Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 52Book 3: .2: Tartarus Lesson Part II

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Book 3: Chapter 52.2: Tartarus Lesson Part II


Please warn me before you do that! I shout at him with a scowl, but he just chuckles again.

Now, your fae tells me that youve already realized by now that every other demon here aside from blood lycans can easily see your level, so I dont have to mention that anymore, Grandpa says, starting with the next part of the lesson without awknowledging my shout. But I dont do anything in response to that, simply narrowing my eyes since he seems to take amusement in my usual responses. Aww, dont be like that! Ill warn you the next time I plan to do it, okay?

I blink in surprise before nodding my head and letting my face relax a little.

Huh. A reasonable Demon King. Sorta.

Who wouldve thought.

Hes just teasing you, Tar says, his voice echoing in my head with amusement. Remember that he and his wife always wanted a daughter, so in a way youre like the daughter he never had. Although a granddaughter instead.

Hmm. Guess youre right.

The man in question raises a brow seemingly in both amusement and slight irritation somehow at the same time.

Oh. Right. I almost forgot that he seems to be able to hear Tars voice.

Actually, I ask, How are you able to hear Tars voice when hes speaking in my head?

He smiles at that and nods, Good question. And the reason for that is quite simple.

Out of nowhere, a meter long dragon appears next to the Demon King, following which Tar appears next to us and bows his head as he says, Greetings, father.

My eyes widen.

King Oberon.

Tar, Oberon nods his head, using the same nickname I call him, which I find rather amusing. Then he looks at me, the dragons slit and glowing red eyes locking directly on me. Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron, I thank you for taking care of my son.

As surprising as his words are, I quickly find myself nodding as I answer, Of course. Hes my friend after all.

The dragon smiles. I think.

Anyways, Grandpa puts his hand on the Fae Kings back as he says, Well, anyways, my contract with Oberon gives me actual benefits unlike the contracts the rest of you have.

Like hearing the voices of all the fae around you as theyre privately speaking to their contractors in their heads? I ask, a slight frown on my face.

He nods his head.

Well thats annoying. But it is nice to know that if Tar becomes the Fae King one day then Ill get benefits too. Plus he cant hear my own thoughts, so he only hears a one-sided conversation.

Tar glances at me as I feel amusement radiating through our bond.

Just looking at the bright side of this.

He doesnt say anything, simply turning his head back to face his father again. But I can tell he is holding back a snort just from the emotions hes sending across the bond.

Well, if thats all, Oberon says, but I cut him off by asking, Um, Your Majesty, is that your real form?

The Fae King pauses to look at me, blinking once in surprise before he shakes his head, answering, We fae dont truly have physical forms. But this is the form I choose to take on the mortal planes.

He then nods once and vanishes. Then Grandpa leans into my ear and whispers, He usually takes a larger form when hes not simply here for a conversation.

My eyes widen as I turn my head towards him, backing away a little. He can fight in the mortal plane?!

Grandpa nods again, Yeah. Its something that the Fae King Title gives him. And yes, before you ask, he is the only fae initiated into the System. Thats the main benefit a fae gets from becoming the Fae King, set into place by the creator of the System, Titania. You could say hes rather different from the other fae in a lot of ways.

Holy shit

I glance at Tar, only to find him not surprised in the least by this. Meaning it was probably something he either never thought to bring up or it was something he couldnt talk about.

Wow. Having a Grandpa who is contracted to the Fae King definitely skips some rules.

Of course it does, Tar says with a scoff, based on the normal rules you wouldve had to wait till you were Class V to hear about all of that. But the Demon King just ignores all the rules since father cant do anything to him at all.

That has the corner of my lips quirking slightly in amusement.

Were friends anyways, so he doesnt mind a bit of me breaking his rules, Grandpa says with a wave of his hand, only for a familiar voice to echo around us, I very much do mind it.

I cant stop myself as I snort in amusement before covering my mouth, hiding my wide smile from view.

They certainly sound like friends.

Tar snorts at that.

Anyways, it looks like there are more benefits than I realized to winning that competition of yours, Tar.

Yep, he answers while floating over and sitting on my shoulder. Only for him to be plucked off of it by Grandpa who holds him by the scruff of his neck and narrows his eyes.

Who told you that you could sit on my granddaughter? he says, his voice sounding slightly dangerous as Tar begins sweating. Something I didnt realize was even possible.

And I honestly cant tell if hes joking or being serious right now. But just like I did with the head maid, I proceed to turn my head away and ignore the current goings-on around me.

Because absolutely nothing is happening.

Help me!

Absolutely. Nothing.

I dont hear anyone pleading for help as Grandpa pulls back his arm and tosses a random ball of fur far away before wiping his hands and turning back to me. And I dont hear the ball of fur screaming at all.

Hmm. Its rather interesting how the people here treat the fae as opposed to on Earth.

The fae on Earth are treated with absolute respect even if the Guardians joke around with them. But here they dont exactly seem to be treated like that. More like a family member.

Then again, Im pretty sure the fae have been around here for a lot longer. Not to mention that most of the demons are older.

Traitor, I hear a familiar voice, bringing my attention to the furball who has made it back from their long voyage across the skies.

Welcome back.

He snorts.

Now then, where were we? Grandpa asks, seemingly trying to bring the topic back on track. Oh, right. The other demon clans.