6 Times a Day-Chapter 1230 - 1224 [ 2K Words]
Chapter 1230 -1224 [ 2K Words]
Alan chuckled. "Sure, I'll make you a copy, but I doubt it. He's an old British folkie. R.E.M. covers it too. By the way, do you think you can teach me how to surf sometime? If it's as great as you say, I don't want to miss out."
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"I'd love that. You name the time. Maybe before long people will be calling you 'Surfer Guy."" Alan laughed. "Yeah, right. Soooo... Lover, what are yoouuuuu thinking about?" he dragged out in a playful attempt at mocking Glory's standard afterglow question.
"Besides surfing? I'm enjoying watching those guys out there, too. But besides that, I'm thinking about what women all the world over obsess about 97% of the time: 'the relationship."" She made little mocking quote marks in the air.
Alan grinned. "Ninety-seven percent, huh? I thought it was 98.6%."
She grinned back. "Shows what you know. We do have to spend some time thinking about buying shoes too, you know." She winked. "But it's true. I'm thinking about my 'menace to society' comment from before. Sometimes I ask myself how much of my attraction to you is about the sex. Now don't get me wrong, I'll admit that's a huge bonus, but I think that's all it is, a bonus, because I wanted you in a bad way even BEFORE I knew you were Mr. Super Stud. Do you remember how you and I got started? I practically threw myself at you, eagerly offering to help you out with your 'medical treatment."" She put those words in mocking quotes too.
Alan frowned at that. "What do you mean?"
Glory realized that she'd made a mistake. Since she knew that the six-times-a-day treatment was just a scheme cooked up by Suzanne, she was prone to mock it. But she couldn't betray Suzanne's trust and reveal what the scheme was really all about, so she tried to cover her tracks. "I mean, that from my point of view, I couldn't care less about your medical treatment needs. Sure, I care about you getting over your tiredness problem, but for me I was interested in that mainly as a foot in the door so I could get sexually involved with you. Sorry if that makes me seem shallow, but that's what was on my mind at the time. I had it bad for you, young man! And as you can see, I still do."
Luckily, that mollified Alan and he asked, "Why is that? I mean, come on, I'm no teen heart throb. Back then, I was just a slightly good looking nerd. What was the appeal?"
"Good question. I've been thinking about that too. For one thing, you sell yourself short. You're both cute and handsome - a killer combination. Back then you were a diamond in the rough but I could see you were going to turn into a ladies' man someday. But besides that, I have to admit to some immature motives. You see, I was what you might call a late bloomer, physically speaking. Plus, my teenage years were very, very difficult. My family wasn't poor in the sense of
living in a shack or anything like that, but we were in way over our heads. My parents were trying to live the upper middle class dream but they couldn't afford it. Debt collectors and even bankruptcy proceedings were always just around the corner. You see, my father was both a gambler AND an alcoholic."
"Oh geez. I didn't know."
"Well, it wasn't really bad. It wasn't like he beat me or my mom or even yelled at us. He was more of a 'drink alone and withdraw into himself' kind of alcoholic. I was completely oblivious at the time since my mom sheltered me, except that I knew we were skating on thin ice financially. Big time. I tried to help, and all through my teenage years and well into college I worked like a dog. I had to pay my entire way through college and then send money home besides."
"That sounds terrible! But what does that have to do with you and me?"
"Basically, I missed my teenage years. I didn't have ANY free time - I worked at a corner store nearly every free moment I wasn't in school or doing homework - and I had the 'ugly duckling' thing going on. All the 'beautiful people' made fun of me, and proms and dates and all that stuff passed me right on by. So in being a teacher, in some ways, I'm trying to live the high school years I never had. At least, I think that's how I was susceptible to having an affair with a student, now that I look back on it. Of course I love teaching too, so that's not my entire motive, but maybe it helps explain why I ended up teaching high school and not some other school age. But then you came along and turned my susceptibility to an affair into a completely different thing altogether. Talk about a wild ride!"
