Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-Chapter 1107: A Battle Where Deities Descend!

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Chapter 1107: A Battle Where Deities Descend!

This was a secluded barren corner of the secret passage.

The final war base of the Starlight Empire silently sat in the darkness, still and unreactive.

After a hundred million years, it was now covered in dust, completely blending in with the rubble and rocks all around it.

Several thousand people were hovering in the sky.

They were looking down below.

Hazeden, Guyan, and Sha Qiang were standing on top of the base, their sparse numbers were only just enough to total a bit over 100.

While there were at least 3000 cultivators in the sky.

From just numbers alone, this would be a battle of 100 against 3000.

The pixies were fully focused on speeding up the construction of their Divine Artifact, seemingly uninterested in joining the battle.

“Report—— Sir Cui, we didn’t detect any ambushes in the surroundings”

“Sir, the technological base shows no signs of having been activated, according to the records of the wraiths and our observation, access to this place had been sealed off without any way to enter”

Two cultivators flew up to report to the {Yama King} realm cultivator.

Sir Cui was a man who wore a full suit of cultivator armor, clad in radiant light.

He glanced at their ship.

The ship seemed to have crashed landed on the side of the base, broken into pieces.

——–from the looks of it, these people wouldn’t be able to escape.

“Go, kill them all, then we will capture the souls of the pixies”

Sir Cui curtly ordered.

“Sir, yes sir”

The cultivators then appeared from the darkness, fully clad in armor as they headed towards the giant base.

Without a single sound, the darkness became thicker.

The cultivators who entered the darkness didn’t get any closer to the base, but instead disappeared inside it.

All of a sudden, dozens of desperate screams resounded.

“Not good, there’s something beyond our range of cognition!”

Sir Cui shouted.

With a swing of his hand, 20 cultivators behind him formed a set of hand seals together.

Combination Skill: [Inner Sight Elongation]!

This was a technique to focus the inner sight of every cultivator in it in order to detect things that normally couldn’t be seen.

“Sir, I can see it, it was a giant cuttlefish!” a cultivator loudly reported.

“Is that so, no wonder it killed over a dozen of our people at once!”

Sir Cui gritted his teeth briefly before taking out a talisman and tossing it out.

His hands quickly formed a hand seal.

Huang Quan Borrowing Technique, [Pray For Deity’s Descent]!


The talisman was instantly ignited, burning the void of space in front of him.

The mystical runes on the talisman circled around itself, broke through the void, then reformed with a resounding impact.

A God summoning talisman was completed!

At another location.

The Huang Quan fragment world.

The black-cloaked girl smashed the pot of liquor to the ground, making a loud chattering noise.

“I’ll spell it out today, the Deities of our Hell faction are forbidden to respond to the prayers or go to that secret passage”

The white-cloaked girl followed up: “That’s right, that’s right. If any of you dare to go, don’t blame us sisters for disregarding old bonds”

Across from the two girls, 7-8 Daemons with different forms sat on either side of the table, exchanging glances.

「 But big sisters, even if we won’t go, the other Daemons would still go 」 one of the Daemons helplessly tried to refute.

“Then let them, the bottom line is that our faction does not get involved”

The black-cloaked raised her eyebrows and replied.

「 But you should at least tell us the reason 」another Daemon complained.

The black-cloaked girl walked up and poked at his chest with her nail: “Tell you my ass, with that damn mouth of yours, what can you actually keep secret?”

All of a sudden, everyone’s expressions twitched.

「 Ah… someone responded to a prayer 」

「 It’s the Deities from the Demon Gates faction, I think it was the two who were experts at combat 」

「 Those two huh? Cruel fellows they are, seems like things are about to get bloody 」

The Daemons commented one after another.

The black-cloaked and white-cloaked girl exchanged looks of worry.

Devil King… this is already the extent of what we can do…

Above the war base.

The void of space itself split open.

Two figures slowly revealed themselves within the faint glow.

A tall lanky man.

And a bulky man with two horns.

“What offerings do you have prepared to greet us?” the lanky man asked in a languid manner.

Sir Cui respectfully replied: “Please be assured, we will follow only the highest standard”

The lanky man and bulky man both appeared pleased.

