Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-Chapter 1431: Predetermined visitor to history

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Chapter 1431: Predetermined visitor to history


As soon as Gu Qing Shan heard this name, Gu Qing Shan turned speechless.

Little Dusk…

So this was where she was born.

He looked up at the old giant.

“I’m willing to mediate for you, can you take me there now?” he asked.

The giant delightedly replied: 「 The war has already begun, we must quickly be on our way—— come, stand on my shoulder 」

Gu Qing Shan lightly leapt and stood firmly on the giant’s shoulder.

「 Brace yourself, I will begin to run 」

“Got it”

The giant swiftly began to run as fast as he could towards the depths of the forest.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Every step he took, a large shallow hole was left on the ground, his body moved like a series of blurred images that continuously traversed through a large distance.

Standing on his shoulder, Gu Qing Shan was able to sense the wind blowing at his face.

“How can that tree be saved?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The giant replied with a booming voice: 「 I’m not sure, but the elves wield many high-level spells, while we have a deep level of understanding towards the Law of the Earth, perhaps if we joined forces, we would be able to save the tree 」

Gu Qing Shan pondered that answer but said nothing about it.

After the giant ran for a while, the sound of battle could be heard just ahead of them.

Spell explosions, weapons crossing, shouting, screaming, all of them overlapping with one another.

——-the war was turning desperate already!

「 We’re going to arrive soon! 」the giant spoke with a thunderous voice.

He ran up the side of a mountain, then leapt through the peak.

The scene on the other side revealed itself to the two of them.

On top of a large grassy field stood an ancient tree that reached all the way to the sky, which had split into two large branches. The side that faced the rising dawn was completely dried up and withered; while the other side was also considerably arid, leaving only a few leaves behind that surrounded a small figure.

It was a small young girl who appeared to be 6-7 years old, she was slowly closing her eyes, silently leaning on the tree as if she was about to fall asleep.

Although she was incredibly young, Gu Qing Shan could still recognize her from her visage.

—–there are no mistakes, she’s Little Dusk!

Little Dusk’s presence had already gotten so weak that she could lose her life at any moment.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze scanned around the great tree.

Countless elves and giants were fighting against one another around the Twin Tree of Fate.

They were competing for this final Guardian of Fate.

「 Visitor from the World Valley, please hurry and convince everyone 」 the old giant worriedly said.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me”

Gu Qing Shan held the Earth sword tightly as he observed this.

[Reality’s Most Amorous Man] could only be used once per day, but fortunately, Gu Qing Shan had many other methods of convincing others.

And truthfully, he was better at the most straightforward method of doing so——

Right as he was about to act, lines of glowing text appeared from the void of space:

[You’ve discovered the truth, Reneedol’s lie has been exposed]

[You’ve activated a certain ancient Causality Law technique]

[This was a Causality Law technique established by the Lord of Infinite Origins ages ago, immensely powerful]

Everything around him became stationary.

Boss’ voice suddenly sounded.

He sighed heavily: “So this was the truth, regretfully, I did not know anything about this”

Gu Qing Shan consoled him: “No one is omnipotent and omniscient, not to mention, you were only 8 years old in the past, it was normal for you not to realize this”

From the void of space, a terribly rusty dagger appeared.

Boss spoke again: “This is the second Sealing Token. Take it and you will be able to activate a path with my technique that will lead you directly to the third Sealing Token’s location”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “If that’s the case, Reneedol wouldn’t be able to prevent me from collecting the Sealing Tokens?”

“Indeed, this was the power from my past, she cannot stop it” Boss replied.

Gu Qing Shan remained silent for a split second, then suddenly asked: “Boss, I want to know. Is this place an illusion or the real history?”

“It was only because this was the real history that you are able to witness the truth—-”

Boss’ tone became firm and reminded him: “But you need to be careful, you can only get involved within the range of my Causality Law technique, other than that, it’s best that you remain nothing but an onlooker”

“For what reason?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Boss explained: “Outside the range of my technique, your actions might alter the course of history, which would cause you to be erased by the three Great Laws of Reality”

“This Causality Law was set up to be: ‘Find Reneedol’s background and witness the truth’, that’s why you were able to move as you wished within this range, but as soon as you leave, I wouldn’t be able to protect you any further”

“Let us go”

Layers of light began to exude from the dagger, enveloping Gu Qing Shan within it.

