A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale-Chapter 507: The Dragon Ruler of Fire.
Chapter 507: The Dragon Ruler of Fire.
My bloody ears!
Natural disasters not only included devastating destruction caused by the elements or raw, unbridled power, but also all of the noise pollution. Yes, maybe to other people, loud sounds might not be worse than losing your house, or even your entire home city, but to a musician like me, this inharmonious clash of different pitches, depth of voice, and general echoing of the magma chamber was pure tortuous on my ears.
Like a gourmet chef having to eat at a rundown, rarely visited restaurant … Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best comparison.
However, that was how I felt as my hearing was violated by … this cacophony from the numerous, numerous dragons before me. The dragon valley below our imperial citadel had far more dragons of various origins and elements, with their roaring feeling like a welcoming song from a marching band. I did not feel that way in front of the entrance to the nest of the Dragon Ruler of Fire.
I and my retainers were on the same “floor” where Ryra found me after the rank S dragon battle, though quite a bit further away, and I was staring at this imposing place with a stomach ache. This entire section of the magma chamber was reserved for the dragon ruler’s direct subordinates, and in a way, I was walking right into this lion’s den.
Massive, titanic sized rank S and A dragons stood in front of the nest entrance, while the younger rank Bs and lower dragonkin kept a careful watch on the many hills, acting almost like watchtowers.
Ignoring their accented voices, they were all crying out, “Welcome to the inferno halls.”
[“Just ignore them,”] Ryra advised me. [“Treat them all like guards, even if most of them are pretty significant within Inferno Nest’s ecosystem.”]
[“I guess they are all like the direct vassals of the current Ruler of Ice, right? Since Father technically should be our Ruler of Fire,”] I asked.
[“The situation is similar, yeah,”] he stated. [“An emperor and any of the empresses cannot simultaneously be a dragon ruler, since the imperial members’ responsibility should extend to the entire empire, and not only to your flight’s nest. This law was instituted by father himself after he became emperor, which is why your mother and Empress-Mother Gaistrus couldn’t maintain their title after their respective marriages … Although, your mother only recently lost her titles, so she still is still treated as the de facto leader. The same can’t be said about Father.”]
Either ‘cause he’s a homestuck or it might have something to do with the civil war. This dragon ruler probably was one of Eltharion’s best supporters, after from the empress-mothers.
[“At this point, this situation is similar to a human imperial member visiting one of their vassal kingdoms. Thankfully, Dragon Ruler Maustoovaka still fully respects Father as his emperor; not to mention, he is Brother Kahalameet’s strongest ally in his battle for the throne. His loyalty is fully dedicated to Kargryx and its future,”] Ryra explained, pausing a moment before he continued. [“However, his loyalty only extends to Father and his legacy. Meaning, his history as the Emperor of Kargryx and us, his children. Not to the empresses and their families.”]
Hearing this only made me more worried. [“… What about Kramps?”]
[“Once again, remember, aside from the dragonewts and wyverns, us dragons and the drakes are largely either indifferent to Kargryxmor, or on a spectrum of dislike to hatred,”] he emphasized that last part, making me wonder if he was speaking about the ice dragonkin or somebody entirely different, aside from the empresses and Eltharion.
Is this dragon ruler also in the latter camp, then?
Feeling the suffocating huffing of these dragonkin against my back and wings, I followed Ryra into the entrance before the rock walls suddenly turned into magma. Flowing away like slime, the entrance was enlarged for Ryra’s massive frame, allowing him to enter.
Sheesh … I gulped as my eyes locked onto the humongous dragon resting on a pile of black and red jewel and ores, treating it like a bed.
His appearance was exactly the same as the red-brown fire dragon responsible for the breath clash that caused Ground Zero, but unlike that initial sighting, the dragon now before me was covered in numerous wounds. Broken scales, patches of still liquid magma, and evaporating blood made him look even more ferocious compared to before, not to mention, the glare he was giving us as his head laid on his pile of wealth didn’t help matters!
That “You enter my home. Be respectful” look sent a chill down my spine. I might be one of his princesses, but I realized that didn’t mean a thing here. “Be nice or get kicked out,” was the name of the game.
[“Shay, Beth. How are you two holding up?”] I asked as I felt the heat increasing.
[“… We are gaining [Fire Resistance] levels, my lady,”] Shay answered. [“As long as we stick close to you, we can endure this … I think.”]
