will end up subjugated under the demons, and I doubt Gramps would relinquish control back to the humans even if he does free them. After all, hes fought a two hundred year war against us. He wont just leave after he wins.

He did say that he would leave if he doesnt win though. So we just need to stall him.

Meanwhile I have to grow stronger.

As strong as I can become.

I clench my fist before increasing my speed and running through the snowy mountains in search of my first prey for the day.