A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale-Chapter 515: The Fire Dragon Refugees.
Twenty fire dragons—that was the total number of refugees that would be coming to Frozen Nest to find protection from Maustoovaka’s wrath. The entire group was composed out of Hedthalak’s and his wife’s side of the family, including their children, which surprised me; honestly, I thought the group would be a bit larger since I saw multiple older dragons help me out during my escape.
Apparently, they had also fled Inferno Nest, but they were seeking safety with their families in other regions or were bunkering down in Loatryx. Hedthalak’s family were the only ones coming over to us, from what I presumed, due to the debt I owed him. A debt Mom and I were fully willing to repay.
Still, I was a bit confused why exactly his family chose to come over here, with the way that ice and fire dragons despised each other. Fehrkatruk, his son, and I had a weird relationship considering how we fought each other during our first meeting when he and his posse tried to coerce me into taking a side in the succession crisis, only for him to do me a favor by pulling his father into my whole dispute with Maustoovaka. Were we friends, acquaintances, or just people who helped each other on occasion?
Probably the latter, right now.
[“I can see them,”] Shay announced while flying over our welcoming party, prompting all the dragons around me to turn their attention south.
[“More than twenty, though,”] Beth added, prompting other ice wyverns to confirm what she said.
“Holy dragons,” Alextraxus bellowed in Draconic, his raspy dragon voice echoed around the ice-cold, grey-sand beach. “Your orders, Empress?”
Mom raised her head, eyeing the caravan of dragons, dragoons, and wyverns blanketing the sky like one large cloud. “… They are here for my daughter, and she did promise Yuilengreill that she would speak with them. Allow them in; I don’t see the Dragon Ruler of Light amongst them, even though two of them are rank S.”
Due to my deal with Mom and Yuilengreill to host Annaheil, the niece of the former cardinal vicar of Aureolis, in Coral Beard, I was supposed to help Mom with managing Iceskale and for the latter, she wanted me to speak with the holy dragon flight. Specifically concerning the fact I was a holy dragon; the only one in our family, so they saw me as their princess. Their ticket to contend for the throne of Kargryx, in other words.
Then again, I’ve only heard Yuilengreill complain about how much they wanted to meet me, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I had to confront them eventually, and they probably thought this was the best time for everything since such a large caravan was approaching Frozen Nest on friendly terms. Easy to mix in.
“Then should we treat this as a diplomatic envoy, Your Majesty?” Alextraxus’s first son and heir, Siegragxus, asked, prompting Mom to nod in response. He then turned to me. [“Princess Hestia, we shall first welcome the refugees in a casual tone as planned, but with the holy dragons coming, please, remember to maintain your dignity. They are here for obvious reasons, as you can guess, so we should show that you are our princess and that they have no right to include you in their machinations. Regardless of your stance in the succession crisis.”]
[“So, I should just stay neutral with them? Not friendly?”] I replied.
[“No deals for this visit. Listen to them but do not commit to anything they wish to say. If you have your own plans for the future, you should present it before their dragon ruler in their territory, not here and now.”]—He then turned his head back to the sky—[“Let’s see what they are planning with the dragon princess of Frozen Nest.”]
Ah, please don’t make this awkward …
With a commanding roar, Uncle Guyul commanded multiple personnel of our welcoming party to get into formation. Aside from Mom, her top retainers, and my usual party members, we were also accompanied today by the aforementioned Siegragxus and the heirs of Uncle Guyulthanos and Uncle Karydrinos.
Just like Sieg, they were helping their fathers out in their primary duties and were here for that responsibility. Also, with the whole incident on Inferno Nest, their fathers wanted them to prepare to become my future retainers in a similar relationship like Mom and them. Although, considering I hadn’t met them until now, they probably only came out to do so now that I was seen in a brighter light by the populace.
Outside of them, we didn’t have any other dragons around, although we were close enough to Iceskale for a few to come to us for reinforcement if a fight were to begin. The rest of the welcoming party were wyverns and dragonewt dragoons.