[“Doesn’t sound good,”] Vifi chimed in. [“You can’t when Donut is approaching the dragon; it’ll only get worse from here on out. Stay at the entrance for now. Hey, fire wyverns, cover for them. Help them cool down.”]
[“Yes!”] the fire wyverns agreed immediately to the twins’ chagrin.
[“Donut, I’ll stay back as well. This is also getting too hot for me, even with you controlling the temperature.”]
[“Got it, thanks.”]
Fortunately, Ryra was coming with me, taking the initiative and acting like an older brother as he led me through the stares. Once we were in front of the massive dragon ruler, Ryra told me to tuck my tail in between my legs, but not lower my head but to reciprocate the ancient dragon’s stare with my own.
[“Show some obedience as a young scale by lowering your tail, but not your gaze. You are a princess. Hierarchy is as important to dragons as to the other races, maybe even more so. We have to exert it here,”] Ryra instructed and I followed. [“Say, ‘Princess Hestia, here to greet the great Dragon Ruler of Fire, Maustoovaka. I lower my tail in your presence,’ in Draconic after me, okay?”]
[“Yes!”] I nodded as I had Hikari look up the words I needed. Thankfully, the last sentence was something I had heard a lot.
Ryra began, roaring his greeting, “Krafila Ryranakus, reso kruugarak Drahk-krakrona infula, Maustoovaka. Krinalish prish phra.”
“Krafili Hestia, reso kruugarak Drahk-krakrona infula, Maustoovaka. Krinalish prish phra,” I followed up.
Hearing our greeting, the dragon raised his head and nodded, grunting out, “Reso kragsht. Drahk-krafili Hestia, hgrak kragu krasaat megrak ri Drahk-krakroni Melloxtressa-Drahk-krakrona Eltharion. Hah, rruh grakustat. Krraghi thayk khimalsh Drahkonik, drahk-krukru, ra otrak ra reetrak malak krasul.”
It was completely in Draconic, making me struggle to translate it in time as I stare at the ancient dragon in confusion, causing him to bellow out in laughter. Looking at me with a pitiful look, Ryra sent me the translation.
Essentially, what he said was, “Greetings accepted. Dragon Princess Hestia, may our meeting finally be blessed by your mother, Dragon Empress Melloxtressa and father Dragon Emperor Eltharion. Hah, your pronunciation could use some work. We shall only speak in Draconic, whelpling; you must learn it faster, so keep up.”
It wasn’t one-to-one to Common, as the direct translation would have made it sound awkward. I quickly thanked Ryra for the nice gesture, but he told me I had to try my best to speak with Maustoovaka in Draconic, as he would ignore any telepathic communication. “I must educate the youngest princess as a confidant of Eltharion,” was what the dragon ruler was probably thinking, according to Ryra.
Oh boy, I’ll need your full help on this, Hikari. Let’s use [Mental World] to think faster, too.
From here on out, everything would be in Draconic. At least it gave me a chance to use the language …
“Prince Ryranakus, it is good to meet you once again. I hope your elder brother is doing all right, and I once again apologize to you for taking him away so often for work,” Maustoovaka said, probably speaking about how Phso supported Kahalameet’s claim. “Haha, I may be brooding most of the time, but I do enjoy a meeting from my young princes and princesses quite a lot, as any elder scale would. This young sister of yours is quite adorable. She sounds almost like my newly-born nephew.”
… Hikari, we could have left that last part out.
‘Yeah …’
“Well … as long as you like her, I guess?” Ryra shrugged, minding his words. “I assume your battle with Dragon Ruler Arkanator is over. Who won?”
“Did you really need to ask that question, Prince? You brought your sister to me, for you have already correctly guessed that I was victorious, or are you only here for small talk?” He grinned, sounding snarky, or maybe demeaning was the better word. Arrogant and over-confident could fit, as well. “I hope not, for I am not in the mood for these worthless greetings. Let us get down to business, for that is what I assume you both are here for, am I not right?”
Ryra lowered his head lightly, almost looking away from the giant dragon. I reflexively took a deep breath as I cheered him on, that he would stay strong until we were done here. I wanted to speak up, but it felt like Maustoovaka was still staring at me, even if his eyes weren’t aligned with mine.
He was already exuding his aura. This felt just like when I met Eltharion. I felt unwelcomed, yet he still wanted to talk with me.
