Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 49Book 4: : A Pointless Argument

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Book 4: Chapter 49: A Pointless Argument


A few hours later

So youre absolutely sure they wont send more than the agreed upon amount? That they will abide by the agreement? the General of Humanitys Military, a Class V Guardian by the name of James McCall whose title I dont remember asks again. And just like the last two times, I answer with a blunt, Yes, they will abide by the agreement. Stop asking already.

The old looking man who fits the description of a gruff looking army general from the old world movies frowns at me and says, Young lady, the entire war is depending on this agreement. I have to make sure there are no possible betrayals involved.

I cross my arms as the various Guardians in the room, both young looking to the point of them looking in their mid-teens, all the way to old with them looking in their natural fifties and sixties, Class IVs and Class Vs, and even a few non-Guardians who were just very smart and managed to get promoted to strategic work without the use of skills all bob their heads back and forth between me and the General.

And I say that even if the demon forces are on average stupid and non-sapient, they will still listen to the Demon King and the Nobles without question, I repeat, glaring at the General in the process. And the Demon King would never renege on an agreement struck.

The General and I continue glaring at each other for who knows how long, the argument practically repeating itself over and over again until one of his aides at least Im guessing theyre his aide rushes inside the room, drawing everyones attention to them in an instant before they exclaim, Purple has made a statement!

Silence fills the strategic meeting room of the main headquarters for the frontlines as everyone stares at the aide, making them sweat rather noticeably. Both in looks and in the smell.

Tell us, the General says after glancing at me with a glare one last time and focusing on the aide.

The aide doesnt waste any time as he says, Purple has declared that we are to trust the agreement, and all of the Knights agree with this decision.

I immediately notice a shift in the Generals posture. As if just the name Purple made a major difference.

He lets out a sigh and glances at me once more, this time without as much heat as he says, Fine. We will do things your way.

My mouth parts open in surprise, but he quickly turns to the other strategic officers and higher ranking Guardians to speak before I can get a word out, From now on the Apex Predator will be a part of our strategy council, whether she shows up to the meetings or not. Furthermore, I will be granting her the rank of a colonel during this war, so make sure you listen to her orders should you find yourself approached by her. He turns back to me and nods his head politely. We will shift our war effort from holding them back to pushing them.

I let out an inaudible sigh at that.

Success. Finally.

This old badger was way too much trouble to convince.

No matter what he was dead set on sticking to the safe manner of warring where we basically were just sticking our feet in the ground in an attempt to not lose any more ground. Which wouldve been a smart move, if the demons were going to continue getting more and more reinforcements as they were doing.

But now theyre limited in their reinforcements. Or at least, their Class V reinforcements.

And Red killed off several of their Nobles who showed themselves in the last battle, one of which being a blood lycan which surprisingly doesnt bother me despite the supposed pride of our species that other blood lycans feel when other blood lycans are killed so the war effort is moving along a bit safer now. I cant help but wonder if Satan and Red will be pitted against each other at some point in the future though.


The General turns to his aide and says, Please send a letter to each of the top Guardians Universities asking for assistance from the students. Tell them that they will all be thoroughly compensated and given Captain ranks within the military and a full scholarship for their remaining years if they assist.

Without any hesitation, the sweating aide nods his head, bows once to me for some odd reason something Ive seen quite a few people doing, not just him and rushes out of the room.

The General glances at me with a brow raised in amusement as he asks, A bow? You really are a Princess.

I roll my eyes at the jab, the old man being one of the most annoying people Ive met in quite a while. A whole different type of annoying than those creepy kitsune who lack boundaries.

Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, I tell him before narrowing my eyes on the man. That is, if you want me telling Gramps about a certain General who I would love him to meet.

That shuts him up rather quickly as his eyes go wide with more than a little fear, the Demon Kings name turning out to be a very nice scare tactic.

If he knew you were using his name to scare people Tar mutters.

He would be proud.

Tar stares ahead from his place on the table for a few seconds before slowly nodding his head and saying, He probably would be.


I cant help but notice some chuckles around the room as well, making me smile at them.

Well, Im gonna go start hunting, I tell the General, still smiling at the fear on his face, even if it is rapidly dissipating. Then I wave at the people in the strategic meeting room and add, Ciao!

Time to hunt some more.