In an ordered fashion, the latter two groups proudly stood in two lines to create a “red carpet” effect, with my party members doing the same as they belonged to this group in this official setting. In the middle, all the dragons stood up with their chins up and chest out, growling with their mighty fangs exposed as they each released an icy mist from their mouths, creating a veil of it around them.
The only dragons who weren’t doing this was Mom and I, as the former was laying in the center of this dragon circle with her head raised while I was perched on her shoulder … I was a bit too small for me to sit next to her to create any impact. Well, standing on her shoulder wasn’t any better since I looked like a pet bird, but at least people could see me!
“Kraaaaagh!” The loud roar of the caravan’s leader announced their arrival, prompting Uncle Guyul to reply.
Like an airport’s air traffic controller, he was giving them orders from down here on where to land safely. Once the 20 fire dragons, five holy dragons, and their wyvern and dragoon entourage landed, our wyverns and dragoons saluted.
“Welcome,” Mom announced as the dragons in front of her moved to the side, replaced by a frigid bed made from ice spikes to push Mom from the ground, allowing her to tower over the fire wyvern. “This is Frozen Nest. Domain of Dragon Ruler of Ice, Alextraxus. My administrative territory.”
One of the fire dragons approached, a dragonkin that looked more like a lava drake with how bulky their body was. “Sierranavus Rexmardr, Your Majesty, Sixth Empress of the Dragon Empire of Kargryx, Melloxtressa. I am the current matriarch of clan Kleodrastria with the death of my partner, Hedthalak Kleodrastria, and the true matriarch of clan Rexmardr, after my father ascended with God Kargryxmor.”
With this announcement, all the dragonkin associated with these two clans bowed their heads and lowered their tails. Once Mom allowed them to raise their heads, Sierranavus approached us once again, but instead of bowing this time, she suddenly ripped out a single brown-red scale from her chest. Our side let out questioning grumbles at this surprising sight.
“We have received word that you have accepted our proposal for sanctuary, and for that, we would like to thank you. As the current matriarch of clan Kleodrastria and Rexmardr, I, Sierranavus Rexmardr, am humbly offering you my scale as a sign of loyalty.”
She’s offering to actually switch sides?
To us dragonkin, to offer one’s scale was similar to becoming a vassal or retainer to another dragonkin. Our scales were our pride, as they signified not only strength and durability, but also beauty and the power of our mana, as maintaining it at a pristine state required proper dedication. Similar to a girl valuing her hair, or a gym-goer their muscles and athleticism.
To pry off this important body part, despite the abundance of it, also meant leaving ourselves vulnerable for a moment. That meant trust in the receiver. In this case, it also meant abandoning their allegiance to Maustoovaka and Inferno Nest to come over to Frozen Nest … the fire dragon’s enemies. Essentially, they were really going down the traitor route.
Which, honestly, made sense with their situation.
“Do you understand what you are saying with those words?” Alextraxus responded instead of Mom.
“Yes, Lord Alextraxus.” The dragon matriarch nodded. “Kleodrastria and Rexmardr does not wish to align with Frozen Nest, but with the Sixth Empress and her daughter, Third Princess, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor. We wish to be in a similar standing as clan Thalaxarus, Ievfuchsdra, and Liandsee.”
… Oh, I misjudged that part. That does change things up, but not by much. You’re still helping out the ice dragon flight one way or another.
I thought she wanted to become residents of Frozen Nest, but she was going directly to the crown! Instead of working under a dragon ruler, she wanted to be one of Mom’s hands! Talk about ambitious.
“Then you know exactly the disrespect you are showing me and my brothers!” Alextraxus roared, followed by the audible growling of Uncle Guyul and Kary. “I rule these lands, yet you are speaking with our empress without my consent. You may have shown your respect to her, but you dismiss the hospitality that I, the ruler of the ice dragon flight, am showing a fire dragon like you. For what your kind has done to our princess and Frozen Nest, you do not deserve to continue staying on this land!”
“Yet, her husband sacrificed his life for my daughter’s freedom,” Mom intervened. “His son accompanied and protected Hestia in her escape, risking his life in the process, as well. We should at least hear them out, no, Alextraxus?”
“If her reasons are proper, Your Majesty.”