“You want this to end, correct?” Maustoovaka guessed Ryra’s mood. “Good. Then let us, but first …”
He turned to me. “Dragon Princess Hestia, newest member of the imperial family, and the dearest daughter of Frozen Nest. In addition, an otherworlder’s soul trapped inside our princess’s body, robbing our dear Emperor and Sixth Empress of the chance of child rearing. The gods are intrusive, regardless of how many ‘divine laws’ and ‘taboos’ they set up. Yet, our voices do not matter. Why? For they are stronger than our emperor … Am I not correct, blessed of the Dragon God?”
Taking a moment to comprehend what he said, I gulped and began speaking in Draconic, “Father accepts me.”
“Not as his daughter. You are an imperial princess and we know Melloxtressa has accepted you as hers, meaning you must be given the respect and authority of a member of the Kargryxmor and Nordor clan. Having a title is nice, but it means nothing if nobody supports you; fortunately, your mother does and that is where your power comes from,” he stated the truth, although it didn’t sting as much as I knew that already. “I reiterate. Eltharion simply accepts you as a member of the clan, not as his daughter.”
You sure like to rub it in, huh? I kept that to myself. Snides wouldn’t do anything for this discussion.
He huffed, raising his head in the air. “Still, to be accepted as an imperial member is still worth something. You have some authority, and that is enough to endanger this empire. The reason why I wished to meet you is to tell you to stay out of this civil war, starting now.”
“Remove yourself, Princess Hestia. You might not be my princess, but I feel no ill will towards you. You are nothing more than another pawn in the gods’ plans, forcibly brought here to solve their issues. You need not do that, and especially not when it concerns God Kargryxmor’s plans. Live your life; you have a right to that at least, now that you are alive,” he said, although I felt no care in his tone. “Kargryxmor believes having you in this world would solve something, but there is nothing to solve. Our empire flourishes and is stable, finally peaceful for every dragonkin to live. Yes, quarrels between the dragon rulers is common, but that is better than the wars and genocidal clan feuds. We do not need that to happen, again.”
“… In that case, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about with me. I don’t want a war, either.”
“Good, we are of the same opinion. Smart girl. Wars are sometimes necessary, but a civil war is the worst. Unity is needed. Which is why I assume you must understand what I am saying here,” he urged. “Let me make it clearer. Maybe you do not understand my Draconic. I am telling you to not side with either of your siblings in support of the throne. Do not help Kahalameet nor Wendriosa; do not do anything, not even as a third party. We do not need an interloper who doesn’t understand our culture and the foundations Eltharion and his dragon rulers have created in this struggle; I wish for you to stay uninvolved so the ice and holy dragonkin flights and wakes will stay away from everything.”
This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.
I squinted my eyes. “You want me to just watch as my siblings fight each other?”
“You only just met them,” he bluntly said. “One can make an argument for Fargryneill, but that girl will have no power in the succession crisis with her lesser maternal side. Still, even if she does support somebody, you must stay away. Do that, and I will fulfill a request of yours. Never do something without recompense, correct?”
“I might have just met all of them, but they are still my family. My half-siblings by blood. Why would I want any of them to kill each other?” I snapped.
“And the plan we and Kahalameet have will hopefully ensure Wendriosa does not die; however, that requires you to stay away. Stay away with your ice and holy dragons, I mean. Do not further introduce permutations and the unknown, otherworlder. Your mere presence and the fact Kargryxmor has made you his blessed is already problematic enough!” he shouted, causing his cavern to shake. With a loud slam, he smashed the ground before us, cracking it. “Speak! What do you wish for our deal to be sealed?”
I gulped as I felt his aura wrapping around my neck, making it harder to think of a comeback. Fortunately, this little moment allowed me to rest my mind, resetting my fiery mood and the amount of times he insulted my siblings. Ryra was truly right … This dragon only cared what he wanted, showing no concerns for my issues or those of my family.
In a way, respect, since he wanted things to be done his way, but, on the other hand, fuck him.
“… If you want a deal so badly, we—”
[“Hestia, don’t!”] Ryra shouted in my head. [“Let’s just end this here. It was a bad idea for me to bring you here, let’s just go to the mines and get those ston—”]
[“Ryra, please, don’t stop me. I need to say something.”]
