7th Demon Prince Jilbagias' Chronicle of Demon Kingdom Toppling-Chapter 96.1 - In The Same Boat

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Chapter 96.1 - In The Same Boat

96.1 In The Same Boat

Good day, Demon Prince Jilbagias who was reduced to a mere decoration in the corner of the room in order to not disturb the tearful reunion between father and daughter is hereā€¦ fš«š—²ewebš—»ošÆel.ššŒoš—ŗ

The inheritance of light magic ended up in an instant.

That was far too short for a parting between parent and childā€¦

Lyla bawled until the end. This was the first time I saw her bearing her emotion so blatantly like this.

As for meā€¦ All I could do for her was just to respect Faravugi, that's all. Even if I pray for his happiness in his next lifeā€¦

But Faravugi, I will etch your way of life into these eyes of mine. You're willing to exchange your soul for your daughter.

You were a splendid father. You really were a proud white dragon. That's why I will do my best to protect Lyla for your sake.

That's whyā€¦ Pleaseā€¦!

Even if I knew that your soul would vanish, I couldn't help but pray.

Please, rest in peace.

怎Well thenā€¦ The real thing is about to start.怏

Ante muttered in my soul.

Yeah, she was right.

This hadn't ended yet. Rather, this had only begun.

Finally, Lyla wiped her tears, raised her face, and looked at me.

Fierce light dwelled in her golden eyes.

This girlā€¦ Could make such a powerful gaze huh?



We ended up speaking at the same time.

怌You first.怍

怌No, please don't mind me.怍

怌No can do, I'm all ears.怍

I urged Lyla to speak first as I got on my knees to match my line of sight with her who sat on the floor.

怌Thank youā€¦ Very much.怍

Lylaā€•ā€• Bowed apologetically.

怌For summoning my father. For allowing us to talk for the last timeā€¦ć€

A fleeting smile flashed on her face.

怌Thank you, thank you very much.怍

ā€¦ She didn't have to thank me.

To be honest, that was the only thing I could do for herā€¦

怌I can finally say it.怍

In contrast to me who endured the emotion in my chest, Lyla heaved a sigh of relief as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders.

怌I, I hate you.怍

The next moment, it felt as if my heart was stopped by her sudden confession. But, contrary to her remark, Lyla looked really composed.

怌Even though you've always been treating me so nicely. Even though you have always been worrying about me. I can't make peace with myself since you're the one who killed my father.怍

怌That'sā€¦ Obvious. It's not something to worry about.怍

I barely managed to squeeze out those words.

怌Even if you say 怎Treating nicely怏, all I did was treat you like any other employeeā€¦ It's not enough to repay the sin of having killed your fatherā€¦!怍

怌I heard from Garounya. Had it not been for a slip-up of the documents, I might have been presented to the other Demon Prince around this time.怍

Lyla looked up at the sky outside of the window.

怌What do you think is going to happen to me in that kind of situation?ā€¦ By now, the other prince might tortured me to deathā€¦ć€

And then she looked at me again.

怌That's why I'm really grateful. Not to mention that you even gave me the chance to have a last conversation with my father, albeit only for short timeā€¦ć€

Tears ran down her cheeks but Lyla wiped her tears with the sleeve of her maid uniform.

怌To be honest, I still can't get over it even as we speak. But, I know that my father will laugh at me from the afterlife if I keep laughing at him.怍

And then she was smiling at me.

怌Iā€•ā€• Will become a splendid dragon that will make my father proud.怍

ā€¦ Aaah.

She was not a girl that needed my protection anymore.

The girl who stood before me was already capable of standing on her own feet, and could take flight with her own wingsā€•ā€•

怌ā€•ā€•That's why you, don't have to worry about me anymore.怍


I couldn't say anything back. Nor did I have the qualification to do so.

怌ā€¦ I understand. Thank you, Lyla.怍

Suddenly it felt as if a weight was lifted up from my shoulders.