“Of course. Sierravanus. Speak. What use are you to me, and why are you going this far? Becoming Alextraxus’s vassal is enough to grant you the freedom you need to live on our lands and to abandon Maustoovaka.”
“Information on Inferno Nest’s movements, including that of Lord Arkanator,” she answered, piquing everybody’s attention. “Before their differences on how to install Prince Kahalameet on the throne, my partner was a stout loyalist to Lord Maustoovaka, having fought with him for Emperor’s Eltharion’s right as our sovereign. He has been listening to the two dragon ruler’s talks and also their plans, especially concerning how to deal with Princess Wendriosa and her leviathan supporters.”
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“Interesting, but that does not seem to affect me. My daughter has no wish to contest the throne, and as empress, it is my duty to prevent Alextraxus from attempting to go to war with Inferno Nest for the sake of peace. You possessing this information can tempt him, or the many vengeful ice dragons and drakes; even if not, Maustoovaka and Arkanator will have a reason to strike at us. We are in a precarious social situation from what just happened, you must understand this.”
“I do; we all do, which is why we seek refuge under your wings, Your Majesty. My partner had always supported a bloodless succession!” Sierravanus stated with conviction, followed by the firm nod from her son, Fehrkatruk. “Lord Maustoovaka not only threatened your daughter, but he also escalated everything to the point he physically hurt Prince Ryranakus and hurt his rule and reputation by killing one of his blood brothers! Clan Kleodrastia—No, my sons and I wish to avenge my partner!”
Her snarl immediately agitated the rest of her entourage, joining her in a raucous roar that was filled with bloodthirst. However, just as she fully expressed her rage in one moment, she quickly showed her submissive side before Mom could say anything.
“However, this is only my—our—personal feelings on this matter. I am now responsible for two clans and my relatives on both sides, which is why, as long as I am ordered to do so, I will remain under your wings’ shadow, Your Majesty. As such, the reason why I wish to pledge to you, to clan Nordor, is because my information will benefit your daughter.”
[“Me?”] I answered with [Telepathy]. I was starting to understand Draconic, but I still would rather not speak with my botched articulation.
“My son has told me of your position in this succession crisis. From what I understood, you do not wish to become a contender, but you still wish to interfere with it to assure your siblings safety, correct?” I affirmed her question, prompting her to continue. “Your bravery as a whelpling to defy a rank S is admirable, Your Highness. As such, wouldn’t it benefit you to know what the two Inferno Nest rulers are thinking concerning your sister?”
[“I don’t want to sabotage any of my siblings’ chances in the succession crisis. I want to prevent an all-out war between them, though, so I definitely don’t want to make it awkward between us when I have to move.”]
“Lack of information is a weakness.”
True. Not knowing is worse than being in the know. At least with the latter, I can decide what to do with the information.
Regardless of how valuable the information was, being in the dark of what Kahalameet and Wendriosa were doing with their campaigns did make me a bystander. In fact, I felt exactly that when they had their whole argument yesterday at the dinner table. I didn’t know them well enough.
[“Mom?”] If that were the case, then I had to defer my opinion to somebody who knew better.
[“It wouldn’t hurt, but the issue is that becoming a direct retainer of an imperial member, especially a rank SS like me, is an incredibly prestigious moment. Think of all the dukes and grand dukes of the Artorias Kingdom and how they are seen; this dragoness is planning to elevate her clans to such a status, pretty much securing their future on Frozen Nest. They would have proper authority, do you understand?”]
[“So we shouldn’t?”]
[“No. She would gain too much; we don’t know her full intentions,”] Mom shot the proposal down. [“In fact, if she wishes to have any use on Frozen Nest, instead of being treated like an outcast due to our animosity with the fire dragons, then she has to offer some of that information regardless. I will proceed to accept her as Alextraxus’s retainer. That way, we can control her somewhat.”]
[“Won’t this cause her to dislike us?”]
[“And? What a fool of a matriarch she would be to think otherwise in my presence! We repaid our debt to her husband by offering her full protection on Frozen Nest; to treat her as if she was part of the ice dragon flight. She dishonored Alextraxus already, yet she wishes to spit at my hospitality? That, Hestia, is different, and she better understand that quickly if she wishes to be more than a vassal under a vassal.”]
