Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 30Book 3: : Of The End

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Book 3: Chapter 30: Of The End


The howl resonates within me for some reason. It feels familiar. A little warm. But also weak? Why is this howl making me feel superior towards whoever or whatever is howling?

Its probably because youre higher in the pack than the blood lycan howling, Tar answers, sounding not the least bit surprised that theres a fucking blood lycan in the Fracture. Which shouldnt have happened since there was one in the last Class V Fracture. I will be able to answer a lot more of your questions after this Fracture is over. Please just bear with me for now.

I narrow my eyes at the air for a moment, only to lightly shake my head.

Then I hear Whites voice echo throughout the silent ballroom despite her talking quietly.

Damnit, it had to happen today? Of all days

I turn around, only to see White walking through a crowd of people while completely ignoring them and raising one hand. She then mutters, I dont have time for this, and snaps her fingers once, sending a pulse of white throughout the room and the hallway connected to it. And as if the Fracture never happened, the energy I sense from the Class II Fracture that opened up on top of us vanishes along with the shield.

My eyes widen in shock at that, and the other Guardians filling the room all immediately begin whispering about her obvious display of power.

She just straight up destroyed a Class II core by snapping her fingers seconds after it opened

A white flash of light blinds everyone and I feel someones arms suddenly wrapping around me, making me feel a little uncomfortable. But not as uncomfortable as Id expected.

Then the light fades and I find the person hugging me to be White before she immediately steps back, keeping her hands on my shoulders.

I can tell you almost everything after this Fracture, she says, making my eyes widen slightly even if I had expected it from what shed told me before. I can also tell that shes hiding herself from everyone as she has that usual white layer of light glowing around her. I can even start helping you with training and fighting with you if you want. Anything. But only if you remain on Earth.

I blink at that, simply staring at her, unsure of what she meant by that.

Your grandfather finally found you, and both he and your father are sending someone to bring you back to Tartarus, she explains without anyone around us able to hear besides me, only to pause as she purses her lips. Then she adds, I wont be able to help you personally due to complications. But I got your uncle to save you one time during the Fracture. A tear starts falling down her face. Please stay safe. Everything is up to you for this Fracture.

Before I can say anything in response, she vanishes without a trace. Most likely heading straight towards the Class V Fracture.

I stare at where she was just standing for several seconds, only for Belle to snap me out of it by shaking me and saying, Scarlet! Everyones already heading to stop the Fractures! Wake up!

When I look at her, I find her already in her magi-tech gear. And all the others are as well. So I nod and quickly begin sprinting through the hall, calling behind me, Stay safe!

They all shout back, returning my well wishes before I face where Im going.

As I run though, I cant help but think about Whites words.

My father and grandfather sent someone to come get me. Which is confusing in and of itself, because why wouldnt they just come themselves?

Maybe theyre unable to? They could very well be fighting on the front lines or maybe dealing with politics or conflict on Tartarus. After all, I know now from the class I took this past semester that there are small scale wars and conflicts on Tartarus between territories. Which is another part of how the demons get so strong over there.

The only other possibility is something that I dont want to think about being a possibility.

I make it to the front of the building at a very fast speed before looking around and then grabbing a chip that I had in my pocket and putting some of my mana in it, making an air motorcycle appear in front of me that I quickly hop on. Something that Id bought at one point because I preferred it over a car. Mostly because its smaller.

And cooler, but I wont admit that part to anyone.

Um Tar mutters, but I ignore him.

He snorts, but I ignore that too as I start driving towards the closest Class II Fracture to me according to my terminal and ask, So whats up with all of you saying that you can start telling me things after this Class V Fracture?

Thats Tar hesitates, only to eventually answer, lets just say that this Fracture is a turning point in the prophecy. One that means youre allowed to know a lot more about whats going on. And one that will change your life significantly.

Hmm. Okay. So if I have this right, from what Ive been told by you and White so far, Ill either end up being trained personally and helped by White after this, or Ill end up kidnapped to Tartarus. Do I have that right?

He hesitates before answering, Yes. You do.

And Im guessing since White would train me here, my father would train me on Tartarus.

Yeah Tar mutters, sounding vaguely defeated for some reason.



Im not really sure how to take that.

Going to Tartarus sounds dangerous. Sounds like I will probably die. And I have no idea how I would be treated. Although I do admit it would be a hell of a lot easier to level up there, with the exception of getting catalysts to advance in Class which might be harder. Might not be though. Not like I know of any of the types of catalysts other than Fracture cores.

Overall though, I have the adoption to go to after this Demonic Assault. Not to mention that Ill finally have a real family. And I can still level up plenty fast here. Plus even if he is my father, I have never met him before. So I dont know what hes like beyond Whites word.

So Id rather stay on Earth with them. And my new friends.

Aww, Tar says, sounding happy for some reason, youre finally maturing emotionally!

I blink at that, almost forgetting to make a turn.

Shut up.

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