Maybe that's just how much pressure I had always felt.

怌ā€¦ Thank you.怍

Thank you very much, for being willing to forgive a bastard like me.

ā€¦ We were smiling awkwardly at each other.

It somehow was soothing to my heart, alasā€•ā€• It didn't mean that we could stay like this forever either.

怌Let's talk about our next steps.怍

After I braced myself and said so, Lyla nodded earnestly.

怌Well first, let's make ourselves more comfortable by sitting on the sofa.怍

怌Ah. Yes, thank you very much.怍

After we sat on the sofa, facing each other, we talked about our future policy while looking at the empty barrier of bone powder.

怌Well then, regarding the Demon Kingdom.怍

怌Yeah. Let's destroy it.怍

I nodded at her.

怌At least, this kingdom will head to its own destruction as long as we defeat the Demon King and the other successors. For now, I'll make full use of my status as a prince.怍

怌I know.怍

怌There's Ante in my soul vessel. Liliana. And lastly, you.怍

Lyla made a slightly strange face when she heard my remark.

怌Uhmā€¦ That, Liliana-san, could it beā€¦ć€

怌Yeahā€¦ She became like that for now though.怍

I was imagining Liliana who was 怎Waiting怏 outside of this roomā€¦ Well, I guess my current expression was the same as Lyla's.

怌I put a temporary seal on her memory when I took her out of the night elf's prison. The seal should've been lifted but, the person herself seems to be content with her current positionā€¦ć€

Thanks to the ghastly experience she went through in that prison, she might be reluctant to regain the painful memories, Lyla hung her head down sadly when she heard my story about Liliana.

怌Iā€¦ Always thought that I might be the most unfortunate person in this world but, turns out there's someone even more unfortunate than meā€¦ć€

Well, Liliana's situation was really dire butā€¦

You're just about the same right?

怌ā€¦ Well, that's not something to be comparedā€¦ć€

怌Indeed. My apologies.怍

怌Nonono, spare me the apologyā€¦ Anyhow, someday, once she regained her memoriesā€¦ I want to set her free.怍

Thus, I looked at Lyla.

怌For thatā€¦ I need a transportation method that would allow me to be completely free from my other subordinates butā€¦ć€

Now we finally get to the main topic.

怌I seeā€¦!怍

Lyla spoke while clenching her fists.

怌So that's where my role comes into playā€¦!怍

怌Yes. I hope you'll cooperate when that time comesā€¦!怍


That was a relief. I was worried for a moment that she would say something like 怎Letting someone to ride on the back of proud dragon is a bitā€¦ć€.


Lyla's expression suddenly clouded.

怌Your subordinateā€¦ So that means you're going to betray them someday. Vigne-san and Garounya-san.怍

I gasped for a moment since her remark hit where it hurt.

怌ā€¦ Yes, I'll betray them someday.怍

I grit my teeth and admitted it so easily.

怌In my previous lifeā€¦ My mother was killed by the night elves, and my father was killed by the 4th Demon King's Child, Emergias.怍

This time, it was Lyla's turn to have gasped for breath.

怌And then, I have to crush the intelligence network of the night elfs that sow seeds of chaos and discord within the domain of the alliance. Demon Race aside, I'll make sure that the night elvesā€¦ Have paid their due in full!怍

I bared my deepest secret to Lyla.

===TN: Those Who Can't Wait For more Jil-kun's, I've Uploaded Advance chapters in Fox<ā€“HERE and in PATREON(cheaper) with a paywall of course===


Tanetsuke Ojisan no Isekai Press Manyuuki~Sono Mono, Zen Shuzoku(Yuusha to Maou mo Fukumu) ni Tanetsukeshi, Sekai wo Sukutta Saikyou Musuo no Harem Ou Nari~<ā€”Really fun but suggested to read when you're alone so that other won't mistake you for mentally handicapped

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