In the end, Mom decided to do exactly that, pleasing my retainer uncles greatly. Not surprising to Mom, Sierravanus quickly capitulated, giving no counter-arguments once Mom made her reasoning clear. On other hand, I did notice some dissatisfied grumblings from behind, mostly from the younger fire dragons in the group, but nobody said anything under the pressure of everybody involved.
Once that was over, Uncle Alex sent Sieg with the refugees to show them around Iceskale, as they would settle in Loatryx for a while until they could find a cave suited for them. Due to the fact Frozen Nest was drenched, especially the underground, in the lingering mana of Thalaxarus, it made most caverns and mountains inhabitable for a fire dragon due to the cold and occasional blizzards.
If I didn’t have my solar core, it probably would be hard on me as well. The fire dragons most likely would have to terraform a bit if they wanted to live properly, or, permanently stay inside Loatryx. Either way, they would have to adapt and I hoped they understood this fact well.
[“My lady …”]
Just as I was about to turn to the holy dragons, Shay and Beth flew over to me, pointing my attention at six fire wyverns. I wasn’t exactly sure why they were standing still for a moment, only for Hikari to point out she recognized them, reminding me that those were the fire wyverns I had hired as temporary retainers!
They aren’t dead! Wow—Then again, the System didn’t point it out, so kinda not a surprise.
The wyverns joined up with my party just before my entry into the magma chamber where the entire Maustoovaka incident happened, where they wanted to join me as my retainers. I had accepted them temporarily, but both Shay and Beth had expressed their dislike for them, not only ’cause due to wyvern pride in serving dragons but also their own personal feelings towards it.
Some altercation had happened during our escape from Maustoovaka that I wasn’t sure what was going on, but the twins had gotten into an argument with them. I had to ask them about it.
[“The wyverns who attacked us mentioned how they were acting as scouts to find us,”] Shay answered. [“Lady Hestia, I would suggest we expel them for such a betrayal.”]
[“… Then, Shay, Beth, I would like you two to actually question them about it. The documents did say multiple unnamed wyverns would come with the fire dragons, so they, too, are seeking asylum. We can kick them out after you find something. Just, be fair, all right? I’ll talk to you two later.”]
Without any complaints, Shay and Beth accepted my order, even adding, [“We will expose the truth.”] Before they took off, though, the commander of our dragoon chapter had asked them what was going on, prompting an immediate investigation to assess the truth as the ice wyverns and dragoons took off with the fire ones.
Once that was over, the holy dragons approached. Two rank Ss and three rank As came forward, and gave the same greeting Sierranavus gave, only they didn’t offer a scale.
“My name is Michalik Yngvaldr, Your Majesty. Brother of the current Dragon Ruler of Light, and also his representative on this visit. I would like to thank you, Dragon Ruler Alextraxus, and Frozen Nest for allowing us entry, despite our lack of decorum.”
Pristine white scales, almost like ivory. Just looking at them made me feel like I was back in Aurena’s divine realm with all the shadowless, iridescent clouds. With some golden scales to contrast the rest of their bodies, these dragons looked almost like picturesque royalty.
Yet, despite their spotless appearance, the jagged-edged carapace protecting them gave them a fierce, primal look like any other dragon, invoking that intimidation factor as you gazed at them. Including their seamless, texture-less, gold-glowing wing membranes, it made almost think Aurena had sent them down with how much they looked like angels. They certainly looked more fitting to be dragons under the command of the Goddess of Light, at least, unlike Kramps’s abyss-black appearance.
Now, did they like Kramps and Aurena, though?
“This meeting would happen one way or the other, so I wanted to expedite it,” Mom replied. “Speak, holy dragon flight. I know you are here for my daughter, so tell me, a silver dragon of Nordor, what you plan with my dear, only daughter.”
“We have two reasons. As you know, Your Majesty, we holy dragons have always been in an antagonistic relationship with the Kargryxmor clan, even if we respect their rule. This is, after all, caused by our history with God Kargryxmor, where he slew our true ruler to conquer our lands. It is similar to Frozen Nest and Lord Dragon Ruler Thalaxarus, correct?”
