Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-Chapter 1105: Abyssal Saint Armament: Spear And Shield

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Chapter 1105: Abyssal Saint Armament: Spear And Shield

The clear chiming laugh resounded throughout the cathedral.

Gu Qing Shan lowered his gaze to look at the layer of scattered rocks.

They broke into uneven pieces, briefly displaying the inside that had turned a grey, dried-up color before crumbling into sand before disappearing.

The Sacred Chant Angel finally stopped laughing.

She softly sighed: “Thank you for helping me thoroughly remove my curse. Just a thought but, is it that hard to give someone else a compliment?”

Gu Qing Shan sincerely answered her: “I’ve done my best, and I was telling the truth——– from an efficiency point of view, science seems to be more trustworthy after all”

He pulled the Earth sword back, lightly flipped it around, and grabbed the hilt.

His job was done.

The Sacred Chant Angel still wanted to say something else, but a voice suddenly resounded in the air.


With that, Gu Qing Shan vanished in front of her eyes.

The Sacred Chant Angel was stunned.

She slowly looked up at the sky.

“Saint Father…”

The Heavenly Father landed and spoke in a joyful tone: “My daughter, your body has only just recovered, you should rest for a while”

The Sacred Chant Angel hurriedly said: “That man just now, the Giant of Beginning——-”

“That youngster came from 190 million years in the future, and he has returned to his time” the Heavenly Father replied.

The Sacred Chant Angel went silently briefly before suddenly speaking: “He had only just grasped a bit of Occultism, it seems that even after 190 million years, the Dusty World still hasn’t been conquered?”

“Indeed, not everyone can have the same opportunities you did, my daughter”

The Heavenly Father replied.

The Sacred Chant Angel displayed a wonderful smile towards her father.

The Heavenly Father told her: “Let’s go, I will now lead you out from this Temporal Oasis back to normal time”

“At which period will I appear?” the Sacred Chant Angel asked.

“90 million years in the future. In that place, I’ve constructed a closed-off world for you to stay in, I hope you can understand, my daughter”

“I understand, father, for the next 190 million years, I cannot interact with or affect anything…”

The Sacred Chant Angel thought briefly, then asked: “Then how about I appear in the future of that person just now? I would be able to avoid affecting the timeline and history, at the same time, I won’t need to live in a closed-off world for a hundred million years”

The Heavenly Father helplessly told her: “However my daughter, my powers have been all but spent to maintain this Temporal Oasis, the most I can do is send you 90 million years into the future. This is the range that I can assure your safety and would not be discovered by the monsters of the River of Time”

The Sacred Chant Angel smiled at her father: “It is fine, Father won’t need to trouble yourself with this matter, I can do it myself”

A miraculous power started to exude from her body.

“As the curse has been lifted, the power I obtained from the Dusty World shall be enough…”

The layer of clouds.

The Giant of Beginning had returned first.

He cleared his throat, took out his notebook and acted like he was flipping through it.


Gu Qing Shan abruptly appeared from the void, landing on the stairs leading into the layer of clouds.

「 Youngster, well done 」the Giant praised him.

“Did you suddenly bring me back?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 Of course! I would naturally have to oversee such an important transaction personally, and I was afraid that you might mess things up 」

The Giant reached his hand below the layer of clouds, silently putting a rare coin away.

This was the Heavenly Father’s personal fee that he paid for the request of taking Gu Qing Shan away.

「 What, did you regret not being able to talk more with the beautiful angel? 」the Giant then teased him.

Surprisingly, Gu Qing Shan instead sighed in relief.

“No, I’m very grateful”

He appeared a lot more relaxed now.

Seeing him like that, the Giant also felt assured.

He reached out two fingers to pick up the letter of entrustment.

Klak klak!

Glowing gemstones of every color fell out from the letter of entrustment, which was then caught by the Giant in an uncharacteristically rapid speed.

The Giant laid out the gemstones on his palm, carefully checking each one with the tip of this finger.

「 Hm, very decent specimens, Heavenly Father really wasn’t stingy this time around 」

He then lightly tapped the void of space.

A 7-colored glow filled the entire layer of clouds.


It has once again appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan.

「 This spear is now yours—— I’m very pleased with this transaction, and I trust that you are the same 」the Giant said.

Gu Qing Shan happily nodded and looked at the 7-colored spear.

For some reason, he suddenly recalled the Earth Creator’s words from before.

「 Take it, it will lead you towards the location of the spear—– I do not know why, but I can sense that this spear might be a crucial turning point in fighting against the Soul Shrieker 」

Gu Qing Shan remained silent.

Finally, this moment has come.

—–whether or not this spear can be used against the Soul Shrieker, will finally become clear.

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag and took out the 7-colored fragment.

Lines of glowing text immediately appeared on the War God UI:

[A fragment of Abaddon]

[So long as you hold it in your hand, you would be able to sense the location of the spear]

[Return this fragment to Abaddon, its impression of you will change]

Gu Qing Shan lightly flicked the fragment away, allowing it to fly towards the 7-colored spear.

The 7-colored spear lightly vibrated and actively went forward by itself.

The fragment seamlessly fused with the spear like a drop of water that had returned to the sea.

After a brief moment, the 7-colored glow of the spear completely vanished.

It flew in front of Gu Qing Shan and started to madly tremble with a pained buzzing noise.

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

Don’t tell me that just adding a single fragment broke this weapon?

「 Fool, hurry up and grab it! 」the Giant spoke up.

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly grabbed the spear.

Some information appeared in his mind.

