Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic-Chapter 80Book 2: : Black’s Personalities

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Book 2: Chapter 80: Black's Personalities

The Commentators Booth

Black has never been very sure about how he feels towards Whites daughter. One side of him wants to adopt her himself and treat her as his own daughter, spoiling her for everything she had to go through. The other side wants to adopt her only to spite White without giving a damn about the girl herself.

But one thing both sides agree on is that if he ever had a child, he would want them to be just like the girl. Quiet, powerful, knows how to pay back favors, and not a wimp. And with a sense of humor.

Or at least, one side of him wants that last part.

Maybe I should try to adopt her? But then her mother would probably kill me if she can find me, and her father would kill me after he sniffs me out. So maybe not

Blacks thoughts are interrupted as he notices the girl staring at the lake of blood for several seconds without moving despite the round having started already.

Whats she doing?

After a few more seconds of staring, Black and the audience both watch her walk up to the blood lake before sticking her hand palm first into the blood, confusing everyone watching. But then that confusion is turned to astonishment when the lake of blood suddenly starts getting vacuumed up towards her hand, the blood vanishing in the process.

Blacks eyes widen and he shouts out to the audience, Her blood storage skill! It looks like shes just realized that there isnt an actual limit on the amount of blood that can be stored in it, so long as its fresh blood from something living! And that arena was designed with perpetually fresh blood in it!!!

The crowd goes wild at that as they all watch the large lake of blood slowly vanish into a black portal that opened up in front of the girls hand.

After the girl finishes draining the lake of blood, she stands up straight, nods at the now-empty lake once more, and runs off to drain the other lakes before going towards the section of the arena filled with poisonous swamps instead.

Oh? Black utters while glancing at Artificios who is sitting right next to him in the commentators booth as he says, It looks like the special rule wasnt needed after all.

Out of the corner of his eye, Black notices Shifter also leaving his own section to head towards Rebounds, making the special rule pointless.

Well, except for Tempest, who is left sitting on the top of one of those mountains doing nothing.

Artificios scratches the slight stubble on his chin as he says, Guess not.

Black narrows his eyes on the screen showing Scarlet as she runs through the trees towards the swamps. And after a few seconds, he asks, But why would Scarlet be heading towards Plaguebearer his eyes widen as he realizes something.

Well? Dont just keep us in suspense! Artificios says while elbowing Blacks arm, making the guy suddenly turn his head to narrow his eyes at the man. Artificios stiffens up at the look in the mans eyes, only to relax again when Black focuses on the screen and says, Plaguebearers greatest strength is her venom, which fights off the infected targets own regenerative capabilities to corrupt and mutate their bodies. But Scarlet has the strongest regenerative capabilities out of any known Guardian in the world at Class I.

Artificios stays silent for a moment, briefly pondering if talking right now would be a good idea considering that its clear to him Blacks other personality is now out, only to eventually focus on the screen and say, Scarlet is probably Plaguebearers worst enemy then. Especially with all of that blood she just stole from the arena.

Laughter echoes throughout the arena at that, but Black continues staring at the screen showing Scarlet as she crosses into the swamp section, heading directly towards Plaguebearer as if she already knows her exact location.

It would be disappointing if she couldnt determine her location through her hearing.

Black watches her run for a little bit before switching his attention to Shifter has he searches through Rebounds section for him while slowly heading towards the man while occasionally twitching his nose like a dog.

Then theres the child who could smell the young half-demons magical scent.

Some of the crowd begin to quiet down as they realize Black isnt commentating as much as he has been throughout the rest of the tournament, with many people beginning to whisper about whether or not his persona has swapped. But Black ignores it all as he turns his attention back to Scarlet.

I cant figure out why her grandfather isnt sending someone to pick her up. Because knowing that monster, he will do that. Theres no doubt about it. Does he simply not know? Did his son not tell him where his own granddaughter was?

Black frowns as he contemplates this. The one time he met the Demon King, his first reaction was to run away as fast as his legs could carry him. And that was when he was level 1780 over a century ago. One of the five strongest humans in existence thanks to having traversed the demon world of Tartarus and returned to Earth safely.

Despite that, he was no match for the Demon King. Or going by his other Title, the Beast of the Apocalypse.

Blacks fist tightens so strongly that Artificios sees blood beginning to drip out of his fist. Blood coated in small amounts of shadows.

That monster shouldnt exist in the mortal realm. No being should have that much power, much less a demon. Were all just lucky there isnt a Class VI, and hes already reached the peak of Class V at level 2500.

But despite Blacks fear of the Beast, he still knows perfectly well how the man cares for his own family. And why he cares so much.

For Black is the only one in existence besides the Demon and Fae Kings who knows the various reasons behind the Demon Kings hatred of humans.

The Scarlet Wolf has reached Plaguebearer! Artificios shouts, taking Blacks spot and in the process instigating the mans persona switch once again. Black then leans forward with a grin on his face, shouting, Lets see how the young pup takes to venom!

Out of the corner of Blacks eye, he notices Artificios letting out a sigh of relief. But he, of course, ignores that.

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