“I would suggest you not speak of my grandfather with such a casual tone, holy dragon,” Uncle Alex snapped, irritation clear as he noticed the intent to manipulate. “Our two nests might have a similar history with Kargryxmor, but many dragon flights experienced something similar as well. To create Kargryx, Kargryxmor slew many dragonkin, so do not think you can worm yourself into our sympathies with that!”
“Apologies, I did not mean to offend.” He bowed, acting humble.
As I waited for them to continue, Uncle Kary suddenly sent me a telepathic message. [“The history lesson is intended for you, Hestia. Remember young Siegragxus’s words for you: No deals for this visit.”]
I confirmed what he told me and refocused, making sure to not get swayed by any emotional pleas.
“Then, if you allow me to continue … Due to our relationship, this escalated during the civil war, as you know. My eldest sister, the former Dragon Ruler of Light before my brother, seized control after our mother ascended with God Kargryxmor, and intended to support Emperor Eltharion’s younger brother—the second son—in an attempt to conceive a child between the two lineages. This, thankfully, stopped when my brother and I showed our loyalty to Emperor Eltharion by turning on our sister to support the true heir of the empire!”
“I remember your sister … Speak not ill of the dead, but I remember her disliking Eltharion and the rest of us empresses. She was always a little skink when it came to our interactions, belittling us how we had eyes for Eltharion despite the fact we only truly fell in love with him during the civil war. A civil war your eldest sister encouraged by cajoling his beloved younger brother … Prince Inrikk tasted power when his eldest brother fought in the demon war, and that serpent of a dragoness laced it with the venom of the crown!”
Mom revealed her fangs, lording over the holy dragon as she stood up, casting a shadow onto them to no particular reaction. Almost as if the holy dragons were like unshakable monks who accepted the hostility as if it was dust on their shoulders.
Michalik grinned, eyeing Mom with no shred of fear. “That she did; her greed to put a holy dragon onto the throne of Kargryx compelled other dragons to do the same. ‘An earth drake, no, a wind dragon should rule the empire!’ … or something similar that is happening right now, no? The children of his six wives are now fighting over that right, when his intention of talking all six empresses as his partners was to prevent such a thing.”
“… We slung enough words. Make your point.”
“Our Dragon Ruler wishes to speak with Princess Hestia about the succession crisis. You must understand this is something we could have never expected! That an imperial dragon child would mutate into a holy dragon due to the interference of the god. While Emperor Eltharion does not acknowledge her as his daughter, as we have seen on Inferno Nest, that is different with Sacred Nest. We wish to form an alliance with Frozen Nest to support Princess Hestia in whatever endeavor she wishes, whether it is to support her sibling or to fight them.”
… Ah, now I get it. Okay, yeah, Maustoovaka was at least right with this. The light dragons are really desperate for this moment.
Whether the current Dragon Ruler of Light actually supported Eltharion and the empire or not wasn’t the issue for me, but that he was definitely gunning for the throne with me in the helm. Most likely to grant them more privileges, which is why they are asking for an alliance. Get my mother on board and they might have a plan for things.
“However!” Yet, before anybody could reply, the representative opened his mouth once more, only this time, he was eying me more intensely than before. “We do not need an answer for that just yet. Princess Hestia, we smelled it! That mana around you doesn’t just belong to the Goddess of Light, but you also seem to be in possession, or have touched, a particular mana us holy dragons used to admire before the Origin Gods descended to this world.”
He raised his head, taking in a large whiff before he exhaled in delight, causing the other holy dragons to do the same. As his eyes opened upon the scolding of Uncle Alex, the holy dragon moved up, slightly, ignoring everything around it.
“The Light Elemental Emperor! Our former ‘god’ and the previous elemental primarch, defeated by Origin Goddess Aurena to usurp the role as our primarch of light. Despite all the travels of our young, none of them ever managed to see the catalyst made from the emperor’s essence because of the Church of Aurena, and now, it is in your possession, right? [Providence’s Will]! Allow us to see Andira’s relic, and we will awaken its true power to destroy even nations, Princess Hestia!”
“Grant us the god’s power!”
… Ah, they are zealots, I see.