Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 55Book 4: : The Knight’s City

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Book 4: Chapter 55: The Knight’s City


After eating dinner with everyone, Amelia, Aria, the butler and I all begin making our way to the Knights personal city. An entire Tier 1 city belonging solely to their family. And we use some random spatial magic items to get there apparently, making it take mere moments for us to arrive on the other side of the planet.

Once we arrive, I cant help but look around with surprise. Since while I have heard that the city is just as big if not even bigger than the capital, I didnt realize just how big it was. Even if Ive seen pictures of it, the city is just too massive for words.

All of the buildings around us are upwards of a hundred floors, with several towers occasionally planted through the city spanning upwards of a couple hundred floors. At least, if my hearing is right. Its hard to tell with the massive number of people that are in this city.

We all immediately get into an air limo where were driven straight to the very center of the city. A building that stands out from everything rather blatantly simply due to the massive courtyard and the miniature forest that surrounds it. Not to mention the private barrier, and the many other barriers throughout the mansion grounds. There is an entire garden at the back of the mansion as well, along with a beautiful water fountain with various statues of different mythological animals spewing out water into it and some smaller water fountains just like it scattered elsewhere in the courtyard.

Our limo slowly lowers to the ground until were right outside of the main gate before the gate opens to let us in, probably due to the many security measure all throughout the mansion grounds. Which is likely why we didnt just teleport in as well.

The limo continues to drive until we stop right around the fountain in front of the large double doors of the manor. A manor that is absolutely massive in size. Although still not as big as the castles on Tartarus.

But those were castles, so

Cant compare a mansion to a castle, Tar says, agreeing with me. Your human grandfather seems to be far more influential than I thought hed be.

Yeah, he is known as the richest person on the planet after all. Im pretty sure the guy also invested in the original creator of magi-tech, Allens father. So he has the latest in all magi-technology as well.

Rich and influential with powerful children, Tar mutters, following which the doors on the car all open automatically and we all begin to spill out of the vehicle.

Then the car starts driving away as the butler begins walking towards the double doors. Doors that open before he reaches them, revealing a few maids and butlers who all bow down and say, Good evening, Young Misses. Please enjoy your stay at the Knights Manor.

I blink in surprise before nodding at them and saying, Thank you.

The maids and butlers all smile at me for a second, then return to their polite and professional looks a second later.

One of the maids steps forwards and bows slightly to the butler as she says, Sir Bloodhound, the Master is in his study right now and is willing to meet his guests.

Willing to meet wow. Thats the guy invites us over here and then says that hes willing to meet us when we get here.

I understand that things happen, and he might be busy for random reasons that might pop up but saying it like that makes it sound kind of degrading. Almost like he summoned us and just expected us to arrive.

I dont like him, Tar says, returning to the in-between.

Well, I cant jump to conclusions just yet. After all, I know how being so busy all the time can affect your view of other people sometimes. And more importantly, your manners.

Not to mention that Gramps is also very arrogant and Im pretty sure I can easily see him saying that to others himself. In fact, he most of the time does.

Hes the Demon King, Tar blandly points out as we walk through the front doors into a massive entry hall. The Demon King is a king. Hes supposed to do that. Its his authority and how hes depicted. If he didnt act that way hed be looked down upon. Not to mention that he has the authority and physical power to back any of his arrogance, while this grandfather of yours might have only have the authority and not the physical or magical power. Assuming he really is just a non-contracted human.


I havent gotten to the most important point yet though, Tar says, sounding genuinely annoyed with this new grandfather of mine. The Demon King wouldve never treated you that way. In fact, hed probably rip out your grandfathers tongue if he so much as spoke a rude word to you.

That almost has me pausing mid-step, but I continue walking regardless.

Yeah, you do kind of have a point there. Gramps seems to care about me more than almost anything. Probably because of the daughter he and his wife were going to have before she died.

I blink at that thought before a question comes to mind.

Do any of the Demon Lords have children?

Yes, Tar answers, surprising me a little. Your father does.

Can I slap you?

I would prefer you didnt, Tar answers with more than a little sass.

You know what I meant. Do any of the demon lords aside from Leonidas have kids?

Yes, Tar answers again, once again surprising me. The Lord of Hellfire, Vorgrim, has a son.

Oh, right. I remember Satan mentioning that Vorgrim was his father now.

We continue walking through the manor as Tar explains, Neither The Reaper nor The Devourer had any desire for kids. The Reaper because he was too worried he would end up losing control and devouring them, a common problem amongst ghoul would-be parents to worry about, and The Devourer because she didnt want to give up her sleep time.

That last part has me stumbling, but I catch myself quickly enough.

Then Arias butler and all of the other maids and butlers stop in front of a grand set of double doors where the Bloodhound says, The Master is in here.

Well, time to meet my other grandfather.

Lets hope this doesnt turn into a shit show.