[“Yeah, and I say you don’t have to! You’ll only get into more trouble, have you not read the room yet? This guy has no care for your problems and will not care if he has to strangle you a bit just so you can understand it!”] Ryra pleaded. [“Stop it. Enough. I’ll just tell Mother everything and I’ll—”]
[“You know full well all that worrying is just a waste of time!”] I rebuked him, interrupting him mid-speech. [“Yes, after what this dragon has said, you can maybe explain things and maybe ease your punishment, but I also don’t think that is the issue here any longer. The fact of the matter is that this guy is disrespecting you, Neill, and me! This guy has not let me talk even a bit, dominating everything! This isn’t a request, this is a demand. And, dammit, I’ve already committed to the fact that I don’t want this war to start, so I ain’t stopping now!”]
[“Hestia, I—”]
[“Please, trust me.”]
With that final sentence, Ryra turned silent, letting out a small sigh through his nose while I refocused on the dragon ruler in front of me. Time to turn on my princess persona.
Taking a breath to hide the fact I just talked to Ryra by acting nervous, I continued where I left off, “If you want a deal, then I have something else to say.”
“I have said what I wanted. The deal will be sealed, so state what you wish. There is a reason why you are in Inferno Nest, so speak. I will fulfill it.”
“Will you, Lord Maustoovaka? That is pleasing to hear, but I still think you might want to listen to this, first. As my brother asked, you fought against the Dragon Ruler of Volcanoes and unleashed your breath attacks, correct? Causing a huge section of the magma chamber below to explode, devastating fauna and flora,” I said, but nothing seemed to interest the dragon. “I saw everything.”
“Your point?”
“I was there. You fought, yet you didn’t look once at the monsters or dragonkin below.” I didn’t include my retainers in the discussion, as it probably would have weakened my argument against this uncaring old man.
“Yet, you are here. You survived, congratulations.”
“Will you not even apologize for almost killing me?”
“This world is ruled by the strong. If you hadn’t been able to escape when it was necessary, then you wouldn’t be worthy to be a Kargryxmor. There was plenty of time for you to escape as we fought, and so you did. Once again, what is your point here, whelpling?” he snarled, growling under his breath.
“… I see, so, let me get this right. You spoke with my brother and learned of my presence from him. You and the Dragon Ruler of Volcanoes knew I was here, yet you still fought without looking at your surroundings. You’re familiar enough with me to know I am an otherworlder, so you must have known I was a whelpling. Somebody that needs to be protected—like your newly-born nephew, for example,” I said, causing him to finally react by squinting his eyes. “You know, some people could interpret that as a fight to intentionally turn the case from manslaughter into first-degree murder. A happy little accident to get rid of a supposed permutation, right?”
“… Careful, whelpling. Be aware of what you are about to say and your position and status.”
All right, he’s smart enough to read in between the lines. What a schemer.
I smirked, continuing just a bit more. Not too much, though. “My father might not like me, but even he wouldn’t be happy with my mother’s despair. His current depression, and all my siblings should have heard this, is caused by my grandfather’s interference, which led to robbing my mother of the chance to be a mother. He said it himself, after all. Meaning, he cares a lot about her … Do you need me to continue?”
Even if Eltharion were to attempt to stop Mom after I was “accidentally” killed here, he wouldn’t be able to justify himself if this argument were to be made. Manslaughter could maybe be excused depending on how much Eltharion cared about Mom versus Maustoovaka, but you couldn’t do any mental gymnastics to avoid punishment for an actual plot to kill me. Not to mention, silencing everybody here of his crime would only cause the Streissand effect; everyone would quickly realize the truth if so many dragons were silenced.
At that point, it was a crime against the imperial family, as Eltharion personally accepted me as a dragon princess. Considering what I heard about him, he probably wouldn’t forgive even one of his most devout followers after such a gross betrayal like this. The loyalty of a retainer was similar to an oath, and even if the dragons disliked Kramps, oaths were still considered sacred by us dragonkin.
Shouldn’t underestimate me when it comes to politics. I’ve gone through enough lessons from my journey.
“… Fine. I, Maustoovaka, apologize to you, Princess Hestia, and Prince Ryranakus for endangering you with our actions. State your price so this blood debt may be paid.”
“Good, then my request is that you cannot impose such a ridiculous deal on me. I will not stay out of the succession crisis, for I will do my part to stop my siblings. This, I promise, Dragon Ruler of Fire. And I keep my promises.”
The dragon roared like a wild beast, blowing away his pile of jewels and causing fragments of his ceiling to fall down from the sheer pressure of his voice. Ryra came to my protection, using the construction of a sturdy dome with an additional layer of defense with his scales, allowing us to weather this rampage until it was finally over.
When it finally did, the dome broke open as the dragon pushed his face at us, pushing Ryra away with his size to stare at me. Having him so close to me, my heart skipped a beat as I realized I could be eaten whole with a single bite with how large his mouth was.
