Worlds’ Apocalypse Online-Chapter 1434: Heavily injured.

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Chapter 1434: Heavily injured.

The group sat on the ground and rested near the carriage.

The corpses around them had already been completely cleared away.

“What happened to the Law Behemoths?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I’m not sure, they seemed to have gone into conflict due to some sort of issue, eventually resorting to killing one another” Shroud replied.

“Yeah, they no longer bother to pay attention to us Professionists” another young man added.

“The Elders are already dead, the World Valley has now fallen into complete ruin, what do we do now?” another young girl asked.

Everyone gradually fell silent.

Gu Qing Shan looked at these young men and women.

There were six of them in total.

The World Valley was capable of communicating with every Law Behemoth in existence, so that domain was also the place that was the most heavily affected by their intense battle.

Only these few young men and women managed to escape.

Everyone’s gazes slowly gathered towards Shroud.

—-he was their leader.

Shroud hesitated briefly, then said: “When we’re resting later tonight, I’ll try to contact the World of Laws in search of the truth”

“Don’t” Reneedol said, “Those Law Behemoths are still competing against one another, so if you enter the World of Laws, you’ll be directly ripped apart by their battle!”

Shroud shook his head: “The battle of the Law Behemoths affects those that cultivate World Power the most. Now that our combat strength is gradually fading, if we can’t resolve this issue soon, we won’t necessarily be able to deal with any enemies we might run into again.

He clenched his fist tightly and resolutely declared: “Reneedol, I definitely won’t let anyone take you away again!”

Reneedol became a bit flushed, then lowered her head without saying another word.

Gu Qing Shan stood up and started heading somewhere close.

“Rhode, where are you going?”

Someone asked.

Reneedol and Shroud also turned to him.

Gu Qing Shan pointed at the horse carriage and said: “It’s getting dark. They’ve clearly brought this cart for a long journey, so I’m guessing that they must have packed some food supplies in here as well”

Everyone looked back.

The horse carriage now lay on its side, the horses that would have pulled it were nowhere to be seen, and the various items inside the carriage had laid strewn all over the ground.

“I’ll go search with you” Shroud said as he stood up.

The others swiftly followed.

They were in so much of a hurry back when they fled from the World Valley that they didn’t even have time to pack any rations with them.

After an entire day of fleeing, fighting, and tracking, all of them were hungry and exhausted.

Everyone searched the carriage and quickly found some ration in the trunk at the back of the carriage, as well as some simple kitchen utensils.

However, there were not many rations left.

“This isn’t even enough to split evenly between us, we need to think of a solution soon” Gu Qing Shan said.

“They have enough spices though. I know how to cook, how about I make something for everyone?” one of the girls offered.

“I also know how” as Gu Qing Shan said that, he was already rolling up his sleeves: “Let me do it, I frequently have to make food for myself, so I should be able to satisfy everyone’s palates”

He took the rations out, prepared the kitchen utensils, and swiftly got to work.

Seeing how neatly, swift, and skillful he was, everyone understood that he actually knew how to cook, so they left it all to him.

Not too long after that.

A large pot of steaming hot food was made.

“That smells good, what did you make?” Shroud asked.

“Jerky and noodles. I boiled a pot of water to soften the jerky then seasoned the broth, it should taste quite good now; and with the noodles as well, this should be just enough to fill everyone’s bellies halfway” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“It’s a good thing to even fill it halfway” Shroud said emotionally.

Gu Qing Shan evenly divided the bowls of noodles for everyone.

It was already nighttime, everyone had gathered all around and swiftly finished their meal.

Many of them praised Gu Qing Shan’s cooking.

After the meal was done, the girls volunteered to wash the utensils.

Shroud sat down on the grass and slowly closed his eyes.

“I’m going to begin now, don’t let anyone disturb me” Shroud said.

Reneedol stood shielding him from the front and said: “Don’t worry, I’ll keep a look-out”

Gu Qing Shan and the others also each took station in a different direction.

Shroud was surrounded in the middle of the group.

Suddenly, his body moved a bit before disappearing.

Gu Qing Shan was quite shocked to see that.

Shroud could now enter the World of Law completely?

If that’s the case, he would definitely understand what happened in the World of Law better than anyone else.

While Gu Qing Shan was thinking, he suddenly felt an ill omen.

