Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 31Book 4: .3: A Month Part III

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Book 4: Chapter 31.3: A Month Part III


Are you sure you want to do that? You do remember the last couple times you checked online chats, right? Tar asks, sounding slightly amused.

This is different. This is about how theyd act if I was exposed.

[ShadowWalker#11 The Warden? A blood lycan? Pfft, thats hilarious.]

[PirateSoul_73 Really? A blood lycan? Thats just impossible. Why would a high and mighty blood lycan deign to lower themselves to mate with a human, even if its one of the Knights? Its just not possible. No use talking about it.]

[DreamWeaver&19 Yeah.]

[AlphaWolf987 I think it would be kinda cool to have a clan demon on our side of the war though, dont you guys?]

[MysticalMuser A clan demon on our side is that even possible?]

[TechNinja_42 I know I wouldnt be upset if she was a blood lycan. At least, not at Scarlet. Shes too cute to be upset with.]

[AlphaWolf987 Agreed.]

[SilverSurfer66 Really, dude?]

[ShadowWalker#11 Well, if it were actually possible, then I guess its not Scarlets fault who she was born to. White would be a traitor though.]

[DreamWeaver&19 Oh, without a doubt. But theres nothing anyone can say or do about her. She doesnt care about the publics opinion towards her.]

[PirateSoul_73 I still say its impossible.]

[TechNinja_42 Come on, dude, were just speaking theoretical here. No need to get your hair in a knot.]

[TechNinja_42 But yeah, the White Knight of Humanity wouldnt be much of a savior of humans if she was having a kid with a clan demon.]

[ShadowWalker#11 She cant call herself a Knight of Humanity if she bangs a blood lycan. Period.]

I close out of the chat discussing the news station before leaning back against the couch again.

Huh. They really are just pushing the blame off onto Amelia.

Well, technically you have no responsibility in this, Tar comments, making a rather good point.

Im just kinda surprised is all.

Although what would happen if they knew I was the granddaughter of the Demon King?

Tar looks up at me again and answers, If they hear how you convinced the Demon King to stop attacking civilians, then they will probably accept you. Most of them, at least.

I blink at that before remembering that that had happened.

Right. Theyll see that Ive used my position for the betterment of humanity.

Or at least, the logical people will.

And not everyone is logical.

True, Tar mutters as he lies his head back down and goes to sleep judging by the feeling our bond sends me.

I pet the little guy, my hand stroking his back while thoughts of what could happen in the future fill my mind. But after several seconds of that, I let out a sigh.

No use worrying about the future.

I probably wont be able to attack any more battalions after this last one, so I should shift my focus to the main battlefield. And Rain of Blood should help with that a lot.

A skill that basically combines with Blood Plague by pouring down a bunch of plagues from the sky that I can control who gets infected by them. Something I got as an inherent legendary skill at level seven hundred.

I smile as I remember getting that skill.

Then I frown at the thought of how it was the only damned inherent skill Ive gotten since starting this hunt.

Completely stupid, but I guess thats what I get for getting so many achievements. And since my achievements influence my inherent skills direction, it ended up being related to plagues.

At this point I really wouldnt be surprised if I ended up with a plague related Title sometime in the distant future.

Come to think of it, I did get that unofficial Warden of the Red Plague title. I wouldnt be surprised if I ended up getting that as an official Title in the distant future, since from what Gramps said, the exact name of a Title is influenced by how people view the one who is getting the Title.

Actually, the same with the Title-Bearing Mythic skill for the Predator line of skills, since people already call me the Apex Predator.

Interesting thought.

I wonder how Gramps would feel if I got a Title called The Apex Predator? Sounds cool to me. Id be very happy with a Title like that.

Warden of the Red Plague is cool too though. Although I never particularly cared much about plagues in games, and its not exactly a happy thing to be thought of alongside, but considering that I use blood magic in the first place not to mention that I go around tearing things to shreds with my claws.

So you finally admitted to being a- ouch, Tar shuts up with a quiet and exaggerated ouch when I bop him on the head with my hand.

Im a perfectly reasonable and elegant lady, thank you very much.

Sure you are, Tar comments but doesnt say anything else when I pause in my petting. And after a few seconds of silence I continue petting him again.

I stare up at the ceiling for a bit, just thinking about the future of the war until I hear a loud explosion ringing out in the far distance, from the direction of the main battlefield. Which is close enough for me to hear from here if I raise the sensitivity of my ears.

Come to think of it

My eyes narrow as a skill that I havent really used much despite it being an epic rarity skill comes to mind.

Actually, Blood Swarm could be very useful in a war setting. In a large battlefield.

Youre finally gonna put that skill to use? Tar asks, and I nod my head after seeing him raises his own to look at me.

Summoning a swarm of blood homunculi would be helpful in fighting the weakling demons in the main battlefield. And I can rain down plagues through both Rain of Blood and Blood Plague to spread my plagues throughout the entire main battlefield. Which would be a large boon for the humans, even if theyll have Class V demons there that will likely try to stop it, not to mention heal the plagues.

But aside from their usage in the main battlefield

Tar waits a moment before asking, What?

I look down at him with a grin.

The main battlefield will serve as a rather nice place to level up those skills with all of those demons there to hunt!

He groans.