In a whisper, he said, “You are a fool.”
“An idealist, you mean.”
“It is the same, you naive whelpling. This world is not yours to control, for you are weak. You will be stomped on by your older siblings, especially Kahalameet once he reaches rank S. His coronation will be confirmed when that comes, beware my words. You cannot do anything,” he threatened. “Yet you will not step back? I have told you enough to make you understand, and if you cannot, then I will ‘educate’ you. You will not leave my domain after showing such cunning, whelp. I will not be disrespected by an impertinent whelp who knows not the situation. Aurena and Kargryxmor are fools for having taken you as their blessed.”
What? He’s forcing me to stay here?
“You cannot do that, Lord Maustoovaka!” Ryra rebuked, still shaking from before. “If she will not leave, then I cannot either, or, do you wish for Empress Gaistrus’s and Melloxtressa’s wrath? They and my brother have sent me here, if you wish, you can deal with them! Release my sister!”
“Fledgling … you grow a sense of self now? For this little skink?” Maustoovaka’s mouth opened up, letting out a cloud of flames. “So be it, child. If you wish to act in your sister’s defense, then fulfill my request. A wish for a favor; a transaction.”
Ryra flinched back. “T-that’s—”
“Your dear mothers will not make it in time if you refuse, and in that time, I will show this whelpling what we ancient dragons have experienced to live this long. Accept the easy way out, fledgling. This is for the good of your sister, as well, for a weakling like her is not worthy of anybody’s respect. She will earn mine!”
This is bad!
Ryra was terrified, looking like a meek sheep, although I could see from his clattering chin that he still wanted to say something. What was this request and why was it making him so nervous? Was it actually bad news? Then again, this madman was trying to imprison me for something, and I had no intentions of following along.
How the hell do I get away from here?
Vifi, damn right!
As Maustoovaka and Ryra continued their argument, I quickly and, most importantly, inconspicuously connected a telepathic mana link with my party’s fastest runner. [“Vifi?”]
[“I heard it. Trouble?”]
[“Very. He wants to keep me here.”]
[“‘Kay … Don’t forget the donuts, right?”]
[“Good jobs deserve a proper reward, and this guy probably won’t kill me, but that’s different with you and the wyverns. Be careful, I mean it.”]
[“Mhmm, your status has some perks, but I get it. I wouldn’t want to stay somewhere I’m not familiar with, all while waiting for help like some chump. Mhmm … though, hear him out for a moment. Give me some time, and keep me updated. I actually do know how to get you out of this one.”]
[“Got it, good luck.”]
Back to the discussion in front of me, I noticed Ryra gritting his teeth. “You know for yourself I am unable to do that all by myself! Relations between Inferno Nest and Frozen Nest are already bad as it is, yet you are still trying to worsen them? You are obviously trying to hurt Empress-Mother Melloxtressa here, Lord Maustoovaka!”
“Ha, my thoughts towards those fools still clinging to their past glory is another matter. This isn’t about her lineage, this is about her attitude. This is my home. You will come in here with respect, or face the consequences of those actions!” He stomped forward, decimating the pile of jewels beneath him. “Now, tell me, will you risk it for your sister, or shall we conclude this? End this as soon as possible, like always, Ryranakus. Your brother is waiting for you. Go back to him, ignore the whelp.”
“There is nothing for you to speak about. You need only listen to your elders and your older brother, Phsotophus. Meek fledgling, know your place, and begone. Allow yourself succor before you redraw back into your shell,” Maustoovaka urged, finally causing Ryra to lower his head and tail.
“Hey!” However, before Ryra could say anything, I roared out with [Tyrant’s Voice] and [Aerokinesis], causing the ancient dragon to snap his eyes to me. “I get it now. So, this is dragon culture, right? Treating even those you should be protecting with such animosity while disguising it as ‘normal.’ No wonder Neill told me how bad her time here was, or why my brother here turned so meek! It’s because of bastards like you! Fucking rodents like you! Get the fuck away from him!”
Shoving Ryra away, the ancient dragon sighed loudly, letting a stream of flames fly out. He reared his head back to me. “The moment you dismissed my request turned you from a little whelpling princess to an actual reverse scale that might break everything in the future. I will not allow Kahalameet’s coronation to fail due to leniency,” he snarled. “You’re just like a human. Speaking loudly, but unable to act on it. Weakling; you have been ruined by being born on Altrust. Your so-called charisma alone will get you nowhere on this continent. On Miononbolax, might alone shall rule the skies and land!”