Boss continued: “And now, I will take you to the location of the third Sealing T——”


Gu Qing Shan cut him off and said:

“Wait a moment, let me check Little Dusk’s situation first”

Boss replied: “You can’t go, if you do, you might change something”

Gu Qing Shan told him: “That’s fine. In the first place, I returned to the past in order to alter the course of history”

“You mean—–”

“Yes, what I used was the Space-Time Divine Artifact, Explorer of infinite secrets, Distorter of History, Key of the Past, Fragment of the Traveler’s Proof, the Space-Time Coins”

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze was sharp as he continued: “Currently, I am the only person capable of distorting history, which is why I need to quickly examine her situation”

After a moment of silence, Boss suddenly said: “If you have the Distorter of History, then take three steps forward. If the three Great Laws of Reality reject you, then quickly retreat; but if not, then this is a different situation entirely”

Gu Qing Shan leapt down from the giant’s shoulder and took three steps forward.

He was completely unharmed.

Boss’ tone suddenly became rapid as he quickly explained: “This is the second situation; the three Great Laws of History have already prepared a spot for you!”

“What do you mean?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“It means that during this period of history, there was truly a visitor from the future who participated in the events of this era”

“That person is a predetermined visitor of history, while they’re called a distorter, they actually ensure that history stays intact and unaffected—— since you have those three coins, then that individual must be you”

“So that’s why!” Gu Qing Shan exclaimed.

He flew forward, completely ignored the giants and elves who were fighting one another and used [Ground Shrink] to directly appear at the top of the Twin Tree of Fate.

Seven to eight elven barriers and over a dozen giant earthen seals activated at once.

Gu Qing Shan wielded the Six Paths Great Mountain sword and swung with all his strength.

All the techniques were destroyed at once.

Gu Qing Shan landed on the top of the tree and looked at the young girl.

Her back was still growing from the tree, but the tree had already become withered.

The young girl remained in a delirious state.

Her breathing was tiny, almost indiscernible, as if it had completely stopped.

“Someone’s on the tree!”

「 Hurry and stop him! 」

The giants and elves stopped their fighting all at once and hurriedly rushed in front of the great tree.

Before they did anything, Gu Qing Shan shouted: “I am from the World Valley, the spirits of the Laws sent me here to save her!”

The elves and giants all stopped, temporarily ceasing their attacks.

“That’s what you said, but how do we trust you?” one of the elves loudly called out.

Gu Qing Shan ignored him and lightly clenched his fist.

An unnamed presence descended upon his body.

—-[Blessings of the Past Worlds]!

Instantly, the deeper side of reality manifested in front of him.

Within the world of Laws, the behemoth laid still on the ground, still breathing its last.

“Please tell me how I can save this tree, how would I be able to save this girl of Fate?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The behemoth shook its head, speaking with a dejected and sorrowful tone: 「 There is no longer enough time, Dusk will die very soon 」

Gu Qing Shan hurriedly asked: “Very soon? How much time is left?”

The behemoth replied: 「 One minute? Or perhaps two minutes—- after all, the power of the Laws had all been taken by Reneedol, manifesting as the two wings of Fate 」

「 Unless Reneedol gave Dusk the power of one of those two wings, Dusk would not be able to survive. But Reneedol isn’t here, and even if she was, she would not do such a thing 」

After explaining that, the Law Behemoth sighed, then disappeared together with the entire world of Laws.

Gu Qing Shan froze.

Dusk would die very soon?

But in the history I know of, despite experiencing many hardships in the future, she eventually lived to the modern age.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Gu Qing Shan’s heart.

“…during this period of history, there was truly a visitor from the future who participated in the events of this era”

“…this individual must be you”

Gu Qing Shan took a deep breath, then took out a black leather-cover handbook.

As soon as the book appeared, the Law Behemoth abruptly reappeared in front of Gu Qing Shan.

It had actively shown itself from the world of Laws and exclaimed in disbelief: 「 That is impossible! How could you have the power belonging to Reneedol and Dusk!? 」

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and said: “Please quickly tell me how to save her”

「 Give me the most powerful Card you have; I will turn it into the power of Fate and take one of the two wings from Reneedol! 」

Gu Qing Shan flipped open the Condemnation Codex.

[Divine Word] isn’t strong enough.

[Crimson Demon Divine Spear] is still with the giant corpse.

Then the only choice left is—–

Gu Qing Shan took one Card out of the codex.

[Divine Armor: Wing of the Condemnation Angel]