A faint smell of blood filled the air.

A second later, Shroud abruptly appeared from the void of space before he collapsed on the ground.


He spat up a mouthful of blood and fell unconscious.

Gu Qing Shan rushed in to prop Shroud up and searched him with his inner sight.

“He’s heavily injured! On the verge of death!!” Gu Qing Shan grunted in a low voice.

“Let me, I’m a practitioner of healing forces” one of the girls said.

Gu Qing Shan stepped away.

The girl walked forward and put her hand on Shroud’s chest.

“He’s so heavily injured!” the young girl gasped.

“Can he be saved?” Reneedol asked out of concern.

“He can be saved, but now that we can’t borrow the power of the world to use, the most I’d be able to do is ensure that he stays alive. To completely heal, it’ll take him several years of recovery” the girl replied.

Reneedol fell silent, then crouched down to take a look as well.

“These truly are… extremely heavy injuries” she muttered in a low voice.

Gu Qing Shan sighed, then said: “Try and do what you can”

The young girl nodded, then began chanting an incantation to perform first aid.

Everyone felt sorrowful.

The strongest one among them attempted to forcefully contact a Law Behemoth but then ended up like this.

Suddenly, the sound of wind ripping through the darkness could be heard.

“Boss, there are a few brats here”

Someone loudly reported.

“Go take a look, turn all the boys into slaves, and the girls… hahaha!”

Another voice replied.

Everyone’s expressions changed and they hurriedly prepared to defend themselves.

Now that everyone was no longer under the care of the Laws of Reality, teenagers like them would naturally be weaker compared to adults.

“My healing can’t be interrupted” the other girl sat still on the ground with beads of sweat flowing down her forehead and hurriedly said.

The other boy loudly shouted: “Rhode, let’s charge!”

“Don’t be impatient, we need to protect Shroud, this is the most important thing to do right now” Gu Qing Shan said with a heavy tone.

He drew his sword and stood still without moving.

Reneedol suddenly stepped out and said: “I’ll lead them away, everyone guard Shroud!”

Before the others could react, she had already leapt forward into the darkness.

A few moments later.

Voices emerged from the other side:

“Ahaha, this lass is quite the beauty!”

“She’ll know of—–”

A curt scream was abruptly heard.

A moment of silence.

Several angry voices resounded: “She killed Fourth, hurry up and catch her!”

The sound of ripping wind slowly went away.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze flickered a bit.

Everyone waited for a while longer, but no other voice sounded.

The remaining young men and women fearfully watched over Shroud while silently waiting for things to pan out.

Time became excruciatingly long.

“I’ve finished healing him” the girl stood up and spoke with an exhausted voice.

Gu Qing Shan scanned through with his inner sight.

Shroud’s injuries had basically been sealed up, but due to the lack of supernatural power, he had only recovered to the point where his life was no longer in danger.

“What do we do now? What happened to Reneedol?” the young girl worriedly asked.

The other young man said: “How about this, Rhode and I will go save Reneedol, you two girls protect Shroud”

“There is no other choice” the other girl replied.

“Rhode, let’s go” the young man turned to Gu Qing Shan and said.

“Don’t be impatient” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“What do you mean don’t be impatient!? That’s the same thing you said earlier! Reneedol is currently in danger, running away by herself, we need to save her!” the young man angrily shouted.

The two girls also looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t say anything and simply looked at the dark wilderness.

A few moments later, several figures slowly appeared.

“Hehehe, they are still a few here”

Several men carrying weapons appeared, observing the opposing young men and women.

All of their expressions changed.

“What did you do to Reneedol?” the young man shouted.

“What did we do? Hehe, care to guess?” a man with a fierce appearance mocked him while laughing, but his gaze was displaying some sort of fear instead.

The young men and women didn’t notice this detail.

They exchanged glances and sensed a deep level of despair.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression didn’t change at all, his gaze still looking afar.


Complete stillness.

There was nothing in that direction of the wilderness.

Suddenly, a beautiful orange cat swiftly ran back, nimbly landing on Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder and spoke to him in a whisper: “Gongzi, I’ve seen everything”

No one was able to detect her.

Gu Qing Shan nodded, then said: “Enter my Thought Sea and tell me”


The orange cat turned back into an autumn-water like blue steel sword before abruptly vanishing.