Slamming his mouth shut, the ancient dragon slammed his head against Ryra, who threw himself right into the way of this skink’s head before he dug the talons of his wings into the ground, enclosing me around him. I was trapped, although, fortunately due to my size, there were holes I could escape from when I ran.
“Hedthalak’s son spoke about you, and I now fully understand what a creature like you can do. I will not allow you to rally people around you, Princess Hestia!” he shouted with [Tyrant’s Voice], and would have crushed me under the sonic boom had I not cast [Air Shield] in time, although it still broke in the end. “You will be educated about our empire’s history. Neither the ice nor holy dragonkin shall be your power! You—Huh? Worm!”
“Voltaic Red: Thunderspeed Roar!”
The buzzing sound of one of Vifi’s destructive spear Ability shot through the air as Maustoovaka reacted to it. However, the giant dragon swung his wings open, parrying the lightning strike, reducing the damage to probably nothing.
You’re shitting me! That damn move can oneshot me, you damn rank S!
[“Humanize!”] I heard Vifi call out before I did what she said. As the mana mist exuded from my body, I suddenly felt somebody grab me, holding me in a princess carry with a thunderclap rumbling in the background.
<[Humanize (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>
[“Got you!”] Vifi exclaimed as she readied to dash away, only for me to notice Maustoovaka was about to slam his front legs on us.
However, before he could, both of us froze for a single second as we both heard, “Hiessk gik rapharum’shkra zeegka!” from behind him before the floor turned to golden sand. Before he could react, both earth and the sand shot up, slamming the S-rank dragon into the ground, sticking him there as I heard Ryra roar out.
His entire body was glowing golden, far more intensely than when we fought. In fact, from the looks of it, it reminded me of the appearance Neill would assume when she activated [Battle Frenzy (Major)].
[“Ryra!”] I called out.
[“Father’s horns, get the fuck out of here! Now!”] he commanded. [“He won’t do anything to me, promise. Just get out, now!”]
And before I could get another word, Ryra roared once more before every bit of stone and ore around him started to slowly turn into gold, including his body. Gold-cladded, a bright yellow energy began to gather in his mouth as the glow of his body turned off and on, rapidly increasing in rhythm overtime.
Sadly, before I could say anything, Vifi dashed away in a streak of red lightning, all before a grand explosion erupted from inside the cavern. I couldn’t see anything as a dust cloud and streams of magma lava flooded the area, all while the dragonkin around us roared.
Alarmed when I felt Vifi stopping for a moment, I thought I messed up the plan by provoking Maustoovaka too early; however, before any of the ancient dragonkin could apprehend us, a few others came to our rescue, slamming right into them.
[“Princess Hestia, I am Hedthalak!”] a fire dragon shouted, about the same size as Maustoovaka. [“My son, Fehrkatruk, has spoken well about your personality, and as a gesture of showing leniency to him for me sending him to spy on you, allow me to return this debt I owe you! Fly! My subordinates and I shall protect your path!”]
“I told ya I had a plan!” Vifi shouted, laughing wildly. “I saw that bastard Fehrkatruk on our way here, haha! Couldn’t forget that ugly mug!”
[“Princess Hestia!”] Speaking of the devil, that same fire dragon I met in Iceskale appeared in the sky with the friends he brought back then. In addition, the wyverns were flying with him, meaning we can make a break for it! [“Fly with us, we will lead you out!”]
[“Got it, thank you!”] I said before turning back into a dragon, allowing Vifi to mount on me before we all fled the area.
Sadly, the turmoil only got worse when I heard Maustoovaka’s roar after we made some distance. Multiple dragons roosting inside this magma chamber were agitated. Considering how often conflicts happened here, most of them probably thought we were fighting like normal, but the moment their dragon ruler called, they had to move.
When he saw this, Fehrkatruk urged us to go deeper, as flying up would only wind us into more fights. “The magma drakes can act as our decoys!” he said, presuming the retainers of the Dragon Ruler of Volcanoes might still be agitated from the previous battle. They might be angry enough to attack any fire dragons, allowing us to fly past things.
Can’t hurt to try, cause we ain’t fighting our way to the surface like this!
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I came to the mainland to get some hot rocks for my friends, and now I was causing a civil war between the two dragon rulers of Inferno Nest. How the hell did this escalate like this?