Seeing that, Sir Cui quickly pointed at the darkness below and explained the situation to them.

The two men looked down at the darkness.

They were carefully observing something——- as if they are able to see that monster through the darkness.

“Looks like a monster from the age of myths, but it doesn’t hold much power, and it’s only an avatar” the lanky man commented.

“Hm, seems like an oceanic Magic-type monster, I’ll leave it to you” the bulky man crossed his arms and said.

“Then what about you?”

The lanky man took out a horse-headed blade and casually asked.

The bulky man smirked: “To save time, I’ll be escorting those weak beings below into the Demon Gates”

“Their souls——–” the lanky man said.

“Do you want a complete soul, or for me to rip them all in half before we split it?” the bulky man asked very seriously.

“Either is fine, your choice”

Saying so, the lanky man wielded his blade and tilted downwards, abruptly vanishing without a trace.

At the next moment, a dim light exploded to dispel the darkness, dispelling the giant cuttlefish’s camouflage.

『 Uuuu——- 』

The giant cuttlefish let out a low, painful cry.

It seemed to have been hurt from that attack.

It reached its tentacles into the void, unleashing various elemental spells to attack the lanky man.

The lanky man continued to avoid it while unleashing dimly glowing slashes with his blade.

The bulky man only glanced over him once before losing interest.

His body drew a long arc, swiftly made his way through the combatting man and cuttlefish to land directly on top of the war base like a cannonball.

As he stood up, his figure had become a giant of several dozen meters.

The pair of horns on his head suddenly gave off a buzzing noise.

While Hazeden’s group completely didn’t expect such an attack as they had prepared themselves to face the enemy.

“Damn it! I can’t move!” Guyan loudly shouted.

“I can’t move either!” Hazeden also said.

Sha Qiang was already unconscious.

“A bunch of insects, let me take a headcount”

The bulky man counted each person, then glanced at the wreck of the ship and muttered: “There are also two more over there, and a corpse…”

“Very well, once I slowly draw your souls from your bodies, you will have time to savor the terror of being stuck between life and death” the bulky man muttered.

As soon as he said so, the long horns on his head began buzzing louder, the sound soon enveloped the entire base.

Even the pixies were helpless from being able to move.

The bulky man walked forward step by step, grabbed an evil creature and bit his head off. He then spat the head out and turned the headless body upside down into his head.

Blood flowed.

A dimly glowing object also flowed from the body into his mouth.

The bulky man slowly chewed.

“Ah—— a soul desperately trying to survive, each of your struggle only serves to stimulate my tastebuds further”

A few moments later.

The bulky man stopped chewing as his throat lightly moved.

In front of him, everyone was still unable to move a single step.

Everyone felt a deep sense of fear.

—–they couldn’t even fight back; they were stuck here waiting to be eaten!

In the sky, the cultivator named Cui thought briefly before waving his hand to signal retreat.

“Sir?” his subordinate doubtfully asked.

“Fool, can’t you see that the Deity is eating? Deities cannot be reasoned with, if our men came down there, he might use them as food as well” Sir Cui muttered.

On top of the base, the bulky man had picked up the second person to put into his mouth.

That person was desperately fearful, but was helpless to move.

All of a sudden, a brilliant pillar of light flashed through the darkness.

The bulky man was sent flying and crashed into the wall in the sky.

“We’re saved!”

Everyone sighed in relief and hurriedly turned around.

It was from the Starlight ship.

All of its broken components had been repaired, its camouflage undid to reveal a completely new ship.

Su Xue Er’s hands were quickly operating the dashboard.

An electronic voice resounded behind her:

[Su Xue Er, the enemy has recognized Gu Qing Shan’s body, this will not be easy. You must keep him busy; I will quickly resolve the issue of his buzzing equipment!]

The silver cube was now attached to the ship’s processing chip, utilizing the processor to control two mechanical hands, quickly modifying a few tools.

“Understood” Su Xue Er replied in a hurry.

A bright-red color appeared on the screen.

Su Xue Er shouted: “Maximum output!”

All firing systems on the ship opened up to unleash their strongest attacks.

Puu puu puu puu puu!


As soon as the bulky man flew back down, he was forced back by the ship’s firing systems once again.

“Garbage Technological artifacts… doesn’t even tickle” the bulky man scoffed.

In the ship, Su Xue Er loudly shouted: “I can only buy a little bit of time, can you really dispel his buzzing?”

The electronic voice replied from the silver cube: [Naturally, but I will need supplementary components, give me two more minutes!]

The two mechanical arms were now moving at maximum speed, so much that Su Xue Er couldn’t even see what they were doing.

At this time, the bright-red light appeared on the screen again.

——-the bulky man was rushing downwards once again!

Su Xue Er gritted her teeth, opened a hidden compartment on the dashboard and heavily pulled on it.

“Alright, since you came from Impartial Goddess, I will believe in you this once!”

A warning appeared on the pilot’s dashboard:

[All firing systems had been overclocked and will become irreversibly damaged in 7 seconds]

“Do it!” Su Xue Er shouted.

Sparks filled the sky.

Against the intense firepower, the bulky man tried several times to land, but were forced back every time.




Seven seconds.

The bulky man came down again.

Su Xue Er flicked her hand to send out a blood-colored card.

Right outside the ship, a bloody mace suddenly manifested, ready to receive the bulky man as he approached.

The bulky man’s expression changed.



He was smacked away by the sudden mace.

“Ahahaha, Bull Head, how come you can’t even beat an insect today?” the lanky man loudly mocked him.

But he wasn’t worried at all.

The bulky man stabilized himself in mid-air.

He reached towards his nose.


I’m bleeding?

“I don’t care who you are, I will make sure you die in the most miserable way possible right here, right now!” the bulky man roared as he rushed down once again.

He faced the now-transformed bloody great sword, sending it flying deep into the wall with a single punch.

The bloody great sword flickers for a brief moment before turning back into a Card and vanishing.

“Oh no!” Su Xue Er desperately exclaimed.

This Card’s only weakness was that it couldn’t get 500 meters away from her position, otherwise it would instantly lose its effects.

The bulky man hovered in the sky, then slowly descended.


The entire war base trembled intensely.

That dozen-meter tall figure simply stood on top of the base like a demon god.

The bulky man shouted: “Come! Show me what else you’ve got, trash!”


His horns once again started buzzing.

“Hahhh? So you can’t move?”

He revealed a cruel smile.

“I’ve thought of dozens of ways to make damn sure that even the smallest shred of your soul won’t remain”

The bulky man slowly stepped towards the ship.

Su Xue Er was standing in the control room of the ship, unable to move.

Lines of text were displayed on the dashboard screen:

[All firing systems have been irreversibly damaged]

[The system suggests the pilot to flee right away!]

Su Xue Er looked down at her hand.

—–her Card still hadn’t returned.

At this point, she had lost everything she relied on.

“How much longer?” she turned to ask the silver cube.

An excited female voice suddenly replied from the silver cube: [Alright! I can resist against it, now you can use it too. Tch, with my standards—–]

Su Xue Er was stunned.

The female voice reacted in time and returned to the dry electronic voice:

[Su Xue Er, you are Gu Qing Shan’s final hope, you must stop his monster and wait for Gu Qing Shan’s return!]

The silver cube retrieved the small components on the table, then hovered in the air before transforming into a silver hairband.

The hairband landed in Su Xue Er’s hand.

She was now able to move again.

“I only have to put this on?” Su Xue Er asked.

[Correct, I can now protect your brain from being affected by that buzzing——- but do you have confidence in the following battle?] the electronic voice asked.

“Not at all. I can only guarantee a single thing”

[What is it?]

Su Xue Er paused briefly before answering: “So long as I live, I will not let anyone touch Qing Shan”

She then tied her hair into a high ponytail with the silver hairband and took a deep breath.

“I’m up!”

She shouted.

Outside the ship.

The bulky man seemed to have noticed something as he abruptly stopped.

The Starlight ship quickly shrank, transforming into a metal giant that was over a dozen meters in high that slowly stood straight up.

Compared to him, this metal giant wasn’t lacking in the slightest.

As soon as the metal giant stood up, it uttered a heavy, long scream:

[Come——- fight——!]

The giant swiftly rushed straight towards the bulky man!