Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 61Book 3: : Shocking Announcement

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Book 3: Chapter 61: Shocking Announcement


A few seconds pass in silence before Gramps continues speaking, A prophecy has been told and evidence collected. The way we war on Earth must change. From now on the primary goal of the war is no longer to exterminate the human species but to instead conquer them until a time when the prophecy comes to pass. You are now all to avoid causing unnecessary human casualties during the war. However, contracted humans are still targets and to be considered soldiers of the human species. Take this command as law and obey, my subjects!

My eyes widen in absolute shock.

He he really just he just did that

All of the demons in the throne room look shocked by the command as well, including Leonidas. But not a single one voices a complaint.

They have absolute trust in him after all, so of course they wouldnt, Tar says. And it helps that your Grandfather specified a prophecy, and that the prophecy was proved already, so they are given a clear reason for the change.

Yeah but still wow.

I may have to rethink how I treat White.

Why is that? Tar asks, sounding curious.

Ive always treated her completely apathetically, if not slightly rudely for what she did based on the prophecy. But I also know that if she didnt do any of that, then this wouldnt have happened. The Demon King wouldnt have given that order, since I absolutely wouldnt have gotten Gradual Corruption Nullification. Which is most likely the skill thatll become the one I need to fulfill the curse lifting part of the prophecy. The reason hes made this change in the law in the first place.

If I hadnt been through everything Ive been through since awakening, then it wouldnt have happened.

So in a sense, I guess I can forgive her a little bit.

She still isnt my mother in my eyes though, but thats moreso because she wasnt the one who raised me. But I can stop treating her rudely now.

Well, you werent necessarily rude before anyways, so to speak, Tar comments, which I guess isnt all that wrong. You treated her as you would most pushy people trying to get to know you. Like anyone else. Its just that most people arent purposefully trying to get to know you and spend time with you even if they know you dont care.

Hmm, okay, yeah. You have a point.

Although theres still the possibility that there might have been another way to go about this. But Ill reserve my judgement on this topic till the next time I see her. Which may not be for a very long time, if Im being honest.

True, Tar mutters.

Now for the other announcement, Gramps says before motioning towards me and saying, my Granddaughter, Princess Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron has finally returned to us! And not only that, but she, as a child of only nineteen years old, has already reached Class III with nine legendary skills!

All of the demons present go silent at that before they all focus on me with awe and pride in their gazes.

Looks that make me feel even more awkward than I already was.

I wish he kept that announcement to himself. Also, I know I told him about the Gradual Corruption Nullification skill due to the prophecy, but I didnt tell him about the Blood Plague skill. So how did he

He can hear me when I talk to you through our bond, remember? Tar mentions, making me let out an inner groan as I stare at the demon Nobles with a completely neutral expression. You have to admit though, you do deserve their awe. After all, most people at Class III only have one or two legendary skills at most. But you have nine. And you also have plenty of difficult achievements that are likely to affect future legendary and even mythic skills as well.

Wait, so you admit Ill probably end up with mythic skills?

He goes silent at that, seemingly understanding what Im getting at.

I barely hold myself back from grinning.

Better be ready to eat your tail when I do.

Of course you still remember that Tar says with a groan.

And Ill never forget it either.

Gramps moves back to his throne again, drawing the Nobles eyes back to him and making me relax on the inside. Then he states one last thing, although this one not being announced to everyone in the world judging by the lack of the echo of his voice in my head, The Princess will also be heading out on a trip to explore Tartarus and hunt tomorrow, so should she arrive on your doorstep one day, you understand what will befall you should you mistreat her.

Of course, Your Majesty, every last Noble in the room, including the Demon Lords except Leonidas, and the prime minister dude and kitsune all shout at once.

The Demon King waves two fingers at the prime minister dude, signaling the guy to declare, And that is the end of this Royal Court Session.

Gramps follows that up with a short and loud, You are all dismissed.

Then everyone immediately clears out of the throne room in an orderly manner, leaving me along with Gramps, the Demon Lords, the terrifying kitsune maid, and the prime minister dude.

And within seconds of the massive doors shutting, I feel myself being lifted up into someones arms and squeezed figuratively to death by a large oni as the Lord of Hellfire exclaims, Youve already made it to Class III, little lady! Congrats! I let out a grunt due to not being able to breathe. Well be battling someday soon Ill wager!

Then the force of nature that is the Lord of Hellfire suddenly vanishes, letting me gasp in a breath of air before I look over at Grandpa to find him holding the man in an orb of blood above his head. But the man doesnt seem to be struggling. In fact, he actually seems to be having fun trying and failing to break out of that orb.

Okay. Hes also more terrifying than I originally thought.

The Reaper just gives me a polite nod and a look, likely about what we had talked about before, and I nod back. Meanwhile the Devourer smiles warmly at me like an elderly grandmother and says, Just make sure to take care of yourself, dear. We wouldnt want His Majesty destroying the planet because you died trying to rush things. Slow and steady works just fine too.

Im not too sure about taking that particular advice from someone affected by the Sin of Sloth.

Leonidas just looks amused. And the prime minister looks happy for some reason.

Of course, the maid is still giving me chills from the way I occasionally see her glancing at me.

Gramps turns to me and asks, So what did you think?

I turn to him before bluntly answering, I dont think Ill ever be going with you to another one of these again.