The Storm King
Leon and his father, Artorias, are the last remaining scions of a once powerful and illustrious family of lightning mages. After barely surviving an attack that destroyed their home fifteen years ago, they now live in the dangerous Northern Vales, a desolate wilderness far away from civilization. But those who want them dead are strong, patient, and relentless, and it is only a matter of time before they find the two they seek...
- C.1150: Early ClashNEW
- C.1149: MiunaNEW
- C.1148: Terrible WeaponsNEW
- C.1147: Sifting Through TreasuresNEW
- C.1146: Guilty RestNEW
- C.1145: Return to ArtorionNEW
- C.1144: Tentative NegotiationsNEW
- C.1143: Seventh Iron OrderNEW
- C.1142: MountainfallNEW
- C.1141: The Lance’s MasterNEW
- C.1140: Kavad’s Lance VIINEW
- C.1139: Kavad’s Lance VINEW
- C.1138: Kavad’s Lance VNEW
- C.1137: Kavad’s Lance IVNEW
- C.1136: Kavad’s Lance IIINEW
- C.1135: Kavad’s Lance IINEW
- C.1134: Kavad’s Lance INEW
- C.1133: GrandinNEW
- C.1132: LancefootNEW
- C.1131: Leaving RedsparkNEW
- C.1130: Oaken GratitudeNEW
- C.1129: SasanNEW
- C.1128: Stormborn OakNEW
- C.1127: Redspark Forest IIINEW
- C.1126: Redspark Forest IINEW
- C.1125: Redspark Forest INEW
- C.1124: RedsparkNEW
- C.1123: Future CourseNEW
- C.1122: Simmering ShatufanNEW
- C.1121: Direct ActionNEW
- C.1120: Jamshid
- C.1119: Shatufan
- C.1118: War of Establishment in Stasis
- C.1117: War of Establishment XIV
- C.1116: War of Establishment XIII
- C.1115: War of Establishment XII
- C.1114: War of Establishment XI
- C.1113: War of Establishment X
- C.1112: War of Establishment IX
- C.1111: War of Establishment VIII
- C.1110: War of Establishment VII
- C.1109: War of Establishment VI
- C.1108: War of Establishment V
- C.1107: War of Establishment IV
- C.1106: War of Establishment III
- C.1105: War of Establishment II
- C.1104: War of Establishment I
- C.1103: Calm Before the Storm
- C.1102: Building Wave
- C.1101: Saucy
- C.1100: Trade
- C.1099: Drinking Companions
- C.1098: Manuchehr
- C.1097: Head-Turning Wealth
- C.1096: Preparations
- C.1095: Acknowledgment
- C.1094: River of Light
- C.1093: Archelaus
- C.1092: Djoser
- C.1091: Intervention IV
- C.1090: Intervention III
- C.1089: Intervention II
- C.1088: Intervention I
- C.1087: First Test III
- C.1086: First Test II
- C.1085: First Test I
- C.1084: doubt and Creation
- C.1083: Contact
- Chapter 1082 - Autopsy
- Chapter 1081 - Wailing Dirge III
- Chapter 1080 - Wailing Dirge II
- Chapter 1079 - Wailing Dirge I
- Chapter 1078 - A New Danger
- Chapter 1077 - Arrival II
- Chapter 1076 - Arrival I
- Chapter 1075 - Launching the Expedition
- Chapter 1074 - Last of the Last Days
- Chapter 1073 - One Month Remaining
- Chapter 1072 - Reconciliation
- Chapter 1071 - Rising Readiness
- Chapter 1070 - Thunderbird's Offered Strategy
- Chapter 1069 - New Toy
- Chapter 1068 - Arranging Successions
- Chapter 1067 - The Lion and the Bull's Parting
- Chapter 1066 - Motivation
- Chapter 1065 - Interrupted Tour
- Chapter 1064 - Last Tour VI
- Chapter 1063 - Last Tour V
- C.12: The Mission
- C.11: Mana Glyph
- C.10: Soul Refinement
- C.9: The Vision
- C.8: Ritual II
- C.7: Ritual I
- C.6: The Hunt II
- C.5: The Hunt I
- C.4: Preparations
- C.3: Inherited Blood
- C.2: Magic
- C.1: The Forest of Black and White