"Huh. That makes sense. It explains a lot of things, like why you're so friendly with me and some of the other students, and why you're so into school gossip and such. And it explains why you hate Heather so much."
"It does? How?"
"Well, she's one of the 'beautiful people' now. I'll bet she reminds you of the snooty, hoity toity people who made fun of you back then."
Glory pondered that as she walked. She finally said, "That's funny. I honestly never thought about it before, probably because there's such a long list of other reasons to hate her. But you're right, she does remind me of those stuck-up bitches. We had a Heather clone back in my day. Her name was Marlene. Actually, Heather's ten times worse than Marlene ever was, but they're both cut from the same cloth."
She grimaced. "Why you have sex with that fake blonde is beyond me. Okay, sure, I have to admit she's got the looks. She could be a professional model, easily. But after seeing the OTHER women you're with, it's not like you're hurting for sexy partners! I mean, come on! Why bother with Heather, when you've got the likes of Susan and Suzanne? Not that I'm advocating you-know-what, but the plain fact is they're jaw-droppingly beautiful. Especially Suzanne. When
she walks into the room, it's like Venus or Aphrodite herself is right there. Her sexy aura, it's like... standing next to the sun! It's too intense!" Her eyes grew distant and dreamy.
Alan laughed. "I've noticed you have a thing for her. I've seen the way you look at her."
Glory stopped in her tracks and stared hard at Alan. "I DO NOT! What are you talking about?! I'm not attracted to her in the slightest! I'm just, well, intrigued by her effect on others. I'm interested in observing that."
"Yeah, right." Alan was going to say, "And I can see how your nipples are interested in observing her too," but he thought better of it and kept his mouth shut. However, even his sarcastic "yeah, right" was enough to land him in hot water.
Glory's face grew red and she aggressively poked him in the chest. "Listen, young man! I am NOT interested in Suzanne, or any other woman! Got it? I don't swing that way, period! I can only imagine that you're having all kinds of wild orgies with bisexual women, but I don't want any part of that. No way, José! Don't even THINK about trying to drag me into that perverted scene!"
"Hey, I never said a word like that to you, did I? I'm just saying that when you look at her-" Glory interrupted, finishing his sentence, "I show a certain admiration for her many fine qualities. I know she's very intelligent, wise, beautiful, friendly, and, well, just all-around impressive. Why shouldn't I admire her? The fact that she's a wild bisexual tigress in bed with each of her tits as big as my head calling out her seductive song like a siren has absolutely nothing to do with it! Nothing! I can't help that she radiates and personifies sex with those big pouty red lips of hers and her mesmerizing green eyes and her oh-so-sexy curly..." Her voice was softening and becoming wistful, but she finished with a sharp, "Well, you get the
Alan realized that he'd hit a very touchy subject. "Okay, already! Sorry. I'll admit I'm totally wrong there. It's not like we've ever broached the subject of bisexuality, so I had no idea how
you felt about it."
Glory huffed, "Well, now you do." She resumed walking. "And don't you forget it!"
"Okay, fine." But he thought, It's plain as day that she's got some kind of thing for Suzanne but she's in deep denial about it. If I'm smart, I'd better not even touch that with a ten-foot pole. Although it would be pretty cool if she could get it on with my other nymphos. But she's not even close to being mentally ready for that. Maybe someday though.
Wisely changing the subject, he said, "Getting back on track, I was saying that I think you're just as beautiful as anyone else. Even the likes of Suzanne. Okay I'll admit that if there was a beauty contest, someone like Suzanne would get the top marks. But the way we feel about a person colors our attraction to them too. All I know is that every time I look at you, I'm filled with lust and love and all kinds of powerful things. I want to rush up to you and kiss you and make love to you. Believe me, it makes sitting in your class for an hour every day very trying!" Glory laughed and then smiled. She stopped again and said, "You say the sweetest things, even if they're all lies." Then she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.
Please Check out my new Fanfic "Detective Conan: Harem begins with Kisaki Eri" & "One Piece: Conquest of Love and Power" .Its a translation, but built from the ground up and added 18+ Smut scenes. and also pls try 6TAD