At the same time, the War God UI also displayed new lines of glowing text:

[One of the seven Abyssal Saint Armaments, Abaddon. From its conception, it had always been in the hands of the Soul Shrieker without anyone knowing of its true value]

[This weapon has now accepted you as its everything, officially becoming your weapon or defensive gear]

[When this weapon accepts a new master, there would be two forms for its master to choose]

[Firstly: Abaddon, the spear]

[Secondly: Svalinn, the shield]

[The sharpest spear? Or the sturdiest shield?]

[That is the eternal question]

[You must make a choice between one of these two forms]

[Attention, this choice is irreversible, please decide carefully]

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly before informing the spear in his hand: “I choose the shield”

Indeed, he had once witnessed the Soul Shrieker wielding this spear in battle in the Age of Old; as well as fighting against the spear itself in the Huang Quan realm.

Gu Qing Shan was extremely familiar with both the Soul Shrieker and the spear Abaddon.

So if the Soul Shrieker had been hiding something, it must be this Saint Armament’s shield form.

—–the shield form that had never appeared.

Hearing Gu Qing Shan’s choice, the spear lightly vibrated in his hand before jumping into the air.

A bright light then erupted from the spear into their surroundings.

The spear slowly became shorter, turned slimmer, its shape became a rectangle with smooth edges.

It had turned into a 7-colored shield.

The shield slowly fell down and returned to Gu Qing Shan’s hand.


The shield started buzzing, as if telling him something.

The War God UI reacted accordingly:

[As a Divine Armament, Svalinn is informing you its abilities]

[One of the Abyssal Saint Armaments, the Grand Shield of the Abyss, Divine Armament, Svalinn]

[Svalinn has the following abilities:]

[Descent of Protection: This shield will stay hidden in the void, undetectable by anyone, only when you’re faced with an attack that cannot be resisted would this shield manifest from the void, just in time to block that attack]

[Abyssal Pact: Whenever this shield successfully blocks an attack, it would randomly summon an entity from the Abyss to fight for you]

[The following is a special note:]

[This shield contains one of the seven greatest powers of the Eternal Abyss: Soul Protection]

[Barrier of Soul Protection: Both you and the people you wish to protect are unaffected by soul-type techniques]

[——The body might shift, but the soul is forever, such is the true meaning of the Abyss]

Gu Qing Shan continued to feel tense until he read the final line of text, thus heaving a heavy sigh of relief.

The Earth Creator’s intuition wasn’t wrong, sure enough.

No wonder the Soul Shrieker took this weapon for itself ever since the weapon’s conception, because this weapon is its worst adversary.

All because of this [Barrier of Soul Protection]!

It can allow anyone and everyone to no longer fear the Soul Shrieker’s strongest ability——- soul absorption!

Gu Qing Shan was glad and about to bid the Giant of Beginning goodbye, but Svalinn suddenly bumped against his chest.

The 7-colored glow erupted.

The [Barrier of Soul Protection] was instantly activated!

Klink—– kli—

Under the repulsion of the barrier, a flickering object was ejected from Gu Qing Shan’s body.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression changed, immediately grabbed the Earth sword and held that object at the tip of his sword.

An earring.

A diamond earring.

「 Ah? A weapon that could turn into a shield, and it could even detect this thing? 」the Giant of Beginning chuckled.

Gu Qing Shan went silent briefly and said: “This is the power that the Sacred Chant Angel placed in my body”

The Giant of Beginning replied: 「 Indeed, it can continuously replenish any expenditures of your power, while also allowing that Sacred Chant girl to sense where you are. She probably wants to go look for you 」

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “No wonder, at the time I felt—–”

He went silent and flicked his sword.

The diamond earring was tossed away, landing in the Giant of Beginning’s hand.

「 You’re giving it up? This is a very good item that can be sold for quite a bit 」the Giant was surprised.

“Hm, then please take it, I’m giving it to you for free” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The Giant said: 「 Then I’ll thank you——– but then, that’s too strange, why don’t you want it? 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “She’s vastly more powerful than anyone by my side, and similarly vastly more powerful than me. For now, I don’t want her to know about me, or anyone that might be related to me in anyway——- regardless, with good preparation, any unnecessary issues will naturally resolve themselves”

The Giant looked at him with praise.

「 Very well, I’ll be able to sell this for a bit of money, then in exchange, I’ll send you away from here—– the furthest I can take you is the entrance, any further will be within the range of the four Pillar God’s pledge——- it’s too annoying, so I don’t want to get involved 」

“Thank you, then please be quick”

「 Are you in a hurry? 」

“Yes, my companions are most likely in danger, so I have no time to lose”

The Giant then released a cluster of light from his hand to envelop Gu Qing Shan.

As they were about to part, the Giant couldn’t help but ask: 「 You seem to hold some sort of prejudice against the Sacred Saint Angel, don’t you? 」

Gu Qing Shan looked at the Giant a bit before finally answering him: “In reality, when the Sacrificial Dance was completed, her curse had already been completely dispelled”

After saying so, he was brought away by the light, returning the same way he came.

The Giant of Beginning was silent for a few moments.

The curse was already dispelled, but the Sacred Chant Angel still insisted that he appear in front of her.

The situation seemed to have gotten a lot more sensitive.

「 After 190 million years since the Sacred Chant Angel obtained power from the Dusty World and returned, the curse was finally removed from her body…」

The Giant muttered to himself.

「 She would eventually become an unimaginably powerful entity, perhaps one day surpassing me and reach that of the legendary Reneedol 」

「 ——–But the Sacred Chant Angel would forever remember, the curse that plagued her for countless years, the curse that she was helpless to resolve, was dispelled by a human male 」

「 This human male has obtained a true power of Occultism, and garnered the attention of entities from the worlds of the past! 」

The Giant’s one eyeball suddenly opened wide, then quickly narrowed into a thin slit.

「 She… has already become wary of this youngster? 」

「 Tch, this youngster…」

